Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 350: I'm not dead yet, don't want to kill my friend

There are three deities, two men and one woman.

From the face of the two men, one was a middle-aged man and the other was an old man with a crane hair. In the end, the woman looked the youngest, about thirty years old.

The three true princes of heaven and human standing in the air, the majestic momentum sweeping the world.

Hundreds of people below held their breaths, for fear that they would show a trace of disrespect and be punished by the heavenly king.

In the mortal domain, the strongest is the real king of heaven.

Heaven and human beings are the true gods, and the existence of true gods has exceeded the limit of the mortal realm's endurance, and must ascend to the **** realm.

In the era when the true gods ascended to the realm of gods, heaven and humans represented the highest power in the realm.

"Master, it is him who killed Gu Bai Shengzi, and also killed Elder Qiu, asking Master to avenge the Shengzi and the elders."

"Master, avenge the brothers and elders."


Seeing the appearance of his own True Lord of Heaven, the disciples of the Flying Eagle Sect who had just kept silent, began to speak, filled with righteous indignation.

Someone had a brief introduction and reported how Wang Yu killed Elder Qiu.

Some of them even looked at Wang Yu with hatred, as if they were trying to swallow Wang Yusheng.

The arrival of the three gods of heaven and humanity gave them confidence.


The gazes of the three true princes fell on Wang Yu's body together, standing high on the ground, looking down at Wang Yu, with cold eyes.

Facing the gazes of the three deities, Wang Yu suddenly felt chills all over his body.

The killing intent of the three true princes of heaven and man, let alone the peak of the soul, even the true man at the peak of Nirvana, may not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, Wang Yu is not an ordinary primordial monk.

With the movement of Hunyuan Avenue, Wang Yu seemed to have an extra universe in his body, and no matter how much killing intent came to his body, it would be mud cows entering the sea without any news.

Seeing Wang Yuneng proudly independent in the killing intentions of the three people, the three true sages of heaven and humans couldn't help but appreciate it.

The pinnacle of the primordial spirit kills the pinnacle of Nirvana. This kind of genius is unheard of. Compared with Wang Yu, the saint son of the Flying Eagle Sect, Gu Bai, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

If Gu Bai is not the parent and child of the suzerain, and Gu Bai and Flying Eagle Sect are killed, there is no room for relaxation.

The three celestial princes all wanted to put Wang Yu into the door wall.

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

Such a arrogant, since it can't be used by me, it can only...

At this point, the three true celestial monarchs looked at Wang Yu's gaze, and the killing intent became stronger, almost like the essence, stinging Wang Yu's skin.

"Qin Yuan, Gao Le, Wang Hu, you back away." Wang Yu said in a deep voice.

"This..." Qin Yuan hesitated.

"Stay back!" Wang Yu interrupted Qin Yuan without hesitation, and scolded her with a tough tone. In fact, it was also a crisis.

Qin Yuan wanted to say something, Gao Le and Wang Hu grabbed her and shook their heads at her.

this moment.

Endless annoyance and pain oozes from Qin Yuan's heart. She hates her cultivation base and cannot help Wang Yu every time.

She always thought that she worked very hard, but the reality is very heart-wrenching.

"I'll give the three of you something. When you meet again next time, you can really help me." Seeing the annoyance in Qin Yuan's eyes, Wang Yu thought of something, and gave the three of them three senses.

The three people only felt a buzz in their minds, a lot of information poured in, and the three showed incredible expressions.

If they got the news early, let them have time to digest, in the plains and mountains, the three of them could at least rival Ma Linglong and other saints, saints and others.

At this time, a few people could not digest it, turning it into strength, but it also made them more confident in Wang Yu.

Several people wondered whether Wang Yu had gotten some incredible inheritance, whether the inheritance surpassed the heavenly **** inheritance, or so many methods.

Thinking of this, a few people backed away, and they were about to step aside.

"Huh, want to go!"

The old man with the crane hair among the three true celestial monarchs gave a cold snort, flipped his hand and pressed it down towards Wang Yu and the others.

"Wang Yu, killed my sage son, and killed my elder. He and the people around him will die. Don't even try to escape."

The old man with the crane hair soared to the sky with killing intent, and the mana of the heaven and human realm, like a violent wind and huge waves, fell towards Wang Yu and others.

At the same time, the majestic momentum pressed against a few people, preventing them from escaping his attack range, and preparing to kill all Wang Yu and others in one move.

Naturally, Wang Yu couldn't let Qinyuan and the others stay. He used the three-talent chapter to connect the world with people, so that he blended into the world.


Wang Yu's roar was mixed with a trace of heavenly power, which dissipated the aura of the old man.

"Get out of the way!" Without waiting for the old man Hefa to respond, Wang Yu pushed Qinyuan, Gao Le and Wang Hu with Zhenyuan as his hand, and pulled the three out of the old man Hefa's attack range.

As a result, under the big palm of the old man Hefa, only Wang Yu was left.

The old man Hefa was also taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Wang Yu to dissipate his aura. He didn't expect it, but when he recovered, he was a little angry.

He is a strong man in the celestial and human realm, and his aura, that is, the life of Nirvana is impossible to dispel.

The primordial cultivator in Wang Yu's district actually did it, which made him feel extremely embarrassed and even more murderous.

"Kill you first, then kill those people, die!"

The old man Hefa roared and his palm prints fell.

Just when the palm print was about to fall, Wang Yu's vitality and blood surged, and the Fa Tianxiang was displayed, and behind him appeared the phantom of the quasi-emperor in his previous life.


The Panic Emperor's prestige, even if it was only one ten-millionth, made the old man Hefa's movements sluggish, and the power of his palm prints dropped by one point.

"Palm Thunder, go!"

Wang Yu roared again, thunder and lightning in his palm hit the old man's palm print.


The two collided with a loud noise.

The dust and smoke were everywhere, forming a small mushroom cloud. The bursting air broke the surrounding sand and rocks, the trees fell, and the evil spirit of the plains and mountains were also blown a lot.

What's more terrifying is that people who are close to each other, those who are weak, are directly crushed and seriously injured.

Had it not been for the guardianship of his parents, he had been killed by the aftermath.

Yu Wei is still like this. What kind of attack will Wang Yu, who is in the center, be able to survive?

Countless people are skeptical that Wang Yu can survive.

The old man Hefa thinks that he has killed Wang Yu, the mere primordial cultivator, even if he is against the sky?

He is a celestial prince, and his casual blow is not something Wang Yu can bear.

He determined that Wang Yu must die, smiled coldly, and turned his eyes to Qin Yuan and others: "Your friend is dead, I will send you down to see him, thank me!"

With that said, the old man Hefa will do everything. But he heard a sentence that made him furious: "Old... old man, I'm not dead yet, don't want to kill my friend."

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