Godly Model Creator

Chapter 856: Judge Chen Ge

"Judge Chen Ge?"

Su Hao listened to this name for the first time.

However, this does not prevent him from connecting things that will happen soon. The witch Su Shi, the judge Chen Ge, and the aunt Su Shi took Chen Yiran to practice, then where is this Chen Ge? If the father is missing, what should he do as a person who cares about the recent one?


Su Hao called out the light curtain data.

"Query Chen Ge."

The data stream flashed and countless names flashed.

Su Hao looked at the database and popped up hundreds of people, directly to screen - Jianghe City, the data stream flashed, Liu on the light curtain, only three. A woman, a child, and a middle-aged man who is about the same age as Su Shi always show a few cynicism.

"is it you?"

Su Hao muttered to himself.

"Monitor video."


Su Hao transferred Chen Ge’s activity route.

The surveillance video swept across major shopping malls, major networks, and even government agencies, and was swept away by Su Hao. All the information about Chen Ge was captured. Chen Ge will calculate again, I am afraid I will not think that some people will have such a strong ability to integrate all monitoring.

When all the videos related to Chen Ge are extracted...

Su Hao discovered that there is an amazing fact.

Chen Ge’s activities ranged around Su Hao, and when Su Hao got the mysterious card, Chen Ge also “just happened” missing for a few minutes. When Su Hao confronted the Sun family, Chen Ge was also active at the scene, and Su Hao’s doubts were finally solved!

No wonder that it was so smooth at the beginning, it turned out that Chen Ge was helping him!

The emergence of mysterious cards...

When the white man was dispatched...

Chen Ge, who is known as the judge, has been silently protecting Su Hao. To be precise, it protects the Su family.

"Chen Ge."

Su Hao read the name.

He is not the ignorant practitioner of the original. When determining the identity of Chen Ge, Su Hao’s first reaction is what strength Chen Ge is! Since his father Su Tiancheng is the strongest of the world's peaks, then his aunt Su Shi and Chen Ge must be at least world-class!

The aunt was injured.

The power of the rules is almost exhausted, only a source of energy can be spurred. And if Su Hao did not guess wrong, Chen Ge is almost the same situation!

The world is strong.

When the power of the rule disappears, it becomes an ordinary person, and some special ordinary people.

"It seems necessary to go to him once."

Su Hao flashed a stream of light in his eyes.

The things of the year were clear, and this ancient mansion had no value. Su Hao returned to the hotel with a dead dog like Li Xin, and the lean man left a contact with Su Hao and left. Su Hao knows that he can't get involved in the matter until he has surpassed his father's strength.

The truth of this world!

For Su Hao, this secret is about too many things.


Father may still be alive!

Su Hao silently put this matter in his heart, did not dare to tell his family, because he knew that the person who had already been determined to die, once given hope, but finally desperate, it is a kind of sadness. The same pain, the mother has already suffered once, and he will never let the matter repeat itself.

Huang Yucheng.

No one knows what happened here.

The disappearance of a small yellow hat tour group did not cause a trace of embarrassment here. Several old people have long known that they may hang up at any time. Even before they left, they arranged their affairs. Everything was so smooth. They did not bring a little trouble to Su Hao, and Su Hao was surprised.

of course.

The condition of waking up from the hotel in the early morning is no longer considered...

"How can I be here?"

Li Xin was horrified as he was lying on the big bed of the hotel. His mind was in chaos and his memory was blurred. Li Xin, a student of various novels, felt wrong in the first time. In the novel story, this time is generally It’s a drink and chaos.

Is it me...

Li Xin’s classmate was shocked and looked at a figure lying next to him, carefully watching the past, and when he saw it was Su Hao, he was relieved.

Scared to death.

and many more……

How can I and Su Hao at the hotel? Can't think of it completely? I rely on, this is the rhythm of the drug? Who gave me medicine? Is it...

Li Xin’s classmates became even more alarmed. “Su Hao, what have you done...”


Su Hao did not take it easy, "Is it going to be early in the morning?"


Li Xin quickly climbed up.

After Li Xin’s two goods were messed up, Su Hao did not sleep. In fact, he basically did not sleep with his current strength, but after a large amount of energy consumption, Su Hao would only habitually sleep to make up his energy. Yesterday, the battle of the ancient mansion actually wasted a lot of his brain cells.

"You were stunned yesterday, and I just dragged you back."

Su Hao said without curiosity.


Li Xin thought about it for a moment, then shot the thigh. "I remembered, when I was bitten by the big dog, you saved me!"


Su Hao sweat, where did the goods start to erase the memory?

"Did I be scared by the big dog?"

Li Xin has some pain. "I am the protagonist. How can I be scared? I should be brave and fearless. It’s not scientific! You really saw that I was scared by the big dog? Certainly not, Right? Even if it is global, it’s impossible to scare me!”

Li Xin looked at Su Hao with an eye and looked forward to a different answer.


Su Hao coughed. "When I saw you, you were in a coma."

"It turned out to be true."

Li Xin was so painful in his head.


Su Hao is a little embarrassed, brother you endured, this explanation is for you. However, this time, after Li Xin’s an hour, Su Hao finally became numb.

"I am planning to go back to Jianghe City, are you going?"

Su Hao helplessly dragged Li Xin from the company.

“Jianghe City?”

Li Xin was shocked. "I can't go! I just came out, I won't go back. Let my old man catch it and it's a fat one. My experience hasn't started yet."


Oh, yes, think of it.

Yesterday, Li Xin said that he came to Huangcheng City for his experience. However, yesterday, he erased his memory. Li Xin also forgot about this matter and thought that he had not started.

"Where are you going to go?"

Su Hao is curious.

"Just around the city of Huangfu, the old man said that I am free here, and like an old **** stick, I don't know what it means."

Li Xin said.

Su Hao was shocked. Li Xin’s father was a talent for gas transportation. Since he said that Li Xin’s chance is here, it must be correct. It is a pity that I originally wanted to take Li Xin away. Although this cargo is very big, it comes with all kinds of magical auras, lucky brilliance and apocalypse.

One gain is a debuff.

The blessing is unpredictable.

However, since Li Xin has his own path, Su Hao will not intervene.

"Then go back and contact again."

Su Hao patted his shoulder and said with a strong heart, "I will be careful when I practice, but I will run if I play, and I have to be ready to run at any time."


Li Xin keeps in mind.

After leaving the hotel, the two parted ways.

Su Hao rushed to the river city with the source of the day. Before he left, he vaguely felt that he seemed to have forgotten to explain anything, but he couldn’t remember it, check it several times, and confirm that there was no problem before leaving. And just after he left, he thought of something.

The memory of the lean man is no problem, right?

You know, Li Xin is not an ordinary person!

Su Hao has some hidden concerns.

You know, this cargo is so big that it is incredible. When you first used the memory of the mysterious moon, it almost exhausted all the power of the source technology to make him sleep, but think about the slim man who strengthened before yesterday. Once, completely erase those memories from Su Hao.

Li Xin also thought that after the big dog fainted yesterday, Su Hao was relieved. Also, people who have mastered memory for so many years, but professional, how can it go wrong?

After thinking clearly, Su Hao was relieved.

However, when he did not know, the real problem was not the memory eradication, but the fact that Su Hao spoke out the words. Soon after Su Haogang left, Li Xin’s classmates ran away.

"Is it scared?"

"Can't bear it! Laozi is the legend of the future!"

A classmate is also worried about what he is being stunned. As a young man with ideals, ambition and strength, he feels that being teased is definitely not something that should be on him. Already there... then you have to fix it.

"How to do?"

Li Xin bit his teeth. "Don't you have a big dog? I will find it again! I don't believe it. The first time I can scare me, the second time I can scare me?"

I have to say that Li Xin is very resilient.

From the time he has been practicing hard, he can know that the matter of looking for it is completely a rib.


Li Xin’s classmates rushed to the outside of Huangcheng City. Before the compass was instructed, they started their own old business – digging the wall!

Without an accident, just a minute of ground, a wolf appeared.


A silent roar.

The giant wolf looked fiercely at Li Xin, and the giant bite it.

"The trough, big!"

Li Xin exclaimed, swallowed a slobber, and endured the ** running, smugly thinking, "Look, Xiaoye was not scared!"

However, when the giant wolf bite into the mouth, Li Xin’s face finally changed.


When I couldn’t escape, Li Xin suddenly opened his brain, and subconsciously threw out the compass in his hand. Then... the giant wolf was sluggish, his eyes drifted, and then he rushed at lightning speed. Go out, bite the compass and ran back.

Looking at the giant wolf with his tongue in front of the compass, Li Xin stunned, and then...


He threw the compass out again.


The giant wolf smashed out, and soon the compass was returned, and he was satisfied with Li Xin.

Li Xin was completely dumbfounded. After a few seconds, he completely woke up and shot his thigh. "This is not a wolf. The cliff is a huskies!" r1152


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