Godly Model Creator

Chapter 915: Light of hope


Su Hao asked his doubts. ~~~~

The man answered Su Hao. There is no doubt that the former outsiders either did not believe that the so-called white line would die, or they were active in various investigations in the city. The end result was only one, and died! In the eyes of the people in Shuguang City, they are simply doing tricks!

In fact, when you come here, you can no longer leave.

"What is the role of this virus?"

Su Hao suddenly asked.

According to what he saw, the way the virus spread was horrible, but there was no substantial killing, at least not seeing the suffering of these people.

The man’s face faintly reveals a weird look. “Fun... um, increase the chance of conception?”


Su Hao thought that he had got it wrong.

"You didn't get it wrong."

The man shook his head. "After the virus, although I can't leave here, it will increase the conception rate, and I will be able to conceive it once."

"One time..."

Su Hao didn't know what to say.

What a **** of the virus, the mother and child river of the daughter country?

"I am not sure as well."

The man scratched his head. "It has been like this anyway."

"and many more……"

Su Hao looked at the people in the city and suddenly realized the problem. If that is the case, how many people there are, how can there be only these?

"What about those people?"

Su Hao sighs.

The man was silent, his face was sorrowful, "Dead. All died, and died less than a week after birth."


Su Hao flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes.

An explosive virus, the only role is to increase the chance of conception, and the child born, but died in a short time, no matter how you look more terrible.

"What's your name?"

"It’s good to call me big."

"Do you have a child who is dead?"

Su Hao noticed the grief of his eyes.


Big sigh, "I was infected with the virus that didn't affect my life. How many people are pregnant in Shuguang City. One by one is a big belly. The whole city is full of joy, but who can think of it, after birth, What happens to death without interruption?"

"That was a nightmare."

Big and strong, there is some fear.

Su Hao understands very well.

Pregnancy is a good thing in the past. And now. Pregnancy represents a disaster. A child is from nothing. But after the new life, I greet death. Throughout the Twilight City, nearly three adults have experienced the terrible nightmare, and that dream. Even so far.

Everyone in Shuguang City has no life.

Su Hao estimates that they are not willing to go with the house now. They must be pregnant in the same room, and once they are pregnant, it is October to meet their death.

No wonder the whole city is full of love.

Such a city...

Su Hao seems to understand what.

This is his first contact with such a talent, and if he did not guess wrong, this virus infection against the people of Shuguangcheng is a source of energy.

A terrible source of technology.

The role of this source technology is what Su Hao guessed before, but its ultimate goal is only one, to get the more powerful power or talent!

“Model analysis can grow to concrete...”

"What about other talents?"

Su Hao's eyes bloom in the cold.

There are so many special cases in the federal population. There are always one or two special cases. If Su Hao did not guess correctly, some people have found such a method. But what is it? Is it to increase strength? Or what to collect? Why kill a baby?

Su Hao thinks thoughtfully.

"Wow - wow -"

A cry of crying awakened Su Hao, he raised his head fiercely and saw the distance, a girl in her teens, holding a newborn baby.

"this is--"

Su Hao was shocked.

"It's my daughter and..."

Big and bitter smile, "She and another teenager in Shuguang City couldn't help but steal the forbidden fruit, huh, huh, and then it is, and now, even if the child is born, we can only wait for death! Every time he cries Sound, maybe even the last breath..."

"Why was that born?"

Su Hao is curious.

"The medical equipment can't keep up, the child can't beat it, it can only be born."

Big and hateful bite.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

The girl's pale green skin is filled with a happy smile, her eyes slipping through the tears and comforting the child in her arms. "Mom stays with you, don't be afraid."

"You don't go see?"

Su Hao looked at the sad and strong.

"Don't go, can't go!"

Da Zhuang clenched his fist. "He died in a few days. Now, it will only be more painful! I advised her how many times she gave up, but she..."

Su Hao thinks thoughtfully.

How to do?

Su Hao brows up.

Originally his plan was to secretly undercover in this Shuguang City, to coexist with these people, and gradually waited to find out. However, when he saw the child, Su Hao changed his plan. First, he must know the ultimate purpose of the virus, what it wants to get!

As for the second point, he has a faster way!

Instead of slowly looking for the truth, let the person come to the door?

Su Hao sneered.

The panic of the face was deliberately converged, and Su Hao resumed the indifferent beginning. "Big, take me to see the child."


Big and strong.

At first he just watched Su Hao panic and wanted to go out, so he came over to intercept him. He never thought, this guy who was almost dead in his eyes, actually began to order?

"Oh, yes."

Su Hao remembered it.



A source of energy can oscillate.

The green light simulated by Su Hao was suddenly eliminated, almost instantaneously. Su Hao has returned to normal. At this time, he once again looks at Da Zhuang. "So, is it all right?"

"you you you you……"

Da Zhuang was shocked and looked at Su Hao.

At this time, the people around him finally found out that Su Hao was back to normal, and he was greatly shocked. His face showed an incredible look. Not far away, when the girl saw this scene, she rushed over. When you pass it, you will fall to the ground. "Adult, please help my child."

This is right.

Su Hao walked over and gently put his hand on the child.

The child is very healthy and the skin color is normal.

Everything looks no different from normal people. However, when Su Haoyuan was able to enter the body. I finally found a scene that shocked him. This baby, which is only a few days old, has an active talent!

"The trough!"

Su Hao couldn't help but swear.

Source energy talent Tiancheng?


This is much more against the sky!

God knows that normal people can only dare to integrate source talent when they are 18 years old. Talented and talented people dare to integrate in advance, and this does not necessarily guarantee success! And this baby, is actually born to generate source talent? Is this not the case, destined to become the strongest king in the future?

"No, no."

Su Hao quickly calmed down.

Anyway, there must be a demon, let alone a child born like this?

"Source talent, modeling!"

Su Hao quickly established a model for the talents in the child.

A-level talent, pathogen, this is a special talent, it can absorb all the viral forces around to integrate into the body, let yourself become more powerful, and even change the talent. The pathogen talent itself has all the functions of a virus type talent.

"A level top talent!"

Su Hao is sure, because he has this talent.

There are not a few talents for the types of diseases in 100,000 kinds of talents, and this talent is undoubtedly the leader among them, similar to the top talents of the same level such as water control or time control.

"This child has such a talent, why is it dead?"

Su Hao does not understand.

He did not see anything unusual except that the child had an innate talent.

what exactly is it?

When Su Hao was wondering, he suddenly discovered that the source energy model was successfully established, and then integrated into the kingdom of heaven, and so on... Su Hao reacted and talented into the heavens? Doesn't this mean that he has no talent for this? But he clearly remembers that he has such a talent in his body!

The same a level, the same name!

"Where is it wrong."

Su Hao reacted.

After comparing the two talents again, Su Hao finally found the problem, which is the special place of this talent, it belongs to the parasite.

Parasitic, this is a special word.

Normal talent belongs to itself, and this talent exists in parasitic way. That is to say, it absorbs all the energy and virus in this child, so it looks normal and will not be infected at all! When parasitic saturation, it will leave.

Take the life of this child!

Su Hao Ming Wu.

That's it!

This is an upgraded version of the Taoist genie **, using this special way to create a new parasitic talent, and then integrate into your own talent, enhance the talent level! No matter how weak this talent is, Su Hao has no doubt that the **** talent is now s-class!

The storm of pregnancy in the whole city...

That is the soul of tens of thousands of babies!

Su Hao’s calm heart couldn’t help but anger, and almost didn’t get pressed. What kind of person is it, how cold and bloodless, can this be done?

"You will come to me."

Su Hao sneered.


The source can vibrate.

Su Hao uses powerful power to smash the parasitic talents in the baby!


The baby cried, and the girl quickly comforted.

Su Hao took back his hand and looked at the gaze of hope that was revealed in the eyes of the people around him. He said lightly, "This child is already normal."


The people around him are shaking.

Su Hao's sentence is normal, giving them special emotions!

Even though he was dubious, looking at the normal Su Hao, they seemed to have a little more confidence, observing the child, one day, two days, three days...

When time is safe, it’s been a week!

When the child is crying as always, the whole city shakes!


Alive live?

The people of Shuguangcheng rushed to pass, almost everyone knew that the truth was coming crazy here, and the whole city seemed to have survived at this moment. For the first time, this city, which has been silent for several years, has a feeling that they think is dead - hope. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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