Godly Model Creator

Chapter 885: Arrogant

Does Su Hao understand the power of the mind?

To understanding.

When dealing with Sun Yaotian and dealing with Sun Yaohui, Su Hao used the pressure of the mind to make them jealous. Later, the hypnotic technique was a magical power of the mind. The power of the mind could not be seen or touched, but it was influenced by the subconscious. People, very scary.


The feelings of the blue dream butterfly ** talents come.

Su Hao feels everything about ** talent, and the understanding of the power of the mind suddenly begins to increase sharply, and the source of the body can fall again. Su Hao is immersed in the endless storm of the soul. At the same time, the power of the spirit fish has increased sharply, and the understanding of the power of the mind has officially begun!

One thought, one round.

One step, one day.

Su Hao has no concept at all.

What is the time?

What is space?

When the mind is lost, he seems to have lost the whole world, and when the soul returns, he seems to have the whole world again.

Both gains and losses are the world!

This is a power that goes far beyond time and space!

Love, hate, hatred, thinking, everything, will be affected by this force, and once it is affected, it is the whole world, the whole life.

Su Hao Ming Wu.

The psychic storm ended, and Su Hao’s understanding of this power is almost the same. Su Hao can feel the unusual power.

To break through!

Su Hao’s eyes are bright.

The fourth time, this is the opportunity for him to reach out to the breakthrough four times. Although he borrowed the feelings of others every time, it did not prevent him from understanding certain things. I have failed three times in a row. This time, can I really break through? If he didn't guess wrong...


Psychic storm shock!

The breakthrough moment is coming!


Su Hao returned to reality.

"Sure enough..."

Su Hao flashed a sneer in his eyes. With the final failure, he had completely understood it. He turned his head and looked at Chen Ge. He laughed at himself. "You already know?"

"Just guessing."

Chen Ge sighed. "After all. You don't have a world imprint."

Su Hao smiled bitterly.


World imprint!

This is the real reason why Su Hao can't break through. Every time he is about to break through, he will fail, otherwise he will understand his talents. Plus the power of the spirit fish. Enough to become the first world. But because of these things, he was intercepted!

Failure, no suspense.

There is no chance of success at all. Everything, just because he has no world imprint,

Su Hao laughed at himself.

Cheng also imprinted, defeated and imprinted, Su Hao knows that this thing has an impact on his own breakthrough in the world, but also very troublesome, but never thought that the impact is so great. A normal world breakthrough, no! Breaking through the spiritual fish in the Taihu Lake, it still doesn't work!

"It is a sad fact."

Su Hao looked around, this time, all the world has come back, everyone is feeling the power of the spirit fish, everyone is feeling! In the sky, black pressure is piled up, covered with countless black fish, dense and horrible, but no spirit fish has fallen.

"it is finally over."

Everyone is upset.

"Can't you fall?"

Su Hao cold channel.

"Not anymore."

One person replied that Su Hao looked at it and turned out to be Yu Tianyu. Wan Cheng was obsessed with the power of the rules, and the world was free.

"The reason why the black fish will fall is because the spirit fish is pulling. When the spirit fish is lost and completely disappeared, the black fish will not come down again." Yan Tianyu said indifferently, "they will always condense in the sky, countless Until the sky can no longer afford them..."


"The disaster is coming."

"And we will fall in this disaster."

Yan Tianyu calmly said this cruel fact, and the world's face showed a stunned look. Obviously, everyone knows that the next is a big fight. The peak of domainization does not pose a threat to them, but the amount... is the power of their rules enough?

The power of the rules is exhausted and finally killed by the black fish!

It’s sad to think about this kind of death.

Flame battleship.

very quiet.

Several people are breaking through, and the rest are feeling, and the activities are a whole world and Su Hao. Everyone looks at Su Hao’s eyes are a bit strange, because there is no doubt that Su Hao is one of the best among the disciples. Yes, I have caught a lot of people just by catching fish.


He failed!

Failure, it means that you have not stepped into the world, a disaster, danger! Everyone looked at Chen Ge, who was still in the air, and suddenly felt that the world was still very fair. Otherwise, the master of this anti-day plus the apprentice of the anti-day is not too shocking.

And it is at this time.


The flames are running!

The people looked up and saw the disciples of the King of the Fire. The whole body was surrounded by a circle of flames, and the power of terror fell from the sky and descended on the battleship.


"Another breakthrough guy!"

The world has returned to the world, this moldy guy finally got it at the last minute? No matter how trousers before, value! At this time, I will look back and look at the wind. Even Su Hao, who is the fastest to catch fish, feels a lot of emotions. This is a fate.

"This kid..."

The King of Fire is excited.

After calming down, I looked at Chen Ge, but I didn't find any loss. The mouth of the hot king flashed a taunt. "Chen brother doesn't seem to be surprised at all?"

"He has his own chance."

Chen Ge said lightly, and looked at the sky. "Let's take a look at these children. If there are only these few... I am afraid that there is no difference in breaking through."

The hearts of the people were so sad that they were brought back to reality by cruelty.

Black fish...

It’s falling soon!


Even if there are only four breakthroughs, they have no bottom. The proliferation of breakthroughs shrouded everyone, and the powerful force reverberated in everyone. At this time, suddenly a soft bang, a violent force came, everyone was happy.

Someone broke through!

I haven’t recovered, but I heard another whisper.


Another person.


Everyone is overjoyed and excited to see this scene, a strong will to come. The entrapment of six people broke through and floated around. After a full minute, some people realized that the power of the spirit fish has not stopped, which means. They are still feeling.

“Does anyone want to break through?”

Everyone is excited.

After a while. Another few sounds came. With the final sentiment, there are three more breakthroughs! Stepping into the world, there are actually nine people!

It is a storm of the sea!


Nine powerful forces rushed over the battleship. Go straight into the sky.

Some people in the sentiment have woke up and saw that they have not broken through. Some of them are eclipsed. The peak of the field is 22, and the breakthrough is nine. The probability is almost half. They have not broken through. This character and talent are too bad.


When they saw the breakthrough of the King of the Hot King, it was even bitter. Just now, they didn’t ridicule the guy, it’s a **** irony.

"You have not succeeded?"

When a few people looked at Su Hao, it was also a sigh of relief. After all, Su Hao’s strength is the strongest among all people, and catching fish is also the most.

"No space talent."

Su Hao casually found an excuse.

"Oh, it’s a pity."

Everyone is also a comforting voice, quite a feeling of mutual sympathy. But when I looked at a few people on the battleship, my eyes showed an envious look.

Step into the sky!

Since then, these people have been worldized!

In the long-term peak of the field, they already know how horrible the concept of globalization is. From the point of view of the world, they are half-dwarf.

"Almost, it's almost a little..."

Some people are not willing to say.

"I have been connected for six times, and they are all different rules. No one is mine. What the **** is his mother's luck!"

One person is not willing to say.

"Oh, I have come across a force of my own natural rules. Unfortunately, I realized the critical point, so it’s a little worse..."

One person regrets it.

Su Hao’s eyes swept away. He knew that his problem was reassuring. His eyes looked far away, but he was placed in a corner of the battleship.

"Wancheng... He is still feeling?"

Following Su Hao's gaze, everyone was surprised and forgot this guy.


This guy, who is known as the best talent among the people, is terrifying in strength and amazing in his understanding. He has been set to be globalized from the beginning, but he has even dragged this last one! However, a few times before Lenovo, they also faintly knew what happened.

"Do you want to touch your talent?"

"It's too arrogant."

"Do you really have that luck?"

Everyone expressed their feelings and looked at Yu Tianyu. "Is this time he is having his own talent?"

"I do not know."

Yan Tianyu smiled bitterly. "This kid has given up seven times. However, whether or not, he must break through this time."


The people nod, and at this moment, a flame emerged around Wancheng.

Flame brilliance, then the power of fire! The last breakthrough, Wan Wan still did not encounter his own talent, but unfortunately...

"The sentiment is over, he wants to break through!"

"It’s a pity that this breakthrough has made many people worse."


"After the reward of heaven, is it still less than luck?"

Everyone is bitter, Wancheng, this is the person who wants to be a strong person. Is it because of luck, has it become an ordinary world? But this is the last chance! If you give up, you may not have the chance to enter the world in this life!


Guanghua flashed.

Everyone took a step back and he wanted to break through.


A force has risen to the sky, but at this moment, oh, a soft bang, the power disappeared without a trace, everyone suddenly lost, this... this is...

He actually took the initiative to cut off! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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