Godly Model Creator

Chapter 968: Hold up a day!


The scene was awkward.

Everyone sucked in a cold air.

Looking at the potholes and slamming a huge pothole, what kind of power is that? Tianlongyuan, this place, but the source can be reinforced many times! It is said that when Wancheng became the peak of the field, it was only possible to draw scars on the ground.

"what happened?"

"I don't know..."

"However, good strength."

Everyone is scared.


Su Ling’s voice came, she felt that something was wrong. Even if the monthly announcement is a new outbreak, it should not be so powerful!

"The power of the rules."

Su Hao’s eyes sighed. “Don’t worry, it’s a guy outside, taking advantage of the power of space to send power to the side of the moon. It seems that the moon is being used, it’s actually the world’s shot!”


Su Ling is confused, "Why?"

"Of course it is to force me out."

Su Hao sneered. "If you are being challenged and injured, can my brother not come?"


Su Ling’s face changed. “That brother, you...”

"do not worry."

Su Hao said indifferently, "Don't forget, what they want is a waste man Su Hao, but I don't have the power of globalization now. Presumably, when they meet again, they will be very surprised, but if you lose I am afraid it will affect your graduation."

"I do not care."

Su Ling shook his head. "Brother, your business is important."

"My thing is to protect you."

Su Hao said leisurely. "Do not worry, the district is a world, it will not be in my eyes. Since the moon wants to play, let him play with him."


Su Hao blinked.

One red, one blue.

Unreal reality.


In the distance, Su Ling, who was avoiding the moon-announced attack, suddenly became stiff, and his mind was clear, and a group of space rules came over. Su Ling did not dodge at all. Caused an exclamation. And it is at this time. I saw Su Ling’s shot again, his figure flashing and flashing at an incredible angle.


The flames are coming across.


The force of the rules fluctuated and the flames disappeared. There was another huge pothole around it.

Everyone around them was shocked.

A field battle. It is so intense!

But after this battle. The monthly announcement at least proves that he has the strength to compete with Su Ling? However, they may not know that the moon has long been frightened. To know. Now fighting, but his master, that true world, has four worlds of spirituality!

The second strongest in the world!

And even so, Su Ling did not fall into the wind, what a ghost?


The flame is empty.


Space turbulence.

The red and blue awns flashed, and everyone saw an excitement. As everyone knows, the real battle has already changed. The battle between Su Ling and Yue Xuan has evolved into a battle between Su Hao and the Master of the Moon!

The two powerful worlds are in secret confrontation.

Unreal reality is fully open.

Under the deduction, Yue Xuan did not want to hit Su Ling.

However, with the help of the power of the rules, Su Ling’s flame, the moon’s propaganda is even lazy and dodge, because the power of the source can not penetrate the power of the rule!


The war continued in the confrontation.

The long-term attack, the world is finally angry.


A huge sphere appeared in the air.

The power of the strong rules, the blue light flashes, so that everyone is shocked. He is the atmosphere of bullying the college without the ability of students to feel the rules!

As long as you use the power of the moon to wrap it, no one can recognize it.

"Starry sky - crushing."

Xuan Xuan slammed against Su Ling.

Su Hao’s eyes flashed a killing.

The starry sky shattered, this move is not too strong, but the power of the rich rules has already brought Su Hao up, and Su Ling, after all, is only a domain.

I used so many rules to deal with her...

Oh, just want her to die?

"You are looking for death!"

Su Hao muttered to himself.



Su Hao is cold and cold.

"it is good."

Su Ling’s eyes flashed a brilliance. According to Su Hao’s words, he directly killed the past, without any dodge. The huge flame sword was lifted up, and it was volleyed and swayed toward the moon!


The month of Xuan Xuan Yi Road, the district source energy, also want to compare with Master's space power?

The Master of the Moon Xuan is even more ridiculous. The suspicion just disappeared in an instant. It is ignorance... Just now he thought that there were people behind Su Ling. When I saw Su Ling killing, I vetoed this idea, using the source to harden the power of the rules?



A glimpse of the volley.

Under the eyes of everyone, Su Ling succumbed to this, many people squeezed a cold sweat for her, because everyone can feel the horror of that power.



At the same time as the Su Ling flame sword swept, the horrible giant sphere was directly annihilated! A sword swept through, and the powerful sphere disappeared without a trace. There is no obstacle in the sword of Su Lingna. After killing the ball, he once again announced the past to the moon.

"not good."

The face of the moon has changed dramatically.

And his master is even more shocked, because when the ball disappears, his music sees there seems to have a shadow that flashes past and absorbs his power.


He even thought he was wrong.

Then, I saw Su Ling’s sword smashed, and announced that the arm of the moon was broken. When Guanghua disappeared, everyone was shocked.


The hot temperature is still there.

The monthly Xuan's handwriting was actually melted by the heat!


When Xuan Xuan was ready to move, he saw Su Ling’s footsteps. The huge sword of fire directly reached his neck. "Dare to move, die!"

I didn’t dare to move when the month was announced.

Master Xuan’s brow wrinkled, and he still didn’t understand what the last scene saw. If it was true, there was someone behind Su Ling’s shot?

"It doesn't matter."

Master Xuan Xuan sneered, "Even if there is a world-wide shot, although the month is defeated, this result is also expected."

Think of it here. Master Xuan Xuan set a communication record.


The professor of the War College came and saw this scene was also a big surprise.

"Su Ling, you..."

"Private challenge, hurt the classmates. The nature is bad. Su Ling classmates. I am afraid you have to take a trip with us." The captain of the law enforcement team said.

Everyone on the scene was in awe.


Let Su Ling be right.

This month, the propaganda even spelled out that it was miserable, and let Su Ling go in! Too hateful, everyone on the scene has been arrogant for Su Ling. However, the law enforcement team that has been prepared for the past has tolerate them bad things? Go directly to the front. Prepared to take away Su Ling, and at this time, Su Ling spoke.

"What am I doing wrong?"

Su Ling speaks lightly.

"Injury classmates..."

The law enforcement team said coldly.

"Are you sure he is a classmate?"

Su Ling looked at the moon propaganda and said faintly. "I have shot many times and stopped many times just to see what your talent is. Now, I have already seen it clearly. If I am not wrong, You should be the legendary s-level talent."

"Or, have you been recruited by the Nine Snakes?"


In a word, it is like throwing a nuclear arsenal in the crowd, causing a big storm.

s level talent!

Nine snakes!

When these two words were thrown, everyone's face changed. After the time of the Huangcheng City, the Nine Snakes have become the most terrible evil organization. How can it be terrible to destroy a city for the sake of profit? And after experiencing the call of the dead spirit, the s-level talent has also been labeled.

In the past, s-level talent was being chased!

After this command, the s-level talent is known to the public, and it has become the goal of everyone to kill, and if the monthly announcement is an s-level talent...

He is dead!

Everyone's eyes subconsciously looked at the moon, and the moon was even more pale.


This is his only thought. He thought that Su Ling only guessed his talent ability. He never thought that Su Ling even knew that he was a s-level talent!


The moon announced that he did not know what to say.


The captain of the law enforcement team suddenly killed the heroic, one of the three million souls of Huang Yucheng, his friend! His best friend!


The law enforcement team swarmed and pushed the moon to the ground.


The answer is coming out.

s level!

Although it is not certain what this s-level talent is, the federation has its own method of detecting s-level talents. When the results come out, the monthly publicity is dead.

"Tow it!"

The captain of the law enforcement team is cold and frosty, "Take it to Lan Tingxu to deal with it!"


The moon was taken away.

Su Ling not only did not have sin, but became a hero. This scene made the Master of the Moon hate hate. When he recruited the moon, he saw the potential of the s-level talent! And such a thing, as long as you don't say, who knows? A level a standard goes on, absolutely no one can detect it.

Who ever thought, was actually broken by Su Ling?


Master Xuan’s hate, Su Ling’s words, not only the death of the moon, but also the plan to let Su Ling be injured or expelled.

In this case, how can you lead Su Hao?

How to do?

Bright and straight seems to be no good.

Zhang Xuan’s real name, Zhang Tie, was a worldized collection of the federal government. He was very sullen, and he looked at the figure that the apprentice was dragged away.

Since the apprentice is going to die, it is better to give him another sin...

Ha ha.

The Nine Snake organization revenged for the month, and took or killed Su Ling.

Well, seems to be a good theme?

Zhang Tie has already gathered a strong sense of killing. The moment he was revealed to the identity of the month, he has already given up. Since it is useless, it is not as good as waste. However, he has been staring at Su Ling and Yue Xuan, and he has not noticed it. Some people are watching themselves.

Su Hao is also looking at the center of the garden.

However, under the synchronous space, Zhang Tie's scene did not escape his observation. When his eyes showed fierce light, Su Hao just turned and left silently.

"I have said it."

"This time, I want to prop up this sky for Linger."

"Since it is here, you don't have to go back..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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