Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 299: You are good!


Blood pupil sucked in a cold breath.

However, within a quarter of an hour, his original four partners, the four great cultivators of the middle soul, actually died in the hands of Wang Hu, the great cultivator of the early soul.

As Wang Yu with a higher status, he didn't do anything, how strong is his strength.

Xuetong swallowed his saliva, a little afraid to look at Wang Yu's gaze.

"You are good!"

Wang Yu glanced at the blood pupil and said with appreciation.

The other party can understand the current affairs, even if the wrong thought is changed, the person's mind is not simple.

Since the other party knew the current affairs and did not take action at critical moments, Wang Yu would not kill the innocent indiscriminately. He turned his head and ordered Wang Hu to take away the treasures of the four, and he digs out the corpses of the remaining zombies.

Wang Yu looked at the dead corpse on the ground and waved his sleeves gently. A real fire appeared out of thin air, fell on the zombie, and incinerated the zombie.

"Let's go!"

After the matter was finished, Wang Yu called Wang Hu, and when he was about to leave, the blood pupil ran after him.

Wang Yu looked back at the blood pupil, and said, "Who are you? Why follow me?"

Hearing Wang Yu's words, Xuetong lowered his head and thought for a long time: "I have a deep hatred of blood, and I hope to get your help."

Ha ha!

Wang Yu sneered, looked at the blood pupil, and said: "Funny! Why do you think I will help you?"

Xuetong raised his head to look at Wang Yu, and said, "I want to follow you and saddle you up."

what! Wang Yu gave a light sigh, staring at the blood pupil in a daze.

The blood pupil did not dodge, letting Wang Yu look at it, his face was sincere, and there was hope in his eyes.

"I think your cultivation level is not low, your eyes seem to have some special abilities, you are definitely a talented genius, why should you become my follower?" Wang Yu asked.

Blood pupil did not hesitate, and said his judgment.

"The first time I heard about you, it was the Alchemist Conference. You used the Purple Mansion Realm cultivation base to refine the third-grade pill against the sky. No one can question your potential. If you can follow a master alchemist, The panacea is naturally indispensable."

"There is also the tiger demon next to you. He was originally not against the four Jiang Bai, but through your voice transmission, let him not only turn defeat into victory, but kill the four Jiang Bai, you have a superior battle. Strong defensive ability, I hope to learn something by your side."

Having said this, Xuepu took a sneak peek at Wang Yu, and what he saw was Wang Yu's plain expression, which didn't seem strange.

Wang Hu looked at Xuetong differently. He knew how concealed Wang Yu's sound transmission was.

If he had the intention, Wang Yu would pass the sound into the secret, even if he was a real person at the pinnacle of Nirvana, it would be difficult to find it, and the blood pupil was only a mid-primary cultivator, how could he tell.

Wang Hu glanced at Xuetong's pupils, and suddenly the fundus of his eyes contracted.

Wang Yu said that these blood pupil eyes have special abilities.

"Yes. My eyes are called Poxu Divine Pupils, which can see through Wangxu and insight into the original energy." Seeing Wang Hu's doubts, Xuetong made an explanation.

Wang Hu was even more shocked by the ability of the eyes of the blood pupil.

Seeing through the emptiness and insight into the source are all great supernatural powers, you can see through the next move of the other party, and can see the path of supernatural powers, perfectly replicated.

Wang Yu is not surprised, this world is too big, and all kinds of weird abilities have never been less.

There are countless such arrogances that he has killed in his previous life. What about special abilities and innate supernatural powers?

The truly strong are never supernatural powers. They are humans. They are real people. Only humans are strong. All supernatural powers are paper tigers.

"Since you have such a talent, why do you follow me?" Wang Yu asked again.

"My talent is not good."

The blood pupil's eyes turned scarlet, and there was a trace of desolation flowing in the eyes.

"My real name is Xue Tong. I used to live in a secret environment in the forest. I practiced as a hermit. The ability of the **** pupil is the potential that everyone in my clan possesses. It's just that some people can open it. Hitomi."

"Twenty-three years ago, I was a genius in the clan. I started God Eye at the age of ten and wanted to walk on the path of the arrogance. Who knows that in addition to traitors and collusion with foreign clan, I slaughtered my clan, and I was also involved. I was pierced in the left chest by a sword." "The man thought he could stab me to death with a sword, but he didn't know that my heart was on the right side. It hurt the foundation and made my talent slip. It took me more than 20 years to cultivate to the realm of the great primordial monk. I hate it. I want revenge. I need resources and expert guidance.


Xuetong turned his gaze to Wang Yu, his meaning was very obvious, Wang Yu can give him resources and also has the level of teaching.

Not to mention Wang Yu's infinite potential in refining medicine, and even higher-quality pills are also available.

Wang Yu pondered for a moment and said, "Who is your enemy? Where is it?"

Hearing Wang Yu's words, the blood pupil suddenly showed joy and said: "My enemy is Xue Li. He is now the core disciple of the Qingxu Sect. He has been in Nirvana. He has not come this time. Besides, Xue Li has the whole Qing Xuzong."

Qing Xuzong, a big power that is comparable to Tiancheng Academy, cannot guarantee that there will be no real kings.

Xuetong and Qingxuzong had an antagonism, but they worshipped Qingxuzong under a pseudonym. Using the principle of black under the lamp, Qingxuzong survived for so long, which shows his tolerance.

As an ordinary person, as long as the surrender of a small person, to offend the overlord of one party, I am afraid that he will not agree, or even tie him back, and it may not be necessary to give Qing Xuzong a favor.

Wang Yu was different. He took a deep look at Xuetong and said, "Do you think that Wang will tie you up and give it to Qingxuzong?"

"You won't!" said the blood pupil confidently, "You even arrogantly provoke the prince, which shows that you are cold and arrogant, and you will not deliberately please some big power."

It's quite awe-inspiring, but in fact, the blood pupil is also worried, what if?

He is betting on this fate!

However, he has no choice. Only when he grows up as soon as possible can he avenge his tribe and liquidate Qing Xuzong and Xue Li.

Wang Yu looked at the blood pupil quietly, and finally smiled.

"You are good."

With a faint saying, Wang Yu turned around and left, making the blood pupil a little confused, why did Wang Yu suddenly say such a sentence.

Wang Hu glanced at his blood pupil and said with a smile: "What to look at? Don't hurry up."

"Ah...Oh, haha..."

Xuetong was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, and almost followed Wang Yu's side, telling something about Pingyuan Mountain.

"Find Qinyuan and Gao Le immediately."

Listening to Xuetong's report, Wang Yu immediately looked aside and eagerly accelerated his pace, trying to find the two before Qinyuan and Gao Le were in danger.

This plain mountain is too dangerous. Qinyuan, you can do nothing!

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