Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 200: Strong enemy


Seeing the familiar voice in the crowd, Qin Yuan couldn't stand it anymore and threw himself into Wang Yu's arms.

Wang Yu caressed the little Nizi in his arms and said softly: "Qinyuan, Master is back, you have grown a lot, let me see."

Speaking, Wang Yu let go of Qin Yuan and looked carefully.

In seven or eight months, Xiao Nizi grew more and more beautiful, and her youthful face gradually opened, revealing her original face.

Wang Yu looked at Qin Yuan, and Qin Yuan was also observing Wang Yu.

"Master has worked hard." Qin Yuan said.

The chat between the two people was like no one, and the people around were shocked.

Whether it was the female disciple who ran down from the Wuyu Peak or the male disciple who was waiting for the goddess, they all watched silently, showing a complex expression, as if there were countless hearts, broken!

There is curiosity, envy, jealousy, bitterness...

Dong Qianqian's face is ugly. If Qin Yuan is devoted to others, her efforts will be wasted.

In Dong Qianqian's eyes, Wang Yu has completely become a stumbling block to her future, and she can't wait to put Wang Yu to death.

The light turned away from Wang Yu, Dong Qianqian's eyes revealed a trace of murderous intent.

She quietly took out a jade slip, which was given to him by Han Yu, and when she found that Qinyuan's situation had changed, she sent him a message.

The current situation is exactly when she uses jade slips.

Divine Sense recorded her language on Yujian, and then sent her message out from Cong Yujian.

After the appearance of Qinyuan, Wang Yu has been paying attention to Qinyuan, and has never noticed Dong Qianqian's small actions, or even if he does, Wang Yu doesn't care.

"Qinyuan, it seems you are doing well in the college." Wang Yu said.

"Well, Master, your body is stronger." After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he suddenly woke up, Qiao's face blushed, she looked pretty.

The men around looked straight, and even the female disciples were lost for an instant.

The conversation between the two people who was no one else hurt the people around them.

"Girl Qinyuan!" As Wang Yu was talking with Qinyuan, a very discordant voice sounded.

Wang Yu frowned, Qin Yuan's pretty face was covered with a sullen anger, but because of his excellent appearance, he was angry and beautiful as usual.

Wang Yu and Qin Yuan looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a man in a green shirt walking over with a group of people. When the young man arrived, his eyes fell on Wang Yu's eagle-like eyes.

Wang Yu frowned. The gaze of the people who came to him made him unhappy. He glanced at Qin Yuan beside him and sighed.

Xiao Nizi is getting more and more beautiful, and her ability to attract bees and butterflies has also improved.

"It's him! Winning Dragon Gehof, the fifteenth place on the list, the closest to the top ten.

"This is already very remarkable. You know, although the previous lives of the Earth Ranking are all the peaks of the Purple Mansion, they also have the existence of the great monk who can resist the early stage of the Yuanshen, and can escape from the great monk of the Yuanshen at the worst. The strongest three He even possesses the existence of a great monk in the early stage of killing the soul."

"Although this Hoff is not comparable to the ten perverts, it is almost the same."

"Ying Yun of the Dragon Pavilion has publicly stated that Qin Yuan is the woman that Ying Yun is fond of. As a person in the Dragon Pavilion, that kid is in trouble."

"If he can't handle even this little trouble, why does he own Girl Qinyuan?"

People watching the excitement, after seeing the people who came, cast a sympathetic look at Wang Yu.

It is difficult for them to imagine how a cultivator at the peak of the purple mansion could resist the master Hoff, who is on the list.

"Girl Qinyuan, I don't know who this is?"

Hoff kept smiling and asked, but everyone could hear that there was a murderous aura in his tone. Qin Yuan was the woman appointed by the pavilion master. As a member of the Dragon Pavilion, he had an obligation to let some people recognize it. Clear reality.

"Haha, Hough, you are here too."

As soon as Hoff arrived, another voice came, and everyone saw that it was a rough man who came over.

The moment they saw the madman, countless people opened their eyes wide, looking at Wang Yu's gaze, and their sympathy increased.

Hoff's brows showed a dignified look, but it was only dignified and not afraid.

The competition will be Tang Bi, the 14th place in the ranking, which is higher than Hoff.

Thinking of the president of the Competition, he also thought about Qinyuan, and everyone had guessed his purpose.

"Girl Qinyuan, we met again, but the president missed you a lot."

Tang Bi opened his mouth to Qin Yuan with a smile, his eyes swept over Wang Yu intentionally or unintentionally, and he caught a glimpse of Wang Yu's arm around Qin Yuan's waist, but Qin Yuan never resisted, his eyes were cold.

He looked at Wang Yu sharply, and said solemnly: "Who are you?"

The tone was dull, but there was a hint of questioning, high above, and Wang Yu, in his eyes, was just a kid, but he didn't know why he got Qinyuan's heart.

However, just because he has the heart of Qinyuan, he deserves to die.

Qinyuan is a body of extreme Yin, the key to the president's breakthrough in Nirvana, and the key to the development and growth of the competition, and no loss is allowed.

He was like Hough just now, when he saw Wang Yu, he also showed killing intent.

"Hehe, it's all here, what a coincidence!"

Tang Bi's killing intent was just released, and another person came over.

The people who were watching had already guessed. When they saw the people coming, they just silently mourned for Wang Yu.

The one who came was a short man with few hairs on his head, and his height was the waist of a normal adult, but no one present dared to look down upon him.

The vulture of Qianjitang is the eleventh place on the list. If Hough is the closest to the top ten, then the vulture is about to enter the top ten.

"Hello girl Qinyuan! Our hall master, let me take him to say hello to you."

The vulture ignored the two, turned a blind eye to Wang Yu, and directly looked at Qin Yuan and said.

Well, people from the three major forces in the inner courtyard have all appeared, and it's no wonder now.

If Qinyuan is just an ordinary beauty, it will be fine, but they are extremely yin bodies once in a thousand years, and they are considered by the leaders of the three major forces to be the key to quickly breaking through Nirvana.

Don't let go of any mistakes.

When I learned that Qinyuan was enamored with other men, the three major forces would come to talk about the man's background without the leader speaking.

If it is possible, killing is also done.

The three major forces have dispatched masters on the ground, which are still extremely advanced.

Looking at Wang Yu's gaze, the crowds onlookers showed that the gloat was gone, and there was only deep sympathy.

Qin Yuan glanced at the three of them, and said coldly: "I don't care who you are, Master invites the young master into the hall, who dare to stop?"

"Master, let's go up the mountain to visit my master first, right?" Qin Yuan said.

Wang Yu nodded. He had never met the master Qinyuan, but he still had a certain respect.

Seeing Wang Yu nodded, Qin Yuan led Wang Yu to walk up the mountain. As for the three of Huo Fu, Tang Bi, and Vulture, if she was not good enough, these three did not dare to stop the person Ming Yuexian wanted to see.

It's just that the three of them stood at the foot of the mountain and never left, their eyes fixed on the back of Wang Yu going up the mountain, flashing murderously. No one else has ever left. Going up the mountain will always go down, and going down the mountain will meet the three of Hoff. Wang Yu's crisis has not been resolved yet.

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