Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 197: Find Qinyuan

Looking at the back of Wang Yu's departure, everyone was in a trance.

Wang Yu's strength is beyond everyone's expectation. Even the two top ranking players are not his opponents. I am afraid that it will not be long before Wang Yu will become famous in the courtyard.

Liu Cangye and Ye Wushuang stared at Wang Yu's leaving back, resentment in their eyes.

Obviously, this matter is not so easy to pass.

Wang Yu didn't care how famous he was, he just wanted to know Qinyuan's situation.

He learned from the elder Chu Feng that Qin Yuan had entered the door of the master of Wuyu Peak, Mingyuexian, and was a true disciple of Wuyu Peak.

Wuyu Peak is located to the north of the inner courtyard. There are many streams on the mountain peak and the air is extremely refreshing.

At the foot of Wuyu Peak, there are eight female disciples guarding them. Not only are these female disciples outstanding in appearance, they are also not weak in cultivation, and they are basically in the middle stage of the Zifu Realm.

When Wang Yu arrived, there were many men standing at the foot of Wuyu Peak.

They looked at the peaks from time to time, and waited eagerly for the goddess to descend. They had long been surprised by the women who guarded the mountain.

It is not difficult to understand that nine percent of the female disciples in the inner courtyard are concentrated in Wuyu Peak, and 10% of the other peaks are divided.

In the inner courtyard, most of them are adult men and women. It is normal to talk about feelings. This is human nature, and the college cannot stop it.

Wang Yu's arrival did not cause any waves.

He walked straight to the foot of the mountain and walked to one of the women guarding the mountain.

"Wait for someone to the side of the road. Don't get in the way!" Hearing the footsteps, the gatekeeper asked without raising her head.

Wang Yu arched his hand and said, "Wang came here just to meet his deceased. I bother to inform him. Wang will wait at the foot of the mountain."

"Who are you looking for?" the gatekeeper female disciple said.


After Wang Yu's voice fell, the scene instantly fell silent.

The female disciple of the gatekeeper who bowed her head raised her head, and the eyes of the other female disciple of the gatekeeper and other men at the foot of the mountain fell on Wang Yu.

It's just that in those eyes, most of them are ridicule, contempt, and disdain...

"Let's go, Senior Sister Qinyuan won't see you." The female disciple Shoushan said directly.

"Didn't you not report it?" Wang Yu frowned.

"No need to report." The female disciple Shoushan said angrily, looking at Wang Yu and contemptuously said: "I don't expect you to see Sister Qinyuan too much. If I report every one of them, I won't give Qin Senior Sister Yuan is annoying."

"Yes! Our pavilion owner wants to see Girl Qinyuan and we have to wait. What are you, you want to call Girl Qinyuan down?"

"Just don't take a pee photo!"

"Hurry up!"

After the female disciple Shoushan reprimanded, the men who were waiting for the beauties also scolded them. Although they couldn't interact with the goddess, they did not hinder them. They were unhappy with someone.

Wang Yu didn't expect Qinyuan to be so famous in the inner courtyard.

He just said a word and was startled by everyone, and he shook his head gently.

The female disciple guarding the mountain wanted to bomb him to push him away. Wang Yu blocked the opponent's hand and said, "You only need to inform the person who is looking for her to be Wang Yu, and she will come down."

What Qin Yuan thought about Wang Yu was only spread in the outer courtyard, and someone in the inner courtyard deliberately controlled the news.

Regarding the two words "Wang Yu", the inner court did not know, let alone, it was because of Qinyuan in the outer court that the name was remembered for the first time by everyone.

Wang Yu was telling the truth, as long as he said his name, Qinyuan definitely ran down the first time.

Several female disciples of Moriyama looked at each other and then at Wang Yu. Seeing each other's determined appearance, there was also a hint of suspicion in their hearts.

Finally, one of the female disciples said, "Let’s go up and ask. If what you said is true, Miss Qinyuan will naturally come down. If what you said is false, I don’t dare that Miss Qinyuan won’t be able to come. Won't make you feel better."

Wang Yu nodded, as it should be.

Seeing Wang Yu's agreement, the man's confidence was shaken again, and he turned and ran away.

Seven other female disciples were left behind, and their eyes fixed on Wang Yu, wanting to see how he is different from others.

At the foot of the mountain, other men are also paying attention to Wang Yu.

However, these people's eyes were a little bit fierce, no matter whether Wang Yu could invite Qin Yuan down, they would find a chance to clean him up.


Qinyuan is a true disciple of the elder in Wuyu Peak. He lives in the area of ​​true disciple and has an independent courtyard.

The female disciple guarding the mountain went straight to the real disciple area of ​​Wuyu Peak along the mountain road, and a woman in red was about to stop her.

"Senior Sister Qianqian!"

Seeing the woman in red, the female disciple Shoushan was extremely respectful.

Dong Qianqian, the peak cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm, ranked 36th in the Earth Ranking, was about to break through the Yuanshen Realm and become a true disciple.

Because of this, this Dong Qianqian, although not a true disciple, has gained access to a true disciple.

Another important thing is that Dong Qianqian's relationship with Qinyuan is pretty good.

"Wang Yun, the front is the real disciple area, not where you can come."

Dong Qianqian said indifferently, and his tone revealed his disdain for Wang Yun, as if she was now a true disciple.

Wang Yun, the female disciple guarding the mountain who climbed the mountain, did not dare to argue, but said:

"It's not that Wang Yun wants to break into the real disciple area, but a person came down from the mountain and asked Wang Yun to inform Senior Sister Qinyuan."

No one knows the charm of Qinyuan, the great power among the students in the inner courtyard, I do not know how many people love Qinyuan.

Hearing that someone was looking for Qinyuan, Dong Qianqian was not in a hurry to blast the people away. It would be no good if he offends some people.

"Who is the person here? What is his identity? What is his cultivation base?" Dong Qianqian asked.

"Someone said it was Wang Yu, but he didn't have a big identity. The cultivation base was the peak of the early stage of the Zifu realm." Wang Yun replied.

"Hey!" Dong Qianqian chuckled, his eyes showed disdain, "What kind of status is Senior Sister Qinyuan? Anyone who finds it must be through..."

If it's a big figure in a few college student organizations, then forget it, a kid who didn't know that horns came out, actually wanted to get involved with Qinyuan, and she smiled disdainfully.

Wait, Wang Yu!

Dong Qianqian was suddenly agitated. She was full of jealousy towards Qinyuan. The reason she approached Qinyuan and made friends with her was ordered by Han Yu, the president of the Competition.

She was by Qinyuan's side, acting as Han Yu's eyes, and told Han Yu all the women who were close to Qinyuan.

At the same time, she will also help Han Yu to create a chance to meet Qinyuan.

Because she has been with Qinyuan for a long time, she knows that Qinyuan has a sweetheart, and that sweetheart is called Wang Yu.

Then the people at the foot of the mountain should be it. Dong Qianqian's eyes flickered, and finally a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He said to Wang Yun: "Senior Sister Qinyuan is practicing in retreat. It's not easy to disturb. I will let you see."

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