Tons of explosives exploded with a bang, and the door that had blocked the real person of Sanyang for a whole year finally broke.

"Grass! It's finally opened!"

"Damn, if there is nothing in it, I have to scold the man who built this shit!"

"Hehe, even the door and the ground blast together, no matter how powerful the door is, it can't hold up this blasting force!"

The mercenaries standing next to the real Sanyang breathed a sigh of relief. The year’s hard work was finally in vain. They spent a long time underneath with various prying tools before finally blasting the solid white door beyond imagination. Up.

A satisfied expression appeared on Zhenren Sanyang’s face. By coincidence, Duan Kaitian, the host of Lingjian Tower, learned that this gate was hidden in Jiugou Village. When Duan Kaitian sent him to investigate the truth of the matter, he still had a face. Reluctantly, I waited until I came to confirm that there is indeed a magical gate in the cave of Jiugou Village.

Later, after blasting the gate on the cave side for a week to no avail, Sanyang's subordinates accidentally learned from the villagers that there was something strange on the lake side. Then he found another gate and compared the next two. After the position of the person, he decisively abandoned the gate that was easy to be found by the villagers on this side of the cave, and chose the other side.

After the establishment of a deceptive resort villa, Sanyang Zhenren started a long battle against this one-meter thick and unknown white metal gate.

Using a knife, axe, axe, and a drill bit, he used all the methods he could think of by the engineer, but it still made little progress. It could only take a year to pierce through a drop of water and a ton of explosives. The door is opened.

When the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, everyone quickly ran from a distance, trying to find out what was buried inside.

The extremely powerful explosives have blown away the gate and the dirt, so everyone can see the situation inside the big pit at a glance, and see the high-tech passage.

"I, Cao, this corridor is so high-end... it seems to be something from a movie!"

"I guess it is something left by aliens. I have read a book and said that there have been several civilizations on the earth, and it is very likely that they are left by the intelligent life of the last era!"

"No matter what it is, with such a strong gate, the things inside must be invaluable!"

Everyone looked at the passage with fiery eyes, and rushed in before taking up their weapons.

"Don't mess with me!"

The true man of Sanyang drew out his sword and drank these excited mercenaries. This group of people was originally the bottom nine in the world. They have all kinds of industries. They specialize in sneaky things. They are willing to have money or even murder and arson. dry.

Everyone showed fear, and an innate threat was enough to calm their brains full of money.

"A few captains lead people to start, I am responsible for holding the formation, and be careful to explore the way. Without my order, it is forbidden to disturb the contents!"

This group of people are very upset by Madam Sanyang's orders. They are in danger, and he will take the benefits. How can there be such a good thing in the world!

Seeing this, Sanyang Zhenren said again: "If there is any gain this time, the content inside will be seven-thirds. Don't worry, your benefits are indispensable!"

Although I don't know if Sanyang will actually give rewards, I haven't got the things yet, and everyone has no objection. He took various weapons such as submachine guns and daggers, jumped out of the big pit and walked inside.

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