Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 388: Kill again

A celestial man's action has already made Wang Yu somewhat unbearable.

What's even more desperate is that Wang Yu's keen sense of consciousness made him notice another celestial aura that appeared not far away.

Another celestial being is also coming in this direction.

Whether it's Zhou Zhaoshan or Wang Yu, they don't know who is the enemy of this rushing heaven and man? Whose friend?

If it were Wang Yu's friend, his presence would help Wang Yu, break free from Zhou Zhaoshan's attack, and help Wang Yu leave this place.

If it were Wang Yu's enemy, it would be extremely likely that he would go along with Zhou Zhaoshan, even if he didn't join hands, Wang Yu would be more fortunate.

If the two heavenly beings join forces, Wang Yu's situation is said to be a life of nine deaths.

Wang Yu noticed that Zhou Zhaoshan, who was attacking Wang Yu as a killer, also noticed that, his eyes also looked in the direction of another heavenly being, and he was not sure who came.

So he instinctively separated part of his mind, guarding against the rushing heaven and human.

It was also because of the distraction that made his attack on Wang Yu lighten his sarcasm and made Wang Yu breathe.

"Wang Hu, wait for you to use the white tiger to kill the gods. I will use the Phoenix method to smash this old tortoise mountain."

Wang Yu secretly transmitted voice to Wang Hu.

Although Wang Hu was in the early stage of Nirvana, he also had the strength of the peak of Nirvana. If he fully used the white tiger killing magic technique to mobilize the blood of the white tiger, his power would be stronger, and his attack power would not necessarily break the limits of Nirvana.

Wang Yu's combat power is also the pinnacle of Nirvana, but if the Phoenix Law is cast, its power may also break the level of Nirvana.

Both have a certain possibility in themselves. If the two work together, the probability of possibility becoming inevitable is much greater.

Zhou Zhaoshan focused his attention on the heavenly beings who were about to appear, and did not notice the communication between Wang Yu and Wang Hu.

Or even if he knew it, he wouldn't take it to heart.

No matter how the two guys from the highest stage of Nirvana can fight together, can they deal with his true celestial monarch?

The speed of heaven and human is very fast.

Wang Yu and the others sensed his breath, and when the heavenly man appeared in front of everyone, it was just two breaths.

Zhou Zhaoshan breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the person who came.

Wang Yu didn't know the person, but Zhou Zhaoshan's demeanor made his heart fall to the bottom, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Brother Tang Ming, are you here to kill Wang Yu too?"

Zhou Zhaoshan naturally knew the man, Tang Ming of the Flying Eagle Sect, a leader among the true monarchs in the early days of Heaven.

Everyone knows the grievances between Feiyingzong and Wang Yu. Like their Pingchuan Palace, the parents and children of those in power were killed by Wang Yu.

King Pingchuan dreamed of killing Wang Yu and avenging his son.

Isn’t that the case for the Sect Master of Flying Eagle Sect!

Otherwise, it won't happen. Three months ago, the Flying Eagle Sect, Pingchuan Prince's Mansion, and the County Shou Mansion, the three coalition forces jointly attacked Tiancheng Academy.

Tang Ming also recognized the other person, knowing that the opposite is also the real celestial monarch, and he is not good at being too tall.

Nodded, Tang Ming said: "Yes, originally I was here to kill him, but now it seems that I don't need to take action. Brother Zhou seems to be able to solve it."

Tang Ming glanced at Wang Yu, who was struggling, and sneered disdainfully: "My brother Chen Liang, also said that I should be careful of this kid! Even an ant can make me be careful, and Chen Liang will live and go back."

His words were full of dissatisfaction with Chen Liang.

The speaker is unintentional, the listener is intentional.

Zhou Zhaoshan, who didn't pay Wang Yu to his heart, frowned.

He and Chen Liang had also contacted and attacked Tiancheng Academy together, knowing that Chen Liang was a person who had decided afterwards, and was definitely not the kind of person who had the ambition of others and destroyed his own power.

Since Chen Liang asked Tang Ming to be careful of Wang Yu, it shows that Wang Yu has some abilities.

When Zhou Zhaoshan was about to set his sights on Wang Yu again, when Wang Yu and Wang Hu were about to kill Wang Yu, Wang Yu and Wang Hu moved sensibly.

"White Tiger Killing Magic Technique!"

Wang Hu roared, a phantom white tiger appeared on his body, and a silver gun seemed to be shouting in the air.

With the release of Wang Hu's mana, the silver spear flew out of the white tiger phantom and rushed straight towards Zhou Zhaoshan. The silver spear seemed to shatter everything.

The white tiger killing magic is actually the magic power of the white tiger clan.

It's not wrong to say that it is the White Tiger Method. It is a top supernatural power that can definitely be compared with the Phoenix Method. Under Wang Hu's display, it has a faint aura of heaven and man.

Wang Yu was not to be outdone, and a phoenix wailed on his body. He drew an arc in the air and flew towards the shadow of the mountain.


The three forces collided and exploded in the void.

Under the impact of the violent energy, Zhou Zhaoshan, Tang Ming, Wang Yu, and Wang Hu, whether they were the true prince of heaven, the great monk of the soul, or the great demon of Nirvana, were shocked and retreated ten feet before stopping. Down.

After the power in the air dissipated, Wang Yu, Wang Hu and Zhou Zhaoshan and Tang Ming stood in opposition.

Fortunately, Wang Yu and Wang Hu were not surprised that they had a pre-judgment that they could break Zhou Zhaoshan's seal of holding a mountain.

Zhou Zhaoshan and Tang Ming are different.

The explosive strength of Wang Yu and Wang Hu surprised them, and what surprised them even more was the supernatural powers displayed by Wang Yu and Wang Hu. They were top supernatural powers!

Compared with the top supernatural powers, the great supernatural powers they mastered were all rubbish.

When the two celestial real monarchs who should have been on the same front looked at each other, there was a trace of alert in their eyes. It seemed that the ownership of the top supernatural powers appeared in their minds.

The two looked at each other, and no one said much.

next moment.

The two shot together, one after another they took out their own tricks, but they were less murderous.

What they wanted was not to kill Wang Yu and Wang Hu, but to knock them down and torture them with top supernatural powers.

"Go all out!"

After Wang Yu finished speaking, he turned to the tiger and Wang Hu transformed into a human form for the first time.

Wang Yu used the Phoenix Method to meet Zhou Zhaoshan, Wang Hu used the White Tiger Method to meet Tang Ming, and the four fought on the country road.

Fighting with the real king of heaven and man, Wang Yu and Wang Hu reluctantly fight against the man with the top magical powers.

Among them, Wang Yu's Zhenyuan strength is high, and his mastery of the Phoenix Method is also high. At the same time, Zhou Zhaoshan's cultivation is weaker than Tang Ming.

Four people fought in two battles, Wang Yu was better, but Wang Hu was not good. He fought for a while, although he was not seriously injured and dying, he was still scarred.

Also hungry because of their tenacity, Zhou Zhaoshan and Tang Ming's eyes are even more fiery.

Without realizing it, the two battlefields are getting farther and farther apart.

Wang Yu always noticed that the distance was widened, seeing to a certain extent, he showed a strange smile at Zhou Zhaoshan.

Seeing Wang Yu's smiling face, Zhou Zhaoshan's heart shook.

He didn't care about the ordinary soul and Nirvana. Wang Yu was the person Chen Liang asked Tang Ming to pay attention to. He didn't dare to be careless.

I want to step back, but it's too late.

"Bao Ding!"

Wang Yu didn't hesitate to throw out Baoding, pressing Zhou Zhaoshan with the breath of the treasure, and under Zhou Zhaoshan's startled gaze, he took out the Phoenix Xiangyu, spurred by the Phoenix method, and hit Zhou Zhaoshan.

After a scream, Zhou Zhaoshan died. Wang Yu killed the second true celestial king.

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