Godly Model Creator

Chapter 819: Chinese quintessence

Source Energy Association.

Only through 100 billion yuan, I bought a large batch of mimetic source products, and the employees of the branch are quite satisfied. Just now they have sent people to measure the value of the batch of mimetic sources, although Being imprisoned, but its value is more than 100 billion times!

"Make big."

Qing Yang is slightly excited.

Although money is already a cloud for globalization, when the amount of money reaches a certain amount, it is still an impact, and it can save this money, and only use 100 billion yuan to complete this indicator. This is definitely a big deal.

"Just, this is why Pan Ting wants to trade like this?"

Qing Yang is slightly uneasy.

"Maybe it is a good feeling to get here. If you do this kind of thing every year, you don't know how much." One person said without thinking.

"No, this is a world."

Qing Yang shook his head. "The momentum called Wei Zhuang is not under me. Looking at his respectful appearance, this person named Pan Ting is obviously more horrible. Such a person is a myth that no one dares to be. Even if the heavenly family is too jealous, I feel good? I don't believe it."

Everyone is silent, but under consideration, I really can't think of other reasons.

"Is there a problem with that additional condition?"

“Do you say that you are cultivating the mimetic source?”

Qing Yangmei is tightly locked. "In his own capacity, cultivating the mimetic source is naturally extraordinary. The conventional training room can no longer satisfy him. It is naturally for the terrorist source of the special storage room. But even let him let go. How much can you absorb and absorb?"

“How much can I consume a mimetic source?”


Everyone said, and during their speech, Su Hao had entered the storage room, sitting cross-legged and starting to practice, when he fully absorbed the source energy...


The entire storage room was slightly turbulent.

The special storage room, which has been in a downturn, finally detects the source energy drop to the freezing point in the room, and finally fires the power completely. For a time. The source energy particles of the entire storage chamber operate at an extremely high speed. Taking Su Hao as the center, it starts to rotate like a whirlpool.


Like a galaxy.

Like the center of the Milky Way, Su Hao runs through the entire galaxy, and the brilliance of the source energy particles under rapid motion. Full of endless charm. The progress bar that has been stopped for a long time. Under the impact of source energy of this scale. Finally began to skyrocket again!

62%, 64%, 66%...

Su Hao's eyes are slightly closed, and the Guanghua of the whole body brings a touch of majesty.

And this time.

When Su Hao began to cultivate, members of the Yuanyuan Association, including Qing Yang, felt it. There is some uneasiness in faintness. "This movement... seems to be a bit big?"

The special storage room doesn't know how many people have used it. When it has never been heard before, it will fluctuate. Even if the last time someone used it in the world, there is no earth-shattering scene. A mimetic source, how come?


When I was thinking about it, it was another whisper.


"what sound?"

Clear your heart and mind.

When an employee came forward and looked at the control center, his face turned white. "The supply capacity of the special storage room has reached the limit and the maximum source transmission mode is enabled."


"How can it be?"

Everyone was shocked.

Maximum source energy transfer mode!

That is an unlimited number of special storage rooms. Generally speaking, even the limit will not be set. This so-called maximum transmission is also used to prevent accidents from adding to the benchmark. Now, it is actually used! The one called Pan Ting went in and triggered the warning line!

"Not very good."

Qing Yang couldn't sit still. "What kind of mimetic source does he have? Is there a surveillance video?"


One person smiled bitterly. "Before Pan Ting went in, I turned it off on the grounds of confidentiality. No one knows what is happening inside."

"damn it!"

Qing Yang is somewhat restless, "I don't feel right."

"Even if we know what is happening, we can only look at it?"

Someone smiled bitterly. "Pantine didn't break the agreement with us. Can we still blow him out? You know, this time it is a deal."


Qing Yang stunned.

This is just to think of it. This is not a common source for the association, but a fair deal. His object is two powerful worlds! Can he still fight here? Moreover, isn't the cultivation of the day part of the transaction?

"I am in a hurry."

Qing Yang took a deep breath and calmed down. "If you follow this scale, what will happen for one day?"

The technical support staff looked at the data and then looked a bit ugly and didn't know what to answer.


Qing Yang gave him a look.

"It won't last a day."

Technical support honestly said, everyone heard a hand shake, can not support a day, what does this mean? The resources of the entire branch can not stand up for one day? Is the absorption speed of this special storage room so horrible? Even if the warning line is set, it is still so terrible?


The cup in the hands of Qing Yang was crushed.

"You mean, all the resources we have here, not enough for him to cultivate the mimetic source?"

Qing Yang murderous.

"Oh, no."

The technicians hurriedly waved. "I just said that this absorption speed can't be supported for one day. However, according to the statistics of the cultivation data of thousands of mimetic sources in the past, the source energy required for a mimetic source that is the most difficult to cultivate so far. It is only 5% of our source energy reserves here."


Everyone was relieved.


After the technicians transferred the data from the light curtain to the Qingyang view, he was relieved. "Even if Pan Ting's mimicry source is even more amazing, it is estimated to be 5%?"

"It should be just a little faster."

"It is estimated that it will be done soon."

Everyone comforted, watching the time pass by, five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, an hour... everyone's face was a bit ugly.

"How much is the source of energy reserves left now?"

Asked in a calm and calm manner.


The technician replied.

"That is, is it already 8%?"

Qing Yang looked at the data strips jumping on the light curtain, and the technicians simply pointed out the more intuitive reality for everyone to see more clearly.

92%, 91%...

The data bar will jump once, so that everyone will be a little scared.

too fast!

This is not the blood volume of the game, this is the source of their current division of the source! The rate of absorption at this scale. What the **** of the mimetic source?

The people looked at it silently.

It’s already 10%. More than the consumption of all the mimicry sources they have counted before has been doubled! Even if the miraculous mimetic source, it should be completed soon?

Everyone thought of it.

They wouldn't think of what mimetic source they were cultivating in a special storage room. But a person!

Four hours later. Everyone's face is hard to see.

Eight hours later. Everyone's face is completely dark.

In the twelve hours, the source energy associations have almost violently gone.

"Not yet?"

"Why didn't you stop!"

"The source energy reserve has already passed halfway, leaving only 45% of the source energy. And this is only half a day, damn, what does Panting want to do?"

Everyone is angry.

At this time, someone suddenly said, "I finally know why the mimetic source is so cheap."

Everyone glimpsed, and immediately a cold heart.


It’s no wonder that the transaction is so smooth, it’s like a package, and his purpose is actually this!

"So, the batch of mimetic sources is actually the user fee he paid? And the so-called 100 billion, but a random number?"

Qing Yang smiles.

"I am afraid this is the case."

Everyone sighed.

"Since it is a transaction, then follow the agreement."

Qing Yang stood up and looked at Wei Zhuang, who was in front of the door, and we only had this choice. Everyone looked at the past, but also smiled and forgot about this. The other party called a world-wide janitor. Even if they had opinions, they would not be reconciled and could only endure it!

Paralyzed, this time the loss is big!

Premium storage room doorway.

Wei Zhuang's gaze ignored everyone, faintly staying there, and there was some hair in his heart. He thought it was just a passing, but when there was a crazy source, he felt the whole source association look at his gaze. It’s getting worse and worse. If he is not taboo, he is globalized, and I’m afraid it’s been blasted out.

"Damn Lin Hu, ah ah!"

Wei Zhuang’s heart is awkward, this product is simply a pit god! He knew that there was no good thing to be called by this goods. When he saw the mimetic source of the world's ignorant and eager to find the next generation, he did not dare to reveal the true content. He knew that this guy had fed the dog early.

Obviously, Wei Zhuang students subconsciously neglected the scene of pretending to be a world-wide robbing thing.

There is a lot of anger in my heart, but what can I do?


Lin Hu is a formal world, can't bear it?

If this time dares to run, it is estimated that Lin Hu will cut him into pieces and boil it in a pot. Besides, is there still 100 billion yuan in welfare?

"This is the mission, this is the mission."

Wei Zhuang looks comforting himself.

The anger in his heart made him look more majestic. Several of the source energy association employees who looked over saw their eyes subconsciously and did not dare to look at it.

Source energy consumption continues.

Qing Yang and others hold the last hope, expecting his cultivation to end early, but as the reserve progress declines, everyone's heart is dark and cold.

30%, 20%, 10%...

The Qingyan face also changed. From the beginning of the cyan to green, then to the red, then the purple, and even the final black, in front of everyone, a traditional Chinese quintessence art was formed. It seems that the Association of Sources The globalization of the world is also a lot of learning.


The technician suddenly screamed.

Everyone was excited to look at the past, his face was even more ugly, because that represents the progress bar of the source of energy reserves, at this time staying in a number that makes people almost violent.

. (To be continued...)

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