After Xiao Ai took control of some of the organ weapons, Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu began to move inside.

Next to him was a team of armed soldiers, and behind them was a group of personnel ready to support at any time, responsible for quickly rescuing Li Yun and others when the laboratory passage suddenly collapsed.

"Brother, the passage has been captured and is entering the camera in the opponent's 1st floor lobby."

"How many floors is this laboratory?"

"It seems that there are three layers." Xiao Ai replied, "I'm not sure what I saw in the overflow data stream after some attacks."

"Well, that's enough, Xiao Ai did a good job."

Li Yun smiled and praised her, and raised the corner of the little girl's mouth to reveal a sweet smile.

All the way to the exit of the passage unimpeded, "Go, we will break into the first floor!"

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu each held an explosion-proof shield, and then ran the infuriating energy to protect the whole body, and they moved forward quickly and entered a huge hall.

"do not move!"

There was a chaotic mess in the hall. There were at least a few hundred people here. Some of them gave up resistance when they saw the armed policemen coming, some took the opportunity to escape elsewhere, and some hid in the next room and locked tightly. Closed the door of the room.

Li Yun glanced at the hall. Compared with the nanny base and Qingya Research Institute, it looked very simple.

The surrounding walls are not strong enough with cement, and the waterproof measures are not good enough. A lot of seepage water pollutes the walls in a mess.

In addition, many types of instruments are also randomly placed in the hall, where there is almost no leisure space, all of which are used as laboratories.

It seems that without good excavation methods, it is very labor intensive to build a huge laboratory underground, and even the ancient houses with black technology cannot waste space underground.

Teams of soldiers swarmed in, first controlled all these scientific researchers in white coats, and then captured some of those who had fled back.

"There are no security personnel in the underground laboratory?" Xiao Jiayu asked in surprise.

"They've all gone to the second floor," a white lab coat kneeling next to him said immediately, "I am the leader of the first floor, Liu Jietian, just ask me if you have anything, I want to strive for leniency from the organization!"

Everyone: "..."

This person was too spineless, they took the initiative to explain things before they even started interrogation.

But it's no wonder that most people who came to work in the ancient home were greedy for money, and the two sides did not form an unbreakable alliance.

"Get up and talk back."

Li Yun pointed to the next room and said, "Why are those people going in, inside...?"

"There are biochemical weapons inside."

Liu Jietian stood up and patted his clothes, and immediately replied after hearing Li Yun's question.

Everyone's complexion changed, and he quickly said, "It's not no, it's not neurotoxin or gas bomb, but biochemical dog, mutant, synthetic, clone, etc."

Everyone: "...isn't it all the same?"

Liu Jietian said sternly: "The difference is far away. The poisonous bombs do not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. The future of research is also worrying. It is far better than being a genetic warrior. As long as we study powerful mutants, we humans can evolve again It is not a dream to colonize space in the future."


Li Yun, Xiao Jiayu, etc. all have a look of uncertainty. It is because of this goal that these people choose to join the ancient family to study these genetically enhanced creatures?

I have to say that in order to pursue scientific truth, some scientists who have gone into evil ways can do experiments on human bodies with all their conscience, which is really heinous.

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