Godly Model Creator

Chapter 920: Ninth!

Outside the town.

When Su Hao and Li Tiantian saw this scene, they were all stunned.

"You have calculated this?"

Li Tiantian is stunned.

"How can it be?"

Su Hao looks like a ghost. "I just intend to infect with a virus, and then go to Luo Yang's home with a scorpion, and then threaten him. He will definitely not accept the threat with his character. Then things get too big, and then kill him. As for now..."

Su Hao is also shocked.

The federal government is too embarrassing!

In the end, he ignored the horror of the virus. Although he has been trained to be restrained, but for the federal government, this is an unknown virus, and the speed of transmission is absolutely unprecedented, and can be spread in almost any way and in all ways. !

Once circulated, the biochemical era has come.

The panic about the unknown virus, let the high-level emergency make a decision, joking, even Luo Yang can not prevent this field peak, but also expect others to block it?

Do you want to send out a few worlds?

and so……


Source bombs swept away.

More crisp.

"This one……"

Su Hao was depressed. "It seems that I have to change my method."


Li Tiantian is also helpless.

After the teacher was not in the first place to die, Su Hao planned to die directly before he started. Who can think that the federal shot is so embarrassing, but also a major general?

No matter what you live or die!

A small town is gone, Su Hao and two people laugh and cry. As for the people under the federal hand, they are helpless. Under normal circumstances, even if the town is destroyed, it will not be so fast. Obviously, Luo Yang does not know who is offending, and he has been smashed at a crucial moment.

You can't live your life.

Su Hao grinned, but he read the information of the major general, basically stepping on the people, and is the best candidate for this plan...


Luo Yang does not work here. Su Hao can only use other methods. Fortunately. It is impossible for the federation to use source bombs every time. Give him a hundred courage in a place where the network is kept open and the people are mostly. The Federation does not dare to use! Otherwise, wait for a night of fire everywhere.

Su Hao shot in a variety of ways and talents.

Everything is in accordance with the appearance and talent in the memory of the logo. Thirty-six core members. There are only five people who know each other, but it is enough for Su Hao. Five people, five talents. Su Hao shot no less than ten times, and the federal high-level officials naturally suffered.

A variety of bizarre ways to die.

A variety of different talents.

Surveillance records the unscrupulous faces without exception, and when these things were reported together, the Federation finally became angry.

"Is it clear who is it?"

A head of the anger slammed the information in his hand on the table.

For the federation that is now just unified, what is needed is stability! At the beginning, there were civil organizations, and what was even more disgusting was that the organization also affixed the crimes of the high-ranking officials they killed, and the reputation among the people rose so much that the prestige of the federation naturally fell.

"What do they think they are?"

"Super hero?"

A major general said coldly, "It seems that someone is challenging the authority of the Union."

Having said that, the eyes of the Major General are unnaturally looking at someone in the corner of the conference room. It is a young man of about 23 or 34 years old. When he is sitting in the conference room leisurely, he has no idea for everyone. I feel that the younger brows up. "You don't want to express your opinion? The sea spirit."


The cold light flashed.

The sea spirit raised his head and his eyes were bitingly cold.

Haishen, Su Hao, the same college entrance examination student, lost in the hands of Su Hao, not willing to fail in this way, after several years of experience, finally reborn and reincarnation, and later, in the federal power of the family. Although there is only a domain strength, no one in the Federation dares to underestimate him.

Because that **** talent!

Soon after joining the Confederacy, the Sea Spirit has made a reputation for being absolutely strong, and the mind-reading of the anti-sky, in keeping with his absolute calm mind, the sea spirit can be said to have reached the peak of natural sociology.

“Is there a report from their organization?”

The sea spirit suddenly opened.

"There have been some, there is no connection, but because of this incident, one of the materials was found. According to the records, they belonged to an organization called the Nine Snake. However, it was originally declared as a rumor and reported this matter. The staff later did not know where to go."

The recorder carefully reports.

"It turned out to be."

The sea spirit is thoughtful. "In order to prevent the nine snakes from leaking and killing people, but now they risk exposure to the public, they must have pictures. Either other hostile organizations want to frame them, or they are I finally got it."

The sea spirit analyzes things almost at a glance.

The conference room fell into a short silence.

The first possibility is not big, because the people of this dark organization, once they use the federal attacking opponents, are likely to eventually involve themselves, and the chances of stealing the chickens will not be eclipsed. There are too many people who dare to die like this.

And the second...

What is the purpose of the Nine Snake?

What is the existence of this organization at the beginning, and what is the purpose of the current shooting?

The vast federation is ignorant!

This is undoubtedly terrible. You must know that even the organization of the killer organization, such as drifting, has data in the federal government, and it is very detailed, but this nine snakes...

"and many more."

The sea spirit suddenly thought of something, "Give me a look."

"what happened?"

The general will doubt.

The sea soul did not pay attention to him, carefully looked at it for a long time, and finally his face was also exposed to the color of the movement, "ten cases, five people's handwriting, and without exception, they are very similar in style, should be an organization. And they The talents are all s grades."

The eyes of the sea soul are very poisonous.

What a few people do, even the style can be seen.

indeed. Everyone's style is similar, but the sea spirit may not think of it. It is all done by one person, of course it is similar. And he wouldn't have thought that there is such a world in the world that it will pretend to be someone else's hands, and it can also disguise the talents of others!

Although Su Hao does not possess the talent of several companions, since it knows the corresponding talent characteristics from the target, it is not difficult to disguise the s-level effect with similar talents.

You must know that there are 100,000 kinds of talents in his body!


The meeting room was shocked.

s level?

The federal owners are very jealous of this level. Several s grades developed in the past. But almost destroyed the entire federation! Everyone's face was very ugly, and after careful confirmation, they finally got affirmation, although some were hidden. But the possibility of s-class is as high as 90%.

A mysterious organization. An organization that may be all s-level...

No wonder the sea spirit will move.

After confirming this message. The Federation can no longer sit still.


What is the concept of s level?

It is unceremonious to say that in terms of combat effectiveness, s-level talent may not be strong. But for the dangers of the Union, the existence of s-level talent is far above the general world! If the world is shot, the person who is stronger than him will do it. If he is finished in minutes, he can come back.

But s-level talent...

Once it breaks out, the consequences are hard to predict.

"These two materials, this talent."

The sea spirit focused on two pieces of information, pointing to the above target. "Can you remember what happened to Major General Luo Yang in the past few days?"

"You mean..."

"It's him."

The sea soul is sure.

“Notify the source energy association.”

The head who sat in the first place finally gave orders, and the murky eyes revealed terrible sorrows. "Nine snake organizations must be destroyed!"


“The Source Energy Association has been dispatched!”

The news intercepted by the satellite made Su Hao feel at ease.

After several actions, the federal government finally got hooked. Ten times of the worst federal high-level deaths, the spearheads all pointed to the Nine Snakes. No doubt, the next is the all-out war between the federal government and the Nine Snakes!

This dumb loss, the nine snake organization is eating.

Su Hao does not think that the Nine Snakes can win.

In any case, it is only a dark organization. If it has the strength to fight against the sky, it has long been exposed, and will wait until now? The federation has gathered almost all the elites of mankind. Once the members of the Nine Snakes are exposed, it is a terrible killing.

No one can escape.

"It seems to be a play."

Su Hao secretly said in his heart.

Nine snakes must be eradicated, whether for themselves or for the federation, the way at hand is the best choice, and what he wants is the talent of the nine snakes.

In the light curtain.

Numerous messages are passed.

Almost all the high-level news of the Federation will appear in Su Hao here. The horrible hacking technique makes him get the news without any disadvantage.

The next morning.

The source energy association headquarters took the shot.

The information of the thirty-six core members of the Nine Snakes is constantly being exposed. It was originally only five known to Su Hao, but now it has expanded to twelve! In the same way, the information of those outside disciples is gradually revealed, and many s-class talent members are also captured.

Su Hao had bubbled up on their way back.

Four s-level talents to hand!

Since the beginning of perfecting the Kingdom of Heaven, this is the easiest time for Su Hao to acquire talent. According to this speed, if the Nine Snakes organization is killed, maybe he can really enter the world! After a wave of hands, Su Hao quietly lurked, waiting for the federal to bring people back next time.

However, Su Hao’s happiness did not last long.

On this day, just after getting another s-level talent again, Su Hao went back to the road and met a person. To be precise, he was a monk.

Bald head, hey, twelve o'clock.

"who are you?"

Su Hao stopped.

The monk's hands are in the same position. "The source of the barren law, the ninth head of the Nine Snakes. I recently wanted to come to the donor with some misunderstandings. So the poor want to ask the donor to go."

"Nine Snake Organization?"

Su Hao’s pupils suddenly shrank.

He did not expect that the nine snake organization could find him on the head, and sure enough, he couldn’t be underestimated! The monk was alone, but it brought a dangerous atmosphere to Su Hao.

this time……

Trouble! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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