Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 379: Dragon Blood Red Lotus

The king crocodile looked at Wang Yu's gaze, full of suspicion.

Those things Wang Yu said, even he and the other demon kings on Longquan Mountain could not do it. You must know that these demon kings are the great demon at the peak of heaven and man.

But the human youth in front of him, but the pinnacle of the soul, although this kind of cultivation is definitely a demon-level arrogant.

The King of Dragon Head Crocodile wouldn't think that the other party really has the ability to recover from his injuries, and also has a technique that can help him quickly become a god.

"Can you do it?" asked the King of Crocodile.

Looking at the skeptical look on the King of Dragon Head Crocodile, Wang Yu was not disappointed, this was what he expected. "You have been injured for three years and nine months. At that time, you were seriously injured by two celestial peak demon. The attack from the other fell on your demon pill, causing your cultivation base to fall to the early stage of celestial being. Continue to fall, if not treated in time, the horse

It will fall below the realm of heaven and human. "

"I know that you have a magical medicine and want to use it to recover from your injury. However, how powerful the magical medicine is. Not to mention the current you, even you at your peak, can't bear such a powerful medicine!"

The magic medicine is the surplus medicine that can provide help to the gods.

The power of the medicine is extremely overbearing. If there is no special method, non-god beings will be directly exploded.

Even a tiny bit of magical medicine is not something that Heaven and Human Peak can bear.

When Wang Yu came to the palace, he felt the breath of magical medicine, but did not have the breath of refining medicine, indicating that even if the dragon head crocodile king possesses the magic medicine, he has not refined it, or in other words, the dragon head crocodile king does not know how to refine the **** Alchemist of medicine.

Without a pharmacist, the leader of the crocodile king of the heaven and human realm, if he forcibly takes the magic medicine, it is the way to die.

A few words of Wang Yu's expression pierced the heart of the king of crocodile.

"How did you see it? Could it be that you are a pharmacist?" The Dragon Head Crocodile King was a little excited.

He was guarding the magical medicine, but because he did not have a clever pharmacist, he couldn't take it, so his injuries were always unreliable and worsening.

On Longquan Mountain, the other two Demon Kings were also injured.

However, they had a pharmacist and gave them treatment. Although the two demon kings did not have magical medicine, their injuries were relieved and improved year by year due to the medicine of the pharmacist.

He estimated that after a while, if he can't recover, he will have to go far away.

Otherwise, the two demon kings brought people to the door, and the dragon-headed crocodile clan would disappear.

He once thought about taking the magical medicine to find a pharmacist to refine the medicine for him. This idea circulated in his mind for a long time, but he gave up.

The pharmacists who can handle magical medicine are at least Grade 4 pharmacists, and most of them have the cultivation base of heaven and human.

It is not safe for him to find him in this state. If the alchemist covets his magical medicine, he has no choice but to hide in Longquan Mountain and lick the wound.

If Wang Yu is really a pharmacist and can handle the magical medicine and help him recover, he doesn't mind trading with the remaining magical medicine.

How did the king of the crocodile know that Wang Yu wanted to help him recover, but he didn't plan to use the magic medicine on him.

To restore the king of the leading crocodile, Wang Yu knew too much medicine.

"I am a pharmacist, don't think I only have the pinnacle of the soul, but I can refine the fourth-grade pill." Wang Yu let go of his momentum.

The leading crocodile king was surprised.

It's not because of how strong Wang Yu is. In fact, Wang Yu's realm is the pinnacle of the soul, giving him the pinnacle of Nirvana.

This shows that Wang Yu has at least Nirvana's peak combat power.

Nirvana's peak combat power also shows that the possibility of him refining the fourth-grade pill exists.

"What about the demon cultivation technique that quickly became a god?" On the opposite side of recovering from his injury, the Dragon Head Crocodile King saw hope, and he sounded Wang Yu and mentioned another thing.

Wang Yu smiled, muttering words in his mouth, and passed it to the sea of ​​knowledge of the dragon-headed crocodile king through his divine consciousness.

The dragon-headed crocodile king looked at part of the information that Wang Yu had passed to him, his expression of shock grew thicker and heavier, his expression of joy couldn't be concealed.

His joy did not last long before it disappeared.

Without him.

Wang Yu only talked about a part of the exercises, and then cut off.

Just kidding, this is Wang Yu's trading capital, how can you easily hand over all of it, hand over part of it, and let the leader of the crocodile king taste some sweetness.

"Give me the rest." The dragon-headed crocodile king glared at Wang Yu, as if to intimidate Wang Yu to spit out the following techniques.

Not to mention anything else, it was the exercises that Wang Yu had just read, which made the mana of the leading crocodile run more smoothly.

If he gets a complete exercise technique, even if his injury is not treated, with the complete exercise technique, he can alleviate the deterioration of his injury.

Wang Yu shook his head and said, "Demon King, this is a deal. I need to get the magic medicine to complete the deal with you."

The dragon-headed crocodile Wang looked at Wang Yu with cold eyes for a while, but Wang Yu stared back without showing any weakness.

One person and one demon were in the hall, hostile to each other, their eyes sparked in the air, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

a long time.

The leader of the crocodile king was defeated, and he wanted to have a healthy body and a god-like future.

"I can give you the magic medicine, but you have to stay in the palace to treat me. Only when I see the hope of recovery from the injury and the whole story of the Heart Sutra of the Demon God, I will let you go." The Dragon Head Crocodile King solemnly said.

Wang Yu nodded: "Show me the magic medicine."

The Dragon Head Crocodile King didn't refuse, and the little Dragon Head Crocodile who was called said: "Long Wu, go and get the magic medicine out, let the little man see it."

"Long Wu leads the life!" Long Wu, a dragon-headed crocodile guarding outside the temple, in the middle of the Yuanshen, after listening to the king's words, took the king's token, and immediately went to the treasure chest.

Less than a stick of incense.

Long Wu returned to the hall with a jade box, and opened it in front of Wang Yu.

A magical medicine in the shape of a scarlet lotus appeared in front of Wang Yu, making Wang Yu's eyes happy.

Dragon Blood Red Lotus!

The Emperor Zhun of the Sanctuary recognized the famous hall of the magic medicine at a glance.

The dragon blood red lotus is the lotus flower that grows out of the dragon blood of the gods, with a trace of real dragon breath. It is the best in magic medicine.

In particular, the dragon blood red lotus in front of Wang Yu was cultivated with the powerful blood of the dragon clan, and its medicinal effect was stronger.

If Elder Chu Feng took this lotus flower, he would surely restore his divine power, and he wouldn't even know if he took it to the next level.

"Good good!"

Wang Yu was overjoyed when he got what he wanted, and promised on the spot: "Don't worry, the king, I will definitely help the king recover and give the demon king a chance to go to God's Domain."


The king of the leading crocodile was overjoyed and laughed.

"In this case, little sir, you can go to refine medicine." Leading Crocodile said kingly. "No, no, no!" Wang Yu shook his head. He was misunderstood by the king of the leading crocodile. He hurriedly said: "I have a mount. I'm outside. Call him and help me refine medicine."

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