Godly Model Creator

Chapter 878: Flame battleship!

Innocent land.

The nine oil lamps floated in the air, Yingying Guanghua flickered, and they lifted them up. Within each oil lamp, a small flame was burning, bright and gentle. Suddenly, the lights swayed, and an oil lamp flickered and fainted, and the light was shining, and it was suddenly in the air.

“Is it another?”

On the bank of the light, one stands with one hand and looks quietly like a wise man. But at this time, if someone looks at him behind him, he will definitely scare the soul out.


Endless blood.

In the eyes, as long as you can see, it is blood.

The corpse is everywhere!

And if the source is there, it can be easily recognized. Among the countless people who have died, there are not many worlds, and there are many famous legends.

These people have all died here.

The breeze blew.

The man’s fingers swayed and seemed to be a little intolerant. On the side of his body, he has an old head. Even if he died from his body, his eyes are full of the killing and unwillingness of the sky. The face that will never change is the familiar face of all the federations. - Heavenly ancestors!

"Glory rules..."

The man whispered softly. "It’s really a headache. Oh, if this rule left by the guy, according to the inferiority of human internals, it is estimated that it has already been destroyed. However, it does not matter, the nine desperate Everything changed, and that day, it’s coming soon."

"I really have some expectations."


"This is your last time, so cherish it."


The sky thundered. It seems to be snarling at the disrespectful words of that person.

The man looked up and looked at the clear skies, just showing a sneer smile, and his face, countless patterns emerged, all over his skin, adding a bit of mystery to him, but if the world The mighty strong will be shocked when they see this scene.

Because these patterns represent a horrible meaning.

Emperor level peak.


The realm of Taihu Lake.

At last, no one came again. At this time, the world's strongest people stayed there, and there were actually 28 people. same. There are also apprentices who follow, 22 people, six of whom are just entering the world, they come for themselves. This is the realm of Taihu Lake. Fifty people!

"Some unexpectedly."

"The last time was only forty people. It seems that in recent years, the outbreak of the source of energy has brought a lot of influence."

Everyone heard the words and nodded. The source of energy has exploded, and everyone’s cultivation speed has increased, which has led to it. Genius is also a matter of course, and the speed of cultivation has begun to increase. This point, from the strength of the college entrance examination one year stronger than one year can be seen, the future will only become stronger and stronger!

"I suddenly thanked the Taihu Lake for opening ahead of time."

One person said, everyone heard a smile.

Isn't it, if it is not because of this accident, so that many people are not prepared, when the next year is opened, I am afraid that people who enter the Taihu Lake will break through 100! At that time, the competition was fierce and even more distributed to his disciples.


One person snorted. "Whether or not you open it in advance, the glory of the Taihu Lake is my disciple."

"Ignorance is always terrible."

The King of Fire suddenly said with a sigh, "It’s not too good to be too proud."

Everyone looked and some people were arrogant.

Obviously, this is an absolute confidence in oneself. I believe that my disciples are peerless wizards. Absolute blocks can abuse the audience and win the first place. Everyone looked down on Wancheng, and the strength of others was not clear, but this guy called Wancheng was really strong.

Wan Cheng smiled lightly, as always, silently.

"This is definitely an enemy."

The genius of the genius is stunned.

Not showing the edge, the momentum is restrained, facing the eyes of everyone, as always, steady, quiet, this person's mind is determined to be very comparable. Many people have made Wancheng the only goal. Perhaps, in their proud eyes, only such people are qualified to be their opponents.

As for Su Hao...

He smiled at the good show.

Although he is good in strength, in the situation of the Taihu Lake where the guns are shot, the initiative to expose strength is the act of death. Before he can have an interest, he has to do low-key and low-key. As soon as I looked up, I just smiled at Chen Ge.

One old and one small two foxes smiled at each other.

Treacherous like a ghost.

"Time is almost up."

The King of Fire looked at the lake like water. "It's time to go in. If you are ready, will this start with me?"

Everyone agrees.

The king of the blast is light and empty, and countless sounds burst into the air. On the surface of the lake in the Taihu Lake, ten huge flames are poked out.

"Puff puff!"

Space vibration.

"It's now!"


At the scene, a group of powerful people from the world took out, and countless powerful atmospheres appeared. A powerful force of rules emerged and emerged toward the lake. The power of dozens of rules was entangled and attached to the black hole. A powerful spirit, it is directly into the flame.

The ten groups of flames shine brightly.

"to make!"

The king of the fire gathered.


The flame burst.

The flames of the Ten Regiments suddenly burst into a powerful brilliance, and the dazzling red light made countless people unable to open their eyes. The horrible flame almost covered the lake.


The flames are gathered again.

On the lake in the Taihu Lake, a huge battleship appeared, burning with blazing flames, like a ghost ship from the endless void.

"This... this is..."

A group of disciples were shocked and deeply shocked.

Flame battleship.

In the realm of Taihu Lake, can there be a flame? A huge battleship, is this the entry roll into the Taihu Lake?

"It's a hot king."

A world-famous and eager watch of the hot king, "I am worried that you will fail if you first shot."


The King of Fire did not seem to hear anything. Call everyone to board the ship. A crowd of people boarded the flame warship, this is a nothingness of the warship. But they stepped on their feet, but they were as real. The thick flame did not hurt them. Everyone looked at the novelty.

"set off!"

The King of Fire screamed coldly.


The flame warship was dispatched.

The calm lake in the Taihu Lake was suddenly disturbed, and the flame warship broke out with strong power, which ignited and caused huge waves.


Take the wind and break the waves.

The flame warships did not stop to kill the center of the Taihu Lake.

"Good strength."

Everyone was amazed, especially the disciples who were still in the field. For the first time, I saw this kind of handwriting, and I can always have a warship! Is this the power of globalization? The king of fire. The second strongest in the world. Is there such a means of countering the sky?

Something is wrong.

Su Hao’s eyes started, recalling the scene before everyone’s shot, suddenly thinking.

"The Ten Realms."

Su Hao said, "Is this the basic element of the world?"

"You are very smart."

Chen Ge said lightly. “Ordinary spirits are simply not qualified to drive on the Taihu Lake. Only after the world architecture of the Ten Worlds is stabilized can this spirit be completed.”

"This kind of means, the king of the hot may not be able to complete. He shot, just kicked off. Supporting the ten spirits is the spirit of every world-powerful." Su Hao instantly realized, "this ship Although the battleship is the king of the hot, but the core is all the world!"

"Yes, haha."

Chen Ge laughed. "Because of this, you are safe."

Su Hao thinks thoughtfully, "Every support point exists by the spirit of the world's powerful, and the same, if someone has an accident..."


"The flame warship will collapse."

“So, is the situation in Taihu Lake safe?”

Su Hao looks at Chen Ge.

"No, it is more dangerous."

Chen Ge smiled coldly. "It is precisely because of this that once the accident occurs in the Taihu Lake, it is completely annihilated. The desperate situation is not so simple."

Su Hao is amazed.

The flame warship is driving, riding the wind and breaking the waves, the speed is not slow, but the vast lake surface, but can not see the end, after the moment of exiting the entrance, the original position has not been seen.

Around, there is no end.

The huge flame battleship looked so small at this time.

Something is still terrible.

The atmosphere above the battleship was awe-inspiring, and the disciples were even more nervous.

"Master, when are you going?"

A disciple couldn't help but ask.

No way, the atmosphere is terrible, everyone is silent, boring and terrible, plus the lake that seems to never come to an end, the whole world seems to be silent at this moment, this feeling makes him almost crazy in his heart. It is completely different from his previous trials.

Hearing his mouth, his master flashed a disappointment in his eyes.


The rest of the people showed a hint of smile, the beginning of the Taihu Lake, they want to unconsciously have the intention of comparison, but also want to test the disciple's heart. Tolerate loneliness, and then qualify to go further. Whoever opens the door first, whoever loses.

These masters...

Su Hao smiled at the bottom of his heart.

“It’s getting started soon, get ready.”

The world was cold and cold, and the tone was unconsciously a bit uncomfortable.


The disciple nodded again and again, and did not notice the change in Master's tone.

The rest of the disciples looked at each other and seemed to understand something. They immediately stood up and no longer spoke. The atmosphere above the battleship was silent.

But soon, Su Hao suddenly looked up, "What is the first trial?"


Chen Ge took a moment, he did not think of it, the second opening turned out to be Su Hao, his temper, not so unsettled? The rest of the world is even more funny, and two guys have lost. At this time, their disciples are not shameful.

"Should, it won't be a meteor shower?"

"Of course not, what happened?"

The people stunned.

Su Hao pointed to the sky, everyone looked up and suddenly, collectively stunned, in the sky, countless black lines of ink crossed, like a meteor shower.

Cover the sky! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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