Godly Model Creator

Chapter 966: Say a good set?


Hongxia is full of days.

Su Ling holds a huge sword of fire, and the endless flames boil, and the characteristics of the flames burning the sky are fully exerted by Su Ling.

The entire Tianlong Court is almost burned!

What kind of blood is this?

Moon Xuan talent is water, can control the endless flow of water, in theory, is the existence of restrained Su Ling talent, no wonder he is so confident. However, after Su Hao’s original teaching, how could Su Ling be afraid of water? With the presence of water, it makes the soul of the soul more red!



Su Ling is in flames.


Absolute suppression!

Not only Su Hao, everyone sees it!

The glory-like challenge of the month, but as a joke, such a clear power gap, are you teasing us to play? The supporters of the moon have no sound at all. The support of Su Ling at the scene has overwhelmed everything, just as the strength of Su Ling’s scene shows!

Absolute suppression.

"It is a goddess of Su Ling."

Xin Sheng excited, "Schoolmaster, it seems that you do not have to shoot."

"That is best."

Su Hao smiled lightly, but did not relax in his heart. If it is really the moon to challenge Su Ling, then the failure is taken for granted, but if not?

If it is federally driven?

Su Hao carefully looked at the moon, although he was suppressed, but he did not suffer any major injuries, and, looking at his expression, not afraid, but a fire.


Su Hao is interested.

"Xiaoxin, is this guy a water talent?"

Su Hao suddenly asked.

"Well, of course."

Xin Sheng said, "It seems to be a relatively rare element of water control."

"The water element is in control?"

Su Hao remembered the talent of Chen Yiran at the beginning, and suddenly sneered, "The water element is in control. It is not this appearance."


Model analysis, starting!

Su Hao swept silently, with his current strength. Who can stop him within the War College?

"Yue Xuan. Character modeling!"

"Extract, talent modeling!"

“Extraction, source technology modeling!”


In the model world.

The monthly mini-style appeared.

Then, there are countless cards around, from talent to source technology, almost all show, and among them, the most eye-catching. There is no doubt that it is a special card.


Talent: Water Moon

Level: s level

Introduction: A powerful s-class water system talent that absorbs the power of all non-water elements and absorbs it to a certain extent before exploding.


"S-level talent?"

Su Hao shines.

"Model creation!"

"Talent build!"


"Building is complete."

Soon, a new model appeared in Su Hao.

Talent is completed, (5/10).

At this time, Su Hao also understood where the self-confidence of the monthly announcement came from. It turned out that the s-level talent disguised as a level talent water control ah...

No wonder not to be afraid of Su Ling.

Now he seems to be suppressed, but in reality, there is no injury at all!

Water moon and sky. Rebound after absorbing all the power, which means that the power of the flame of Su Ling now. They are all absorbed by this talent, and once they are erupted, the power of the water moon and the power of the soul, together with the power of the fire of Su Ling, both forces simultaneously shot...

Su Ling will be defeated!

"It's not a s-level talent."

Su Hao sneered.

No wonder this guy is so fast, and dare to challenge Su Ling. However, being able to escape his scans of the year seems to have been taken away by his master.

"Things are getting more and more interesting."

Su Hao looked into the body, and the source technology of the water moon has been analyzed. Sure enough, there are several source technologies that are absorbed and rebounded.

In a sense, in the case of a frontal battle. This talent is almost invincible.

The early stage was the defense of the invincible version, and the later stage was the outbreak of the invincible version. Who can beat him? Unless you are absorbing him when he absorbs your strength! And this requires that you first have the power to surpass the limit of his absorption, and then exceed the power, but also break his defense.

This is harder and harder.

Therefore, the battle of the moon declaration seems to be fierce, but the counterattack is not instantaneous.

However, this premise is an upright battle!


Who is fighting you positively?

This year, talents such as spiritual talents and spiritual control will kill you in minutes, let alone the shameless assassination talent.

Su Hao looked at the eruption time and duration of the source technology, and then saw the moonlight that was fighting against Su Ling, and the corner of his mouth had risen slightly.

The explosion is just a moment.


Su Hao suddenly passed the voice.

Su Ling, who was fighting with the moon, almost cut off a sword, and then, following the sound, he saw the face of his brother, and suddenly he was happy.

Brother, come.

"This guy wants to play, just play with him."

Su Hao smiled lightly, "You do this..."

Su Hao passed the voice.

"it is good."

Su Ling smiled.

Brother is here, she still has something terrible! Although the outside world said that her brother dragged her hind legs, she knew that the strength of her brother was terrible.

Hey, these idiots...


Su Ling suddenly stopped.

Tianlongyuan, the flames of the sky disappeared instantly, and they were all received back by Su Ling. At this time, Su Ling’s figure has gradually disappeared, leaving awe-inspiring people.

"School brother, work hard."

Su Ling’s voice came from leisurely. “Your strength is too weak! If you fight again, I am afraid of hurting you. I have never had this battle.”

"Your future may surpass me, don't fight for these senseless names."

Everyone in Tianlongyuan stopped.

However, I immediately said, "I am a goddess."

"Yeah, there is something to see in the obvious side-down battle."

"The goddess is still as good as ever."

Even a new student who supports the monthly announcement has a lot of emotions. "The big brother is still losing."

"There is no way, the goddess himself said, the big brother of the moon may be able to surpass her in the future."

"I suddenly don't hate the goddess so much."

"me too……"

Everyone said a lot.

Obviously. Su Ling’s move won the respect of everyone, but the monthly announcement in the center of the field was almost not directly mad. It’s a second!

It’s a second!

He can break out with all his strength and crush Su Ling.

And it is at this time. She stopped her hand!

Stop it!

What do you tease me?

He can break out now, but Su Ling has left the garden center, she is out of the competition venue, he broke a wool?

Looking at Su Ling, who is about to leave, the moon announced that he was not vomiting blood on the spot.

"You give me back!"

The month announced a big drink.


Su Ling left the footsteps.

"The battle is not over, who will let you go."

The moon angered.

"You are too much."

Su Ling shook his head slightly.

"Which eyes do you see?"

The moon was angry and said, "Have you hurt me with a hair? I am just observing your strength and being in defense. I have ever played?"

"Own gorgeous shots, when I am ready to shoot, are you gone?"

"You are deep in your heart."

The monthly announcement was not pointing at the nose.

At this time, everyone finally reacted. It seems that the monthly announcement is really not hurt? Is it really like what the moon has said, he has been observing the strength of Su Ling and looking for a mobile phone?


Su Ling was interested in saying, "I have beaten countless people, but I can find such a novel excuse. You are still the first one."

"The first one is your sister!"

The moon announced that he vomited again.

Is it clear that you are half-drawn? !

"So now."

Su Ling looked at the moon announcement. "Since you have just observed my way of shooting, then I asked. Are you observing it now?"

"of course."

The monthly announcement is sure.

"Are you sure?"

Su Ling sighed. "I don't want you to defend until the end, then come to a game, I didn't break your defense, then you won't like..."

"of course not."

The monthly propaganda affirmed, "You come, I am fighting with you."


Su Ling nodded and said indifferently, "So this time. I am still the trick I have just used, I will not need a new one. Since you have observed it once, I will give you the opportunity to crack! The same trick. If you two Nothing has been broken, and there is no need to fight."

"it is good."

The moon is gnashing your teeth, but you are coming down!

Can you be such a mother-in-law?

However, Su Ling had just gone out for a long time. When she came back, she came back slowly. It seemed to be accepting the attention of everyone. When she returned to the center of the garden, she discovered something sad and made Su Ling so A dozen, he is easy to condense the power...


"My second time!"

The moon has collapsed.

In normal combat, the other side needs defense, and the defensive power will be absorbed by him. Once he breaks out, it is the more and more fierce, all-round pressure, but now...

"Your grandfather!"

The moon announced that he vomited again.

"I'm coming."

Back on the court, after receiving the instructions from Su Hao, Su Ling did not hesitate to shoot.

Then, it is another pressure!

The flames are all over the sky!

Su Ling broke out in an all-out way, and he was more ferocious than the last time. The monthly propaganda was even worse, and the abuse was terrible. The same move, after a round, the moon was grayed out. However, he did not have the slightest disappointment. Even though a group of students could not bear to watch it, Yue Xuan was very happy.

Su Ling shot more fiercely, the faster he absorbed!

You don't have to wait until the source technology of the previous theory is over, and as long as half, he can break out.

This time, he will definitely attack!

The outbreak broke out and finally waited.

Yue Xuan is delighted, but how do you know that at this time, Su Ling has once again stopped, only to display the last half of the source technology, he will receive the hand!

"My talent, the outbreak will only get stronger and stronger. In your state, the next move will be seriously injured."

"Almost, just end it."

Su Ling once again left the scene leisurely, and everyone applauded.

With the last round, they naturally know how strong the outbreak of Su Ling's second half will be. This time, the first half of the monthly propaganda is so badly performed. If it broke out, it will be enough?

Look at people, this is the goddess!

"Your grandfather!"

The moon is completely paralyzed, how can you do this?

Say good to display a whole set? (To be continued)


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