Godly Model Creator

: Please call me to add more

The update is over. £∝

Today, the author's state of the bacteria is unstable. In order to prevent various accidents, the two chapters are even more together.

First of all.

Suddenly I saw the seal today, and the seal before the end.

According to the convention, it should be erupted and added, but in view of the fact that the super-god is finished, the single chapter is freshly released after careful consideration and consideration by the author.

So, this involves a philosophical question - is it a single chapter?

After a serious discussion with two philosophical experts and an anti-Marx expert, I finally got an extremely meticulous and scientifically meaningful answer.

and so……

Let's have a good look down.


Talking about things last night, cough, this is definitely an accident.

In the middle of the night, cholecystitis was attacked, and three o'clock were awakened. After finding four boxes of expired amoxicillin in the medicine box, three bottles of expired ranitidine, and two boxes of expired Ogilvy, the authors took a long time to buy medicine. the road……

In fact, the problem is not big.

At this point last March, he was hospitalized for five days because of cholecystitis. And this time the recurrence, the author can find medicine on his own (although it is wrong), while going to the hospital and the security guards, and finally found a compound gallstone capsule in a Chinese medicine shop marked "four hardness, man's true color" in the lower right corner. Also drunk.

In short.

The problem is not big.

After waking up, I am still strong.

As a man with a frank, he will never break even more.

Yesterday, the wild has been swaying for a long time, deep in the middle of the night, the wind is dripping, holding a medicine bottle, I always feel that I will encounter hidden copies of "robbery" and "robbery". After all, the author is also considered a beautiful man, really the rest of my life. ... Thanks to the book friends in the middle of the night to accompany me on Weibo.

In short, this unpleasant night, let us turn over happily!


It is a microblogging thing.

Weibo has said this once, but the effect is not great.

Really beg for black...

In the past, the book-bookers were counted. Now, the most private messages received by Weibo are actually - about? Among them, there are some authors who have no lower limit.

It’s a dog.

Old paper is a man! Lying in the trough!

About your sister!

Suddenly felt that propagating Weibo in the book is not a mistake, tears rushed...&%#¥#¥%

So, everyone is happy to open this question. After all, when you add a friend to each author, you are asked if it is Lolita. It is a very faceless thing.

Of course, if the author is a male, you can forgive you.


Finally, it is about the monthly pass.

As I said before, as long as I entered the top six of the sci-fi, there will be more and more, and then I will be despised by the book friends. Everyone feels that the book is finished soon, it is impossible to add more...

In this regard, the author only wants to say,

The most basic trust between people?

Do you want to try it, you can return to the top 6 朕 absolutely plus a good cut! ! Today's state is not good, you can climb up and add more tomorrow, the author is so straight!

Ask for a monthly ticket! (Want to know more exciting news about "Super God Modeler"? Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the upper right, select Add a public number in the friend, search for "zhongwenwang", follow the public number, never again Miss every update! read2002) (To be continued, please search for Astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

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