Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 386: Danger approaching


The Phoenix Law is powerful and consumes a lot of him. A Phoenix Law consumes most of his true essence.

Fortunately, he opened the road ahead, and the road passed.

next moment.

Wang Yu repeatedly stepped on the ground and shrank into an inch, his body was like a sharp arrow, and he swished away from the area with a swish.

Not long after he fled, the duel of the three big demon kings ended.

The realm of the dragon-headed crocodile king continued to fall, falling directly to the late stage of Nirvana, and was strangled by the other two demon kings.

The dragon-headed crocodile tribe was also killed by the two tribes, and the remaining two or three kittens escaped.

Originally thought that the queen of the dragon head crocodile was strangled, and the collection of the dragon head crocodile king for many years was divided between the two clans.

The news that you got was indeed taken away by the Human Race. Their subordinates went to chase and intercept them, but they didn't stop the opponent, but were killed a lot.

As a result, the two demon kings were furious. If it weren't for the territory of the dragon-head crocodile king, it was still worthwhile, the two demon kings would be gone.

Although they did not run violently, they were not far behind.

In the days to come, all the human races who entered Longquan Mountain were chased by the great demon on Longquan Mountain, which also made Longquan Mountain a forbidden place for the human race for a period of time.

Wang Yu, who escaped from Longquan Mountain, rested in the small town down the mountain for one night and left the next day.

On the return journey, Wang Yu still had troubles. Before climbing Longquan Mountain, he encountered many challenges and defeated many people, including the Royal Academy, Pole Star Academy, Sky Blue Academy, King Sejong, Black Tiger Mountain, and the five major forces of Zhao Kingdom. Even the Royal Academy’s

Worry son.

Wang Yu's record once humiliated Zhao.

On the face of it, Wang Yu is no match for Wang Yu, and some people just want to kill Wang Yu secretly.

Wang Yu has experienced dozens of assassinations.

These people don't know Wang Yu's record on Longquan Mountain, and can only rely on his record before entering the mountain and Master Wuyou and others to infer his strength.

The strengths of the Zhao Kingdom, large and small, are the lowest in the post-Nirvana real life, and once they are shot, they are not one or two. There are four or five fewer, and a dozen more.

Wang Yu first faced a dozen real people in the late Nirvana period, all of which would be killed by him.

After the record was exposed, the late Nirvana was withdrawn, and the peak of Nirvana began to besiege Wang Yu, and there were faint signs of cooperation between the big and small forces.

Wang Yu met more than a dozen real people at the pinnacle of Nirvana at one time.

In addition to the treasure, Wang Yu used all the other methods. The powerful qi and blood flowing through the body training, the two instruments, the three talents, and the four elephants, all the stunts he can perform.

Later, they also used the Phoenix Method to finally kill all these Nirvana peak powerhouses.

After this battle, Wang Yu was injured and swallowed many healing pills before he could heal his injuries and regain his vitality.

Then, he encountered the real king of Zhao Kingdom.

This time he used the Supreme Treasure, crushed the true king of heaven and man, and killed a heavenly man in the State of Zhao, Zhao State's actions against Wang Yu stopped.

No one dared to easily provoke a fierce man who could kill the true king of heaven.

Wang Yu returned to Qin State so quietly, but he didn't know that a conspiracy was waiting for him in Qin State!


Tiancheng County, the county guard house.

The county guard Han Zuoliang sat at the main seat of the hall, quietly listening to the details of the reports from the people below, and the physical condition of the emperor of Qin.

at this time.

"Master County, there is news."

A young man stumbled into the hall and shouted on his knees.

On the other hand, when his subordinates rushed into the hall like this and disturbed him, he broke out long ago.

Now he won't be anymore. After the death of his son, he has become a lot more calm. He looked at Xiao Si indifferently and said, "Is it news about Wang Yu?"

"My lord is wise." Xiaosi patted the county guard's flattery, and said: "Received the tip, Wang Yu has returned to Qin country three days ago and is heading to Tiancheng County."

For Wang Yu, Han Zuoliang wanted to eat meat.

After he bought some people in Tiancheng Academy, he learned that Wang Yu had quietly left the Academy and the State of Qin more than a month ago.

He ordered people to inquire about Wang Yu's whereabouts and knew that he had gone to Zhao Country.

Since then, he has sent people to pay close attention to the contact between Qin and Zhao. When Wang Yu returns to Qin, he will be notified in time, and he will arrange to get rid of Wang Yu.

After waiting for more than a month, I finally got the news.

He calmed down and said, "Send someone, no, I will personally invite True Monarch Jinlu. If there is a true monarch, Wang Yu will pay me even if he has nine lives."

After that, Han Zuoliang got up and left the hall.


Pingchuan Palace.

Like Han Zuoliang, the Pingchuan Prince's Mansion also bought some people from Tiancheng Academy and learned about Wang Yu's departure from Qin State and whereabouts, and secretly dispatched people to wait for Wang Yu to appear.

After receiving the news of Wang Yu's return, he invited the gods from the mansion to enshrine him, and went to intercept Wang Yu.

"It is bound to be Wang Yu's life for my son." King Pingchuan's icy voice resounded throughout the palace, making the palace feel the early arrival of winter.


Flying Eagle Sect.

One of Qin's five top strengths.

When attacking Tiancheng Academy, it was also the biggest at any time. The three celestial beings were already close to one-third of the total number of true princes of the Flying Eagle Sect.

Wang Yu, the initiator, is still alive and well. How did the high-level members of the Flying Eagle Sect endure it?

He had long secretly made up his mind to solve Wang Yu.

"Chen Liang, you have seen Wang Yu, who do you think is appropriate?" Sect Master Flying Eagle asked Chen Liang.

Chen Liang thought about it for a while, and he said, "If you shoot Tang Ming, you can be sure of ten."

"Okay!" The Sect Master of Flying Eagle Sect nodded, his eyes turned to one side, and he saw some dissatisfaction, which made him think that the true prince of heaven, but killed the great monk at the peak of the soul, which was a bit invisible.

But the sovereign had spoken, and he had to go to intercept Wang Yu.


Just when Tang Ming was leaving, Chen Liang called him, and said: "That Wang Yu is very strange. He killed Fan Jiu, don't be careless."

Chen Liang kindly reminded that he hoped that Tang Ming would pay attention to Wang Yu.

However, he didn't know. His words fell in Tang Ming's ears, like a satirical sentence, which made him extremely uncomfortable. He glared at Chen Liang and left silently.

Chen Liang in the same place was a little confused.


The Junshou Mansion, Pingchuan Mansion, and Flying Eagle Sect all sent a celestial true monarch to intercept Wang Yu.

When Wang Yu returned this time, he had to face three true celestial princes, which he did not know.

If he knew it, that would be the case. He rode the white tiger and urged the white tiger to return. It was less than five days since Chu Feng left. He will send the magic medicine back to Tiancheng Academy and send it to Chu Feng within five days. Hands.

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