Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 324: Han Yu and Ying Yun are dead!


After being attacked, Kuang Tianshan had red eyes and stabbed out with a gun.

The target was not Wang Yu, but Ying Yun and Han Yu, who helped him, and shot a killer move. Kuang Tianshan shot down like a tiger, and it was too powerful.

Han Yu and Yingyun changed their colors.

"Kuang Tianshan, this is Han Yu!" Han Yu shouted anxiously, he didn't know why.

"Don't shout, Kuang Tianshan's situation is wrong, he has lost his mind." Ying Yun glanced at Kuang Tianshan's scarlet eyes, and when there was no other way to kill, Ying Yun woke up.

He thought of the smile on Wang Yu's face before, and he felt that his guess was correct.

While watching Kuang Tianshan kill him, Ying Yun awakened Han Yu anxiously.

Han Yu was a jealous spirit, and when he saw Kuang Tianshan kill him, he hurriedly ran the real yuan, and the same was true for Ying Yun. The two joined forces to form a real yuan defense cover.


A deep voice sounded.

Kuang Tianshan shot down, hitting the protective shield of the two great primordial peak monks, and with a bang, the true Yuan protective shield broke.

Kuang Tianshan's movement was only blocked for a while, and he continued to rush forward.

Han Yu and Yingyun used the True Essence shield to block Kuang Tianshan's moment, causing the two of them to step back a few steps, and they were able to avoid Kuang Tianshan's gun.


The shot of Kuang Tianshan fell to the ground, and only a big hole was pierced through the ground with only a bang.

The depth is more than ten feet, which shows the strength of this shot. If it falls on Han Yu and Ying Yun, they are afraid that they will not survive.

After avoiding a blow, Han Yu and Yingyun glanced at Wang Yu's discovery and ran in the direction of Wang Yu.

"Little miscellaneous fish, you dare to cause trouble, I will kill you." Han Yu went crazy, he was here to kill Wang Yu, not to help Wang Yu.

It was a shame that Wang Yu cleverly confronted him, Yingyun and Kuang Tianshan.

Ying Yun didn't say much, but directly ran Zhenyuan and killed Wang Yu.

This time, Han Yu and Ying Yun weren't a sneak attack, but directly attacked Wang Yu together. The incident just now made them too angry.

Behind the two, Kuang Tianshan also noticed Wang Yu.

Although reason was suppressed, when he saw Wang Yu, he always thought of a voice in his heart, that is, killing Wang Yu.

It was also Kuang Tianshan, who retained a trace of obsession after performing the magic of the demon clan.

Under this obsession, he temporarily forgot the attack that Ying Yun and Han Yu had just attacked him, and rushed out from the two of them a few steps, and killed Wang Yu ahead of time.

"The Flame Demon Spear!"

There was a roar from Kuang Tianshan's throat, and the spear light slid directly towards Wang Yu.


"Cold Wind Palm!"

Behind Kuang Tianshan, Ying Yun and Han Yu made another move. This time, the two have learned well. They are on the same front as Kuang Tianshan, and there is no fight against Kuang Tianshan.

Three strong men attacked at the same time, and Wang Yu's pressure can be imagined.

Facing the attack of the three, Wang Yu sighed secretly, and had to show some skills.

He wiped his hand on the meson bag, and a golden light fell on his hand, and it was Wang Yu's treasure tripod.


Wang Yu threw Baoding and Baoding flew above him, knowing how to face the wind.

From the original palm of the hand, it turned into a half-high big tripod, hung above Wang Yu's head, and a beam of light shone down, covering Wang Yu, forming a protective shield.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The attacks of Kuang Tianshan, Ying Yun, and Han Yu fell on the protective cover, and the protective cover only oscillated for a while, and calm was restored.

When Wang Yu received the protective shock, his blood was not smooth, and there was no major problem.

Baoding still helped him block most of the attacks.

After blocking the attack of the three of them, Wang Yu did not choose to continue the defense. Instead, he retracted Baoding and moved around with the wind to show it. His figure was bright and dark, and he rushed directly to Han Yu.

Kuang Tianshan is hard stubble at this time, not easy to touch, so I can only choose two soft persimmons.

Han Yu also didn't expect Wang Yu to rush towards him. When he reacted, Wang Yu was also approaching. He roared and punched Wang Yu.


After the low voice, Han Yu was punched by Wang Yu, shaking his internal organs, bleeding from the corners of his mouth and suffering internal injuries.

That's not counting.

When Wang Yu and Han Yu played against each other, they overlapped.

Yingyun would avoid hurting Han Yu and look for another opportunity to take action, but Kuang Tianshan would not. He couldn't wait to shoot after seeing Wang Yu.

Wang Yu felt Kuang Tianshan's attack and grabbed Han Yu by the sleeve.

Under Han Yu's inexplicable gaze, Wang Yu yelled softly: "Transformation!"

The positions of the two people were changed. Originally, Wang Yu was facing Kuang Tianshan with his back, but these became facing Kuang Tianshan, and Han Yu was facing Kuang Tianshan with his back.

A terrifying killing intent emerged from behind, and Han Yu showed a frightened expression.

"Kuang Tianshan, be more sober, I am Han Yu!" Han Yu roared, wanting to wake up Kuang Tianshan and let the other party remember his identity, and he was scrupulous.

However, his thoughts are futile.

Kuang Tianshan had no extra thoughts at all. Although Wang Yu's position had changed, Wang Yu and Han Yu were on the same line. His shot was shot through the two of them.


After piercing Han Yu without any hindrance, the Divine Spear rushed to kill Wang Yu again.

Wang Yu had quick eyes and quick hands, and once again summoned Baoding's defense, only hearing a clang, Baoding's protection was broken, and Kuang Tianshan's shot was also blocked by nine points.

At the last point, Wang Yu broke it with a sword.

Wang Yu blocked Kuang Tianshan's attack, took Baoding back again, turned around, bypassed Kuang Tianshan, and killed Yingyun.

Want to repeat the same tricks.

Ying Yun's complexion changed, and he deliberately dodged, but how could his body style avoid Wang Yu.


Facing Yingyun, Wang Yu jumped up and stabbed out with a sword.

With this sword, Wang Yu was mixed with the artistic conception of wind, and followed the speed route, extremely fast.

At the same time, Wang Yu’s spiritual knowledge firmly locked Yingyun, making Yingyun unable to dodge. Facing Wang Yu’s powerful sword, he suddenly woke up. This is Wang Yu’s strength. He is not an opponent at all. withstand.

"Wang Yu, you can't kill me. I am the prince son of Pingchuan, the same clan as Ying Invincible. If you dare to harm me, Ying Invincible will not let it go..."

Seeing death coming, Ying Yun roared.

His threatening tone used the wrong person. What Wang Yu hated the most was being threatened. His results can be imagined.


A ray of blood flew out, and Wang Yu's sword pierced Ying Yun's chest without any hindrance.

Suddenly felt the strongest shot from behind.

Wang Yu looked back and found that Kuang Tianshan's will was somewhat awakened, but in an instant, he was overwhelmed by the ferocity of magic power again.

At the same time, Kuang Tianshan released the strongest trick since the beginning. He burned the blood throughout his body and released the strongest trick.


Wang Yu was a little surprised, not because of the power of Kuang Tianshan's move, but the price of using it.

Regardless of whether the ultimate move released by the whole body's energy and blood can be achieved in the end, the person who uses it will die without life. In other words, although this move is strong, it is a life-threatening move. If Wang Yu could stop him, Kuang Tianshan would die, he would live, but he couldn't stop him, both would die!

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