Godly Model Creator

Chapter 575: Field confrontation! (The third today!)


A simple punch.

It seems to run through the entire space. All the rain is still at this moment. The raindrops in front of Su Hao, even if there is no time to drift, are hit by a fist and disintegrated on the spot.

The world is upside down!

The whole world seems to be dumping at this moment!

Going down to Su Hao!



Layers of pressure!


This is the strength of the field!

Su Hao's face changed slightly.

This kind of power is definitely not something he can now compete with, but fortunately, after the scene of the semi-emperor shot, this power alone is not enough to shock him.

"Circulating the world!"


A trace of glory flashed in front of Su Hao.

The world of circulation is on!

The fist contained the energy disintegration, which was instantly introduced into the circular world. The circular world that had just been emptied because of the departure of the source energy source was once again occupied.


Rivers flow into the river.

Layers of fluctuations flash.


Shi Mingxuan sneered, a professional level in the district, and want to defend him?


A punch!

Sound thunder bursts!

However, when passing through the film, Shi Mingxuan's face finally showed a slight change, because at this time, he felt his power is going crazy!

"How can this be?"

Shi Mingxuan barely believes!

Was it offset?

That is his source technology, the source of the field!

Is he too weak?

Or is Su Hao too strong?

If the Tianlongyuan guys are gone.

But even the disciple of Tianlongyuan. Also a half-step field! When can the professional level also regret the existence of his domain?



A powerful punch is diminishing. It is less than one thousandth of the power.


Su Hao broke his fist and blocked it gently.


Shi Mingxuan is still unbelievable.

And in the eyes of everyone, the same is true.

Shi Mingxuan waved a punch, and the stone broke into the sky. When a powerful punch hit the front of Su Hao, it flashed a layer of translucent wave light, and then...

It was blocked!



Everyone sucked in a cold air.

That is the college teacher!

That is domain!

This Su Hao...


Su Hao's wrist shocked, and the stone Ming Xuan was actually shaken back to the distance, Su Hao broke out of strength. Really shocked him!

This strength...

The scene was silent.

Su Hao is still standing there in the light, under the heavy rain, so calm, faint, but it poses a heavy threat to everyone, people are all heartfelt.

Shi Mingxuan’s face showed a thick taboo.

This Su Hao. Absolutely not ordinary!

It’s the son of Su Tiancheng. Is it true that he has inherited the inheritance of Su Tiancheng, so he will become so powerful?

If that's the case.

Su Hao in front of him is definitely not something he can handle!

How to do?

Shi Mingxuan is not calm.

His identity has been exposed, and it is estimated that the War College will soon be shot. He must make a decision in a short time, shot or leave?


Heavy rain is coming down.

Su Hao looked coldly around.

Try to let your whole person enter a calm state as much as possible. This is a battle of imposing manners. He can't make a compromise first, winning and losing! Just now. The source of Shi Mingxuan’s fist is all in the world of circulation, when he hits Su Hao in front of him. Already lost all power!

If Su Hao wants to resist it, it is not too easy!

On the face of Shi Mingxuan, Su Hao has seen the answer he wants, and he is scared!


He is scared!

Not afraid of Su Hao, but because Su Hao is so powerful, if he continues to fight, I am afraid that he will be entangled by the people of the War College. In this case, he has no way to escape the identity exposure! Of course, what he didn't know was that those at the War College would not be able to shoot...

Su Hao looked at Shi Mingxuan through synchronized playback.

His look was hesitant, he seemed to be struggling with something, looking at the light curtain in front of him, and seemed to be talking about something.

He is talking to the strength behind him!

Su Hao is amazed.

It didn't take long. After almost a few seconds, Shi Mingxuan had interrupted the conversation. From the impact of synchronous playback, Shi Mingxuan was almost a bit mad and broke communication. The other party forced him to shoot, was rejected by Shi Mingxuan? Maybe, there is still a line of life!

Su Hao’s heart is bright.

However, just when he thought that everything was going well, Shi Mingxuan, who had already retired, changed.


Shi Mingxuan's pupil became a godless, lost focus, but soon, and returned to God, when he opened his eyes again, it was a pair of tyrannical and cruel eyes.


The red light flashes.

Shi Mingxuan suddenly raised his head.

"not good!"

Su Hao's face changed dramatically.


It is actually control!

These **** are not only killing people outside, but even their own people!

Do not think, Su Hao also knows what happened just now, nothing more than the other side let Shi Mingxuan shot, Shi Mingxuan Gu Ji war college teachers did not dare to start, did not expect, immediately after Shi Mingxuan was completely controlled by the other side!

Control a domain teacher?

This is much stronger!

Or, they have already prepared for Shi Mingxuan to take certain trait drugs for a long time, which makes him have no resistance to this talent.

Countless thoughts passed by.

Su Hao has no time to think about it, because his crisis is coming again!



Shi Mingxuan’s terrifying field of temperament has all gone!

Behind him. The countless students who followed him were suddenly injured by his breath. However, Shi Mingxuan was still unscrupulous and still came to Su Hao.

At this time, he only has one person in the eyes!



Su Hao snorted, what should I do?


Can't hide!


Can't escape!

The most difficult thing for Su Hao to get to the bitterness is that because of the shot just now, Shi Mingxuan has completely regarded him as a domain opponent, and will inevitably break out!

God knows!

Su Hao just used all the power to resist the punch!

Loop the world!



Shi Mingxuan strode forward, then. Shot!

a punch!

Another punch!

Plain plain, but almost at this moment, Su Hao died, because with the shooting of this punch, Su Hao even saw the fragmented space around it!

How strong is this punch?

If it is hit by this attack...

The strong body has to be crushed!

"Can't wait for it to attack!"


Su Hao did not hesitate to shoot!



There is no use of gas to cover the mountains and rivers, and there is no use of dark moons. Su Hao’s shot is the most suitable source technology in front of him. “The Arrow of the Star River!”



"call out!"

The arrow of the Milky Way burst out!

However, in the past, the arrows of the Milky Way were all condensed with source energy. Only when the last time faced the fierce beast, the mining used that strange atmosphere to kill the pterosaurs!

And this time...

It is Shi Mingxuan’s own energy to condense the arrow of the Milky Way!

It was the punch he just attacked!

The same domain power!


A shot burst out!

Direct confrontation with Shi Mingxuan.


The arrow of the Milky Way was shattered on the spot. That punch is safe and sound!


too strong!

Even if Su Hao broke out such a terrible attack, it did not have any impact on him!

It is worthy of being a strong domain!

Su Hao is amazed.

His own strength, plus the strength of Shi Mingxuan’s punch, did not cause much impact? But he did not expect to be able to kill the attack with one arrow.


The familiar ripples appear.

Loop the world!


Shi Mingxuan hit a fist. The familiar atmosphere came again, almost madly emerging into the cycle time of Su Hao. In the twinkling of an eye, it is already full!

Too much!

If it wasn’t because the previous blow had offset a lot of energy, wouldn’t it mean that he has been directly blasted now? Even so, this power is not what Su Hao can consume!


How to do?

In the eyes of Su Hao, the streamer flashed and he had an idea.



The world of circulation is off!

Su Hao's right fist condenses, the power of the inner circulation world emerges at this time, gathers in his right fist, and then pushes the same punch forward! In the face of Shi Mingxuan has been weakened countless times, also used all the power he can use at this time!


A punch!

Two boxing confrontation!

A strange energy gathered in the center of the two, and then burst out to the surrounding! The figure of two people was instantly bombarded!

A horrible energy storm!

break out!


Like a rippled intersection of energy, all the students around it will be shocked directly!

Just hiding behind Shi Mingxuan has already put them under a lot of pressure. At this time, the battle between the two people has spread, and many people are vomiting blood on the spot!



A straight line!

Su Hao and Shi Mingxuan flew out!

The two almost endured the most powerful force. At this moment, the amount of source capacity of the two people was affected, and they could not move at all!


Like a cannonball!

Both of them figured directly into the wall, blasting a huge hole, and piercing the entire staff building, followed by...


House collapse!

Cover the figure of two people!

Everyone around is stunned! Even the guys in the school conference room and the political district are all dumbfounded. What is the situation?

Could it be...

Su Hao and Shi Mingxuan are all gone?

To know!

Even though the source can be more powerful, the moment when the source can be intertwined, the source energy cannot be used at all. This means that when being bombarded into the building, the two can only rely on their physical strength to support it! However, if you talk about physical strength alone... Who can withstand the attack on the entire building?

Even if there are only four or five layers!

That is also manpower but resisted!


Everyone has a cold heart.

However, at this time...


Somewhere in the ruins, a figure slowly climbed out, and everyone almost shriveled and collapsed from this position...

Su Hao!

He is still alive!

PS: The third today!

Ask Zhang Baodi monthly ticket!

9th last month, but this month is not too ugly...

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