Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 188: Don't underestimate the mages!

Approaching evening.

The sun has come to the west and is about to set down.

In the main peak hall.

Except for Wang Yu and Gao Le, the other eight people, including Liu Xiaoliu, came to the main peak hall.

The merits of the eight of them had been robbed of them early, and they began to wander off the mountain road, and soon came to the main peak hall.

The eight people walked into the main hall together, and Elder Chu Feng said, "We haven't arrived yet, so please rest aside now!"

When Liu Xiaoliu and the others arrived in the hall, they didn't dare to get out of the air when they saw so many big people. After hearing Elder Chu Feng's words, they immediately came to the side.

Only then did they see two lights flashing in the hall.

Both light and shadow were happening in the same place. When they saw the scene in the light and shadow, Liu Xiaosix was completely dumbfounded.

I saw that in the light and shadow, Wang Yu was fighting with four people.

Although across the screen, they couldn't feel the breath of the four.

But looking at the battle situation, those four were extremely powerful, and each of them had high-grade magic weapons in their hands. They were probably four peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion realm.

Wang Yu actually fights alone the four peak monks of the Purple Mansion realm!

Is this still the same person in their class? Why is the gap so big.

In the picture.

Wang Yu had just started the formation and when the battle with the four was even, Kuang Linghai's roar aroused the anger of several others.

The four peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion realm burst into the strongest momentum.

Under the impact of the aura of the four peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm, the great formation was a little unstable, the Yin and Yang Qi decreased slightly, and the energy of other attributes filled a little.

The balance just established was broken again.

Wang Yu's pressure increased immediately, but he was not without countermeasures. He began to wander around in the array, and from time to time something fell out of his sleeve.

The thing is relatively small, other people have not noticed.

"Fell me down!"

Kuang Linghai seized an opportunity, walked around behind Wang Yu, and slashed over with a single knife, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Wang Yu twisted his body forcibly, causing Kuang Linghai's knife to change from behind Wang Yu's back to in front of him.

However, whether it was in front of or behind him, it was the same for Kuang Linghai. It was all about hurting Wang Yu.


Kuang Linghai's knife hit Wang Yu's body, showing a ferocious smile, as if he saw Wang Yu being cut into two by him.

However, with a crisp clang, Kuang Linghai's smile froze.

His knife cut away Wang Yu's coat, but there was no trace of blood. Kuang Linghai took a glance and found that Wang Yu was wearing the inner armor.

Moreover, the inner armor is not an ordinary inner armor, not only can't stop his sword, but his tiger-head sword is a high-grade magic weapon.

"Not good!" When the blade was blocked, Kuang Linghai's expression changed drastically, and he was about to pull back. However, his speed was a little slower. Wang Yu had waited for this moment and shot his sword instantly.


A cold light flickered, blood spurted wildly, and Kuang made the sea's knife hand fly out.

"Ah!!!" Kuang Linghai howled in grief, his body retreated again and again, his face pale, and before he could return to his senses, Wang Yu kicked him out of his stomach.

Wang Yu was also uncomfortable. He just kicked Kuang Linghai, Liu Cangqiong's stick hit him on the back. Although the inner armor blocked most of the attacks, it still knocked him tens of meters away.

And the moment he flew out, there was still a small thing falling from his sleeve.


In addition, when Pan Hailong saw that his companion was abolished by Wang Yu, he was immediately furious. Before Wang Yu landed, he bullied himself up and slapped Wang Yu on the head.

Wang Yu's inner armor protected his upper body, but could not protect his head.

Pan Hailong just wanted to take Wang Yu's head as a watermelon and photograph him finely.

Wang Yu reacted quickly. He felt the cold wind above his head. He saw Pan Hailong's palm full of true essence and Pan Hailong's hideous face.

With a chill in his eyes, he greeted him with a palm in the air.

However, Wang Yu was in the middle of the air, and there was nowhere to take advantage of it. He had plenty of power but lacked enough strength to block Pan Hailong's palm.


Wang Yu was smashed to the ground fiercely, vomiting blood, looking at Pan Hailong, only his body trembled.

After Wang Yu hit the ground, a carp struck up and straightened up. Before he could stand still, Cui Chengfeng came in front of him with a shot.

Wang Yu hurriedly placed the sword in front of him.


Wang Yu’s sword blocked the tip of the gun. Cui Chengfeng twisted his waist and stepped on his feet. He pushed Wang Yu out. It pushed out more than ten meters and was still pushing. Wang Yu glanced behind him and guessed Cui Chengfeng. Thoughts.

This is to push him out of the formation and let him lose the blessing of the big formation.

"Want to get me out and dream!"

Wang Yu secretly said, stomping on the ground with his right foot, and with a bang, his ankle fell into the ground, increasing his resistance.

Under this situation, Cui Chengfeng pushed forward three more steps, pushing Wang Yu to the edge of the formation and couldn't move.


Wang Yu's other foot suddenly kicked up and rushed straight between Cui Chengfeng's legs.


Cui Chengfeng cursed and cursed, but he had to withdraw and back away to avoid Wang Yu's kick, lest he cut off his descendants.

However, he was not good-tempered. He avoided the severed grandson's feet. His spearhead rushed down and pierced Wang Yu's feet.

Wang Yu hurriedly flicked his foot, while swinging his sword vigorously, he hacked Cui Chengfeng's head from above.

Cui Chengfeng retracted the spear, crossed his body, blocking Wang Yu's Azure Dragon Sword, and provoked it upward. Wang Yu flew up and turned a somersault in the air. From the edge of the formation before, he returned to the center of the big formation again.

Then, he looked at Liu Cangqiong, Cui Chengfeng and Pan Hailong who were rushing towards him, with weird smiles.

As for Kuang Linghai, he broke his right hand and was kicked again by him. He temporarily lost his combat power, which is nothing to worry about.

"No, go back!" Seeing Wang Yu's smiling face, Liu Cangqiong realized that it was wrong and called his companion back.

"Want to run? It's late!" Wang Yu chuckled, and again took out a big banner from the meson bag, poured his true energy into the big banner, and the divine consciousness triggered the formation in the banner.

"Nine Palaces Ecstasy, Kai!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

As Wang Yu's voice fell, the eight humble little things that had originally landed on the ground unfolded in the wind, and they were suddenly arrayed flags, as big as the array flags in Wang Yu's hands.

At the moment when the nine-faced flag flew, Wang Yu and the four peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm, the small area where they met, mist rose.

At the moment of the fog, Liu Cangqiong and others were separated, no one could see anyone, no one could hear anyone!

Unable to join hands, they are all individuals, no matter how they can stop Wang Yu who has the blessing of formation.

After that, Wang Yu continued to attack Liu Cangqiong and others in the big formation, breaking them one by one.

Except for Liu Cangqiong and Cui Chengfeng, Wang Yu just let them have no strength to fight anymore and collected merits, so they let them go.

As for Pan Hailong and Kuang Linghai, unfortunately, Wang Yu took great care of them.

When the flags of the two large formations were taken away by Wang Yu, the situation inside was revealed. Pan Hailong and Kuang Linghai fell to the ground, their bodies covered with scars. In this battle, tell those who have been fighting, and the experts on all sides, don't underestimate the mages!

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