Godly Model Creator

Chapter 845: New era of the federation

Su family.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

After Su Hao and Su Zhengwen explained, there was a trace of doubt on his face. "This is a battle between the top ten families and the federation, but I always feel that there are problems with my ancestors."


Su Zhengwen remembered the old man who was light and weak.

Tianjia ancestors and Su family ancestors seem to know, not only the strength is similar, even the personality is somewhat similar, but Su Hao is this.

Even if you have such a personality, it is too light!

Heaven is gone, hello!

Can you always say a word?


It has always been the opening of the Scorpio. Su Hao first thought that the ancestors of the Tian family would not be able to speak with his juniors, and then let Tianzhu endorse. But until the destruction of the heavenly family, the glory rules were signed, and the Tianjia ancestors did not say a few more words, this situation is slightly strange.

"Looks like it..."

Su Zhengwen also thinks about it.

"Because this is our life."

The Su family ancestors, who had been not far away, suddenly spoke and let Su Hao be surprised.

"Old ancestors."

Su Zhengwen said respectfully.

"Old ancestors."

Su Hao also screamed, Grandpa or something, he still can't export now.

"Although Tianjia is ambitious, but this is also his last effort. If he has the chance to succeed, he will fight hard." Sujia's ancestors shook their heads with regret. "But if they fail, they must make the last trace for human beings." Contribute, not die in a meaningless infighting."

"The heavens lost. He went."

"Similarly, if the five major families lose, I will also sign the glory rules."

The Su family sighed with a sigh. "This is our destiny."

Su Hao silently.

He never imagined that these two hostile world peaks had such an agreement. The globalization of the older generation, the sense of honor is beyond his imagination.

"Go on."

The Su family ancestors smiled lightly. "Since the federation has been unified, the new era is coming. The Su family has to do it. It is how to preserve itself. The rest is handed over to you."


Su Hao took the lead to retreat.

The Su family ancestors looked at his figure a little stunned and sighed for a long time. "This child is very similar to Tiancheng. Isn't it?"

“It’s very similar to you.”

Su Zhengwen laughed.


The Su family ancestors muttered to themselves. Some nostalgia. "After all, he is the blood of my family!"

Su Zhengwen flashed a glimpse of his eyes. "Have you told him yet?"

"No need to."

The Su family ancestors waved lightly. He said, "His potential is still above heaven. I believe that he can do things that Tiancheng has not done, and I will live to that day!"


Among his eyes, he was a slap in the face.


The wind hangs.

The trees with few leaves were dying with the cold wind, and the bare trunks swayed with the wind, full of endless bleakness.

"It’s winter."

Su home garden.

After Su Hao came out, the indifferent look finally showed a trace of grief.

The last time I borrowed the source library of Tianjia, all of his source technologies have entered the six-star system. Whether it is deduction or hacking technology, almost all the source technologies that have been mastered have greatly increased in power! As an intelligent deduction of integrating multiple source technologies, it is even more powerful!

Although the old man has been glaring at him, how can he survive under his deduction?

That is a gray defeat...

The deadline is coming!

This cheap grandfather who came out halfway, I am afraid that life is not a few years. At this time, he only knew why the ancestors of the Tian family and the ancestors of the Su family made this agreement.

"does it worth?"

Su Hao asked softly.

The peak of the world, almost touched the legendary strongest king!

The ancestors of Tianjia were even worse when they entered it, but that was a little bit, and it became an insurmountable gap, and they could no longer enter for life.

The source energy era alternates too fast!

The strength of all people is exploding, but no matter how the strength is improved, one thing can't be changed after all, that is life!

The field is also good, and the world is also there.

There is no strong source, and there is no ability to improve life. In the early days, from the time of globalization, there were countless deaths and injuries. Even if they survived, they were scarred. With strong strength in support and strong support, it was almost the limit, let alone to improve life.

Is there really no way to improve life?


Only when you become the strongest king will you have a chance? Is this also the reason why Tianjia’s ancestors suddenly sprinted in the past few days? Su Hao's heart is silently analyzed.

Vice President Lei Wang!

Su Hao suddenly thought of the predecessor who was attached to Zhou Wang. The kind of possession is only temporary survival. If it is limited, it will disappear, or will the lifespan be improved?

Do you really want to win this kind of thing?

Su Hao brows gently wrinkled, there are too many places in the world that do not understand. The magical source, the new world, the ubiquitous talent, can't be understood in just a few decades, let alone record all the sources, and then statistically analyze the talent that can improve life.

What do I want to do?

Su Hao suddenly woke up, he was worried about the Su family ancestors!

Although there is very little dialogue, but unconsciously, he has already regarded the Su family as his family, several times of life-saving grace, and then...

"I am a Su family after all."

Su Hao laughed at himself.

The grudges of the past seem to have dissipated with the wind at this moment. Yes, he is a Su family after all. At the beginning, the Su family chose him. And now, can he really let go of the Su family?


If you can't, then you can only fight hard! The world imprint, the rebirth of heaven, the figuration, the memory eradication... With regard to the recovery of life, he has too many doubts, if the study goes on. I have not found the day of success! Perhaps, before the ancestors left.

Although it is awkward, it is a silver lining.

Su Hao’s face once again restored his smile and left.

In the federal territory, the federal government dispatched at an incredible speed. In the past, the powerful family forces were cleared by the government in the first place. Like a family, or a family like Jinjia is everywhere in the city, its power is still above the government.

In the past, I took advantage of the backstage of the top ten families. Even the Source Energy Association does not dare to move them.

but now. ended!

The sweep of the government's forces and the ruin of the cloud, in addition to some clean forces, like those who take advantage of family powers, almost one does not stay! And this time. Chen’s move in Jianghe City is extremely wise. Chen, who had no black power, escaped.

The sweep lasted for a long time.

There is a whining voice in the Union.

But the people of the Federation are cheering. The guys who had been guilty of the past were all finished, and the government officials raised their heads for the first time. These forces, which were developed through the turmoil of the source, were swept away, and later. This world of the Federation is truly a federal government!

A new era.

The federal era, officially coming!

Of course, there are some strange rumors between such thriving, such as the inexplicable disappearance of Tianyuan’s source energy resources, or the strange rumors of whoever and who is greedy, and the destiny of God, Tianjia The source can be exhausted and so weak...

In short, all kinds of strange winds are circulating in the folk.

However, this does not affect the unification of the Federation, but it makes people harder for the future to belong to the Federation!

And very honored.

Sujia also avoided this sweep.

As always, the owners of the Su family returned, and their industries were almost given to the Federation. The Federation also maintained the necessary respect for the Su family in the case of eating sweets. The Su family, which has many worlds and horrific foreign aids, is like a hedgehog. No one can go down.

To be precise, it should be that Su Jia and Bai Jia are quietly hidden in such a battle, and there is no sound.

A month later.

Winter snow is coming.

In the Sujia Garden, Su Hao sat cross-legged, and there seemed to be a source of brilliance flashing around. The surrounding snow fell, and the naughty fell on Su Hao’s head. There was no trace of ablation, no change, no cold wind Then, the snow fell from him, it seems that it is just a cold stone.


A wind whirls over.

Su Hao's figure is fretting, and the surrounding snow disappears without a trace.

"nailed it."

Su Hao smiled happily, he is finishing the strength of today.

The Tianjia A source energy library allowed him to advance greatly, and all the source technologies could reach the six-star, and the remaining source energy library before the battle and the two major family convergence source libraries that were destroyed from the beginning It is also a resourceful and horrible source of energy, which will increase the strength of Su Hao!

How big is the source library of the two families?

Add up to the heavens!

Last time, Su Hao absorbed half of the heavenly family. It can be said that the absorption before leaving is almost three times that of the previous source of a source! This is a horrible and unimaginable number. Su Hao never thought that the source that was difficult to pursue before the breakthrough could have been so much after the breakthrough.

This is a rich and terrible resource.

Used in the breakthrough of physical fitness?


If there is no model analysis, Su Hao will not hesitate to use all the sources of energy in the breakthrough of physical quality, but now has restored the control of source energy, precious sources can not be so wasted, and this opportunity is also Wanzhong Nothing, no more.

So after thinking about it, Su Hao simply became the landlord.

Put all these sources together -


That's right, save!

The return of model analysis, Su Hao, can perfectly transform these sources into a permanent model, and with the return of the six-star source technology model that is now upgraded, it is perfect!

So care.

In the kingdom of heaven, on the calm sea, there is a tall mountain range out of thin air, a pillar of the sky, straight into the sky. Pingyang, who was on vacation at the seaside beach, went directly to the bottom of the sea by a wave. He was almost killed by the lack of space.

for a long time.

A wolverine echoed in the day.

"Su Hao, your uncle!" (To be continued.)

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