Godly Model Creator

Chapter 808: Use of the rules themselves

"What do you mean?"

"This is not the same as the beginning."

"That is, everyone fights to death, just for this?"

Inside the Tianjia Manor, everyone was shocked to look at the contract in their hands. The treatment of entering Tianjia was the same as before, but the problem is...

One year!

The contract period is only one year?

There are countless deaths and injuries in the tiankeng. Everyone is basically fighting for their lives. Who is not for resources and stability in the future? If one year, who is coming?

"Only one year old man is so hardworking?"

"That is, what does Tianjia want to do?"

"Do you play us?"

Everyone was angry and screamed, some could not understand, but with a face-faced national character face coming out, the scene sound suddenly became audible.

"It's him!"

When Su Hao looked up, he saw the people coming over, the familiar face, the cold momentum, his memory is still fresh, and the heavenly world is strong.


Su Hao silently bowed his head.

Losing the emotional control of the smart computer, he is not sure whether he can control the emotions in his eyes, in order not to be detected by the scorpio, or try to avoid his gaze as well.


Everyone is ashamed.

No matter how arrogant they are, in the face of globalization, they must maintain their respect. After all, that realm is almost at the top of the world.

"Do not worry."

Scorpio said faintly, "Tianjia is the head of the top ten families, and everyone will hang everyone? Come and come up."


It is another contract.

Everyone saw it, and it was a glimpse. This is a life-long contract signing contract. The reward system is richer than before! However, the requirements of this contract have indeed transferred all family members and close friends to Tianjia protection. Since then, it has been completely returned to the heavenly family.

"I know that everyone has doubts."

Scorpio said calmly, "So I gave you two contracts, one year or a lifetime, and everyone can choose freely. And the terms of that family. You should know Su Hao?"

"Su Hao?"

Everyone is ashamed.

Even though it was the peak of the field, everyone in the audience heard the name.

It is said that it is the level of initial entry into the field, but with a few people killing the absolute field, fighting against the field of life, and finally killing the first generation source of the field of peaks and strength, and finally killing it. Enter the heavenly family and talk about the human body.

Who doesn't know?

"it's him."

Scorpio put a picture in the light curtain. It was the moment when Su Hao was smashed into the heavenly family. This was a dignified look. "This is the willingness of the family to ask the family to come. It is not a containment. It is protection. After all, If you have a small family, can you have everyone?"

Everyone is silent.

It is really uncomfortable to let the family come to Tianjia. Especially for those who have some small ideas in their hearts, it is simply putting everything on their own. However, Scorpio said that it is also reasonable, if it is the gap between Su Hao or stare...

Who can save them?

"Su Hao and Tianjia's hatred are clear to everyone, although for the time being, although Su Hao has been abolished, I never dared to look down on him. With this hand, he can make everyone jealous." Said coldly, "I don't want you to be in the sky, your family will be killed."

"So, choose."

"After a year, I will join Tianjia for life."

Scorpio calmly finished. Soon dozens of people came up to sign the contract, they are praying for the protection of their families, this request is simply in line with their needs. After some people hesitated, they finally chose to sign up.

Lifelong contract system.


Is this stuff useful?

Su Hao scratched his head. He didn't care about how the Su family received people, because most people in the Su family are more united, so the problem is not big, but Tianjia, how comfortable are they? A paper contract? Su Hao believes that there are ghosts, the contract can only play the binding force on the bright side.

"Let me do it."

A person signs up before.


When a fingerprint is pressed, Guanghua is soaring, and an endless source can emerge. The man has a strange rune on his wrist.

"this is……"

Su Hao is somewhat novel.

"This is an indelible source of imprinting. Before the contract expires, it will be sensed by Tianjia and the current state of life. It is a simple strength sign and address positioning. Once you dare to betray Tianjia, you will be chased. I haven’t let go of the ends of the earth."

A person next to him explained softly.

"Thank you."

Su Hao thanked her eyes and looked at it. It turned out to be the case.

He also said, how can Tianjia feel at ease that they can use a contract to bind, this seemingly simple contract, there are so many things.

"Can this thing be destroyed?"

Su Hao asked subconsciously.

"Of course, but it is very difficult. This is the most complicated core imprint of each family. Except for the Tian family, other people don't want to touch it, let alone destroy it. The Tianjia imprint is made up of many fields. Peak, encrypted with its complicated formula, if you want to crack, you need at least a few strong players of the same strength, plus the same more complex reverse decryption formula."

"Of course, if you brute force, you don't have to be so complicated. But if you can achieve this level of cracking, I am afraid that only the world will be shot."

The person next to it said softly.

"It turned out to be."

Su Hao is amazed, and people around him are nodding.

Source can be printed?


This is a question that normal people don't have to consider at all. If there is a world of the background, will it come to Tianjia? Now most of these people have no backstage. If you want to find the backstage of Tianjia, how can you give up this opportunity to join Tianjia?

of course.

Others may not have noticed, but Su Hao is still keenly aware that when it comes to the fact that globalization can be lifted, several people have flashed a glimmer of hope. Su Hao suddenly got it. These guys, I am afraid, are the disciples from the other top ten families. These forces really came in.


One year or life?

The choice question didn't last long, although the Tian family demanded some harshness, but ultimately. Most people still choose to agree to a life-long contract to let their family members come to heaven. After all, their initial purpose in joining Tianjia is not for the safety and stability of the family?

"I come!"

"I am coming too."

Everyone has come forward.

quickly. 90% of the people even signed a life-long contract, only a small number of people are still hesitating, only a few people, chose a one-year contract, and soon, it is the turn of Su Hao signing, everyone’s eyes are not consciously put How will he choose in him?

"Can I ask a question?"

Su Hao said a little honestly.


Scorpio looked at him with some curiosity.

"If I choose a tenure system, can I give more resources to practice? I feel that I am very powerful. Have you seen it before?" Su Hao said with some shame. "The source of my cultivation is very expensive. I have added several forces before, and I have been poor."

Everyone: "..."

"Do you think you can ask more?"

Scorpio looked at him with interest.

"of course."

Su Hao stood upright. "In order to express my strength, I have killed several peaks in the field."


The family of God almost vomited blood.

Your uncle. Cooperating with you to kill so many peaks in the field, is to show yourself, more resources? If you know it early, Tianjia will give you resources directly, and you will be able to do it lightly. I am second to the Olympics, that is the peak of the field, a guy at the top of the scene, isn’t it?

Scorpio's mouth is slightly twitching. It’s also a bit distressing, but it’s the peak of the field!

"Of course, if not..."

Su Hao scratched his head. "Can you prepay me a year's resources in advance?"

"it is good."

Scorpio nodded and waved directly. "I will send them to you in a moment. From today, you are the lifelong disciple of Heaven."

"it is good."

Su Hao excited, and then signed a contract.


Source energy brilliance flashed.

A rune imprint flashed, and Su Haogang was ready to retreat, and he felt that there was no shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness. For the new imprint, it shows a lot of hostility and vigilance.

this is……

Su Hao was shocked.

Can make the shadowless needle react, indicating that this power is also the power of the rules! The proof of the contract of the Tianjia is the power of the rules, so that is not to say...

Su Hao suddenly understood.

The guy who explained the source of the imprint to them just now is the family. The really convincing words are all true and false, and the person who explained it to them just now is correct. There is only one thing he did not elaborate on. That is, the production of the Tianzhu imprint is world-wide!

Strength certification?

Positioning mark?

How simple is it.

Su Hao can be sure that if someone dares to betray the heavenly family or use the power of globalization to violently crack, the result is only one, die! Undoubtedly, the previous contracts are foreplay, only the **** imprint is the real **!

One year?

Lifelong system?

It’s just a gimmick, a gimmick that people believe. No matter which one, the real deadly is the family imprint that seems to be only assisted. Once it is invaded by the power of the rule, there is no doubt that everyone is indirectly controlled by the heavenly family, so what do you have to do what you do? .

Tianjia really is playing tricks.

Su Hao sneered, all kinds of signs show that Tianjia can't sit still, but in the end, this wool relationship is useless. What he has to do is to develop himself quietly in the chaos. Can slowly upgrade to the level of domain, and then break through.

As for the Tianjia imprint -

Su Hao looked into the body. Since the appearance of the imprint, the shadowless needle has been eager to move. Although Su Hao forced it to suppress, he has a strange feeling. In front of the shadowless god, the so-called heavenly imprint is like a flower. Delicate chrysanthemum, as long as he wants, can be puncture at any time.

It's that simple, rude!

"This strange feeling..."

If Su Hao thinks thoughtfully, "Is it the power of the rule itself?"


The two are more served, and finally caught up, the author is busy crying, still have not eaten, I will talk nonsense? Ask for a monthly ticket comfort~ In addition, if you have any comments or questions, you can directly ask questions. If you see the words of the new lang, you will answer them seriously. Of course... If it’s the problem of the author’s woman, believe it or not, and blacken you! Wrath!

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