Godly Model Creator

Chapter 943: Step into the sky


A strange brilliance appeared.

Both Su Hao and the Yuaneng Association were shocked. The power of Zhengtai suddenly surged and was poured into his body through stone statues.


A stream of blood spouted.

It’s almost fainting.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Everyone's face changed dramatically.

"The power is too strong, he can't hold it." Su Hao is also a little nervous. "He is domain-oriented after all. This power, although copied and positive, but once and for all, seems to be mixed with the power of the rules."

"The power of the rules..."

Everyone is ugly.

The power of the rules is fine for them, but it is too domain!

Can he hold it?

You know, how strong is the power of the rules for the damage of the field? At the beginning, Su Hao and others had already experienced it once, and the power of a rule made them almost abolished.

And now...


Another force has emerged.

"1% of the force concentration of the rule."

Liu Ping quickly sensed it.

In the feedback of the source energy, there is still 1% of the power of the rules, and the power of these rules, mixed with the power of Zhengtai, returns to his body, what kind of impact is that!



A wave of stocks.

I was almost unable to hold it, but I was biting my teeth.

Su Hao is quite worried.

Gently grasp the hand, and the sleeves are ready to be shot. Once he is too supportive and bombarded, he will not hesitate to bring Zhengtai into heaven.

Zhengtai is brought out by him. He has this responsibility and obligation.


It is another blood.

Everyone is ashamed.

"Keep it up."

Su Hao stared at Zhengtai.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Zhengtai’s recovery is beyond everyone’s imagination. Everyone is watching him nervously. Nowadays, only Liu Ping is still standing outside the rain, but he doesn’t care. Of the forty-eight people present, only he and Su Hao have the power to ignore these rains.


Everyone looked at Zhengtai.

Zheng Tai’s body is already bleeding. This is a sign of impending collapse!

The people sighed.

Who can think of it. At the last moment, when everyone was happy, did you encounter such a thing? Domainization, it really is too strong.


Countless bloodslides have broken. I am too bloody.

"It's over..."

The people secretly sighed. Su Hao is ready to shoot. But his eyes did not stop praying for him. "Positive, hold on..."

And it is at this time.

suddenly. Vision regeneration.

The ruins of Huanghua.

After the army of the dead spirits was eliminated, the corresponding reports have been passed back.

The Source Energy Association and the federal government have unknowingly hit the firepower directly on the s-level talents and implemented their goal of cracking down on s-level talent.

The battle of Huangpu City is the legendary s-class talent who is evil.

This statement is actually true.

A city of three million dead souls, everyone knows the horror of s-level talent. Presumably after the recent days, no one dares to hide the s-level talent holders.

And this is also the account of all the people in Huangcheng.

Federal field.

For the destruction of Huangcheng City, it is quite shocking. If it is not the federal broadcast, who can think of it, the city that was good for the first two days, turned into a ruin overnight?

A city is gone, and there are three million dead souls.

The aftermath of the Necromancer was even more shocking. If the non-source associations take action, what kind of disaster is it if it is not shot by local strongmen? And the goddess who appeared in this disaster and turned the tide, is once again fame! Because the video is still there.

Although the signal is blocked.

However, the reporter still accurately recorded the catastrophe. The video was intercepted and published. It also made the federal people feel guilty.

This is a catastrophe.

Three million dead souls are just the beginning.

A catastrophe that covers the entire Federation.

If not stopped in time, the entire federation will fall into the dead, and the cities will gradually become ruins. Imagine if this source could not stop even the source energy association, who else can stop it? Therefore, the battle of Huangcheng City, about the comfort of the entire federation.

And who can think of it, the other side is so strong.

The strongest of the source energy associations are consumed by the other side with endless dead spirits, and the strong people everywhere are not willing to shoot, and everyone is in a difficult battle. At that time, just watching the video, all the federal people can feel an indescribable sadness, is that finished?

And it was then.

The Wu Mingqiang who thought they had left was killed.

Accompanied by the sound of the beautiful song, the voice that almost all the common people are familiar with has become the last hope.

That sweet song suppresses the elegy of the dead!

What kind of glory is the dead spirit turned into ruins in the voice?

And when all the strong players took the shot, the beautiful singing voice was even more impassioned background music, which ignited the blood of all people.



The video was finalized.

The figure of the Wu Mingqiang, the figure of the morning goddess, under the glory, let everyone be crazy. On this day, the Federation gave birth to a hero.

A war hero who has not seen it for a long time since the federal stability.

The dawn is the real goddess of the whole federation. It is no longer a simple singer, but a goddess who affects the entire federation.

Federal people or ordinary people, even most of them, may not know the difference between globalization and domainization, but this does not prevent them from seeing, when the sound of the piano and the song are soft, the sound of the sound is terrible. The power of the people, rolling down countless dead spirits.

Their worship of the morning sun stems from the inner fanaticism.

This is a publicity campaign launched by the federal government.

Because everyone knows one thing. The three million dead souls of Huangcheng City need an account, and the federation of so many people needs heroes.

Only the existence of a hero can suppress sorrow.

And no matter what.

During this time, the eyes of the entire federation will inevitably hit the city in Huangcheng, the city where the four seasons are like spring, whether it is reconstruction or salvation, everyone is watching here. For the world's strong players and major organizations. They are more concerned about

The glory of the world!

The world is always like this.

The ordinary people see a truth. The real strong, what you see, is naturally another truth. The existence of the Nine Snakes, the existence of the glory of the world. The eyes of the strong can not leave. And this time. The Source Energy Association even sent Liu Ping the third place in the world.

this time. No problem at all?

However, no one dares to rest assured, after all. That is a desperate situation!

When I think about the situation of the Taihu Lake, Li Lei’s half-footed guy who has stepped into the strongest king has fallen, and everyone is worried.

Huang Hao is desperate... Is it really okay?

"There should be no problem."

"After they entered, the glory was closed."

"This is not the same as the situation in Taihu Lake. After years of exploration in the Taihu Lake, we know what is inside and how to go there, so there is no need to worry about accidents, but it is awesome..."

"That is a virgin land that no one has ever been to."

A strong man expressed his concern. "They are land reclamation! In any case, the mortality rate of land reclamation is several times higher than normal."

"Is Wu name not going?"

"Although the glory of the glory is bound to be different from that of the Taihu Lake, but with him, it can help." Someone said.

"This is also true, but I am more worried about the nine snakes."

When it comes to this, everyone is silent.

Nine snakes.

This **** organization, thinking of it, no one can be safe.

With the three million dead souls of Huangcheng City, the glory of the world will be turned into a desperate situation, and three million people will be turned into dead spirits to block them. The people of the Nine Snakes can no longer be described as mad! What is certain is that the Nine Snakes must have entered the gloom of the world in front of the Energy Society.

Otherwise, the entrance to the gloom will not be found so easily.

And the nine snakes...

What will be done in the desperate situation?

Rather than worrying about Liu Pingren, it is better to say that they are worried about themselves. Once the Nine Snakes win, it can be seen from the things of Huangcheng City that it is absolutely disaster-level.

"Although I hate Liu Ping's goods, I still hope that they will win."


The rest of the people attached.

At this moment, a pleasant voice came, and the voices of the people stopped abruptly, and everyone shook. "This voice is..."


The melodious bell rings.


"Someone broke through the world!"

"It is a glory!"

Everyone looks in that direction. No one is surprised by the breakthrough in the desperate situation. Every few years, every time a desperate trip, there will always be people breaking through, but how many people are coming back?

However, the special thing about this time is that it is a desperate situation.

"I'm not right."

The brows of the people frowned and quickly reacted. "Break the world, are they not worldized? Moreover, the clock of the world is ringing, it must be the birth of the new rules! That is, the breakthrough of this person, itself It must be a special talent, isn’t that..."

"Nine snakes!"

Everyone is trembled.

The s-class talent holder of the Nine Snakes has actually broken through in the gloom of the glory? An s-level talent, the holder of the power of special rules...

That is more than a disaster!

After going through the battle of the Nine Snake Base, they have already seen how powerful the s-level rules are. Seven to fifty, they don’t fall, what kind of strength?

And now, there is one more.

The trouble is big.


One person suddenly said, "According to my information, Liu Ping has a field in their ranks. If it breaks through, it seems more reasonable."



At the same time, in the gloom of the glory, Liu Ping’s strong people are also looking at the scene in front of him. No one thought of it, just when he couldn’t hold it, he seemed to hang up, he broke through. ! Comprehend the rules that the stone statue instilled in him.

Step into the sky and step into the world! (To be continued...)


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