"Father, I know you've been looking at me. Thank you for your teaching!" The wind is also high pitched towards the air.

"You've done a good job. Go ahead..."

Sure enough, the voice of Feng qianjue came again, but it didn't show up again. Instead, it was the door of hell that opened actively.

Feng Yixiu walked slowly towards the gate of hell. At the moment when he stepped out of the gate of hell, the whole person completely recovered from his lethargy.

"It took only 22 days to master the first form of extreme ghost sword. It's much more powerful than I thought..."

As soon as Feng Yixiu Gang disappeared in the magic weapon space, Feng qianjue suddenly appeared. However, this time, he was not alone. There was a woman standing beside him.

If Feng was here, he would be able to recognize this woman, because this is the mother who raised him

And the woman's appearance and wind are also the same as those in her childhood. It seems that the word aging has no effect on her.

Do you really want to go this way The gorgeous woman looked at the door of hell and was silent for a long time, then frowned.

"Mo Yu, what's wrong with this? Isn't it the best result?" Wind thousand Jue deep voice.

"Aren't you afraid that he can't hold on in the bloody battle of Shura?" Mo Yu is a little distressed.

"If it is true, it will prove that he can only do so, that is his life!" Wind thousand Jue cold voice.

"His life? Don't you design all these? If you hadn't deliberately designed to give the chaotic magic bead to Feng Yixiu, he would not have fallen into such a situation! " Mo Yu was angry.

"I just gave him a choice What's more, he may not be able to get together with the devil. If he doesn't have a way to get together, he may not be able to take his own way The wind thousand Jue is silent for a long time, a face congeals heavy way.

"I hope so..." Mo Yu sighs helplessly, and then the figure returns to illusion again.


Castle ten.

As soon as Feng Yixiu awoke, he saw that the bedside was full of people, and the whole person sat up subconsciously.

The line of sight in front of you gradually becomes clear, and then you put down your guard.

It turned out that all the more than 100 slaves who had been rescued by themselves were surrounded by them. Their faces were full of worries. They were afraid that the wind would make them unable to sleep.

"Master, you wake up at last! It scared me to death. I thought you would never wake up again... " A black haired slave spoke first.

"Sorry to worry you. I'm fine." Feng Yixiu smiles at them and then says, "yes How long did I sleep? "

"You have been sleeping for two days and nights. During this period, you have been sweating profusely. But when the doctor said you were not ill, we stayed here all the time." The dark haired woman whispered.

Feng Yixiu looked at the faces of the slaves. He was really pale and haggard, which was quite different from their dark eyes.

"It's hard work for you. You can go and have a good rest now." The wind also repairs a smile way.

"It doesn't matter to us, as long as you're OK, master." The black haired woman gave a light smile and then said in a soft voice, "master, you must be hungry, aren't you? I'll get you something to eat. "

Feng also touched his shriveled stomach and nodded with a smile. He had not eaten for two days. He was really hungry and stuck to his back.

Then several slaves stood up and walked quickly towards the kitchen

Only Fox's figure is not seen in the room.

"Why isn't jiu'er here?" Wind also repair some doubts.

"We don't know. We haven't seen sister jiuer for two days..." A blonde woman responded.

"Not for two days? That is to say, it disappeared after the night before yesterday? " The wind also cultivates a trace of bad premonition in the heart, frowns way.

The blonde nodded her head cleverly and replied, "yes, we also looked around, but we didn't find sister jiuer."

"It's not so coincident..." The wind also talks to himself.

His own sachet disappeared with his own sachet.

Can it be that Hu jiu'er has taken his Fei jade sachet and the green dragon pearl?

"No way She's my Savior, and she shouldn't do such things. " Feng Yixiu immediately shook his head and whispered.

He really doesn't want to believe that Hu jiuer stole his own green dragon pearl. Why does she want the green dragon pearl?

Even if she is really for the sake of Qinglong Shengzhu, why not start it when she is in the desert? Isn't it better to do it when she is unconscious!

After this period of time together, although Hu jiuer has a lot of things she can't understand, she has no hostility to herself in general. It should not be the enemy.However, he had a lot of doubts about who took away his green dragon pearl. The green dragon pearl can recognize the Lord, and it is not so easy for ordinary people to take it away.

Since the person who can take it by force, he must have extraordinary strength and means to resist the attack of the green dragon pearl, otherwise it is impossible to take away the green dragon pearl easily.

Feng Yixiu shook his head fiercely and suddenly jumped up from the bed. He said in a deep voice: "now the priority is to find Hu jiuer. I don't know if she is in any danger..."

Thinking of this, Feng Yixiu, regardless of his physical weakness, hastily prepares to look for Hu jiu'er.

As soon as Feng Yixiu was out of the house, he ran into a woman with black hair who was carrying food. He dodged in time.

"Master, the meal is ready. Where are you going now?" The black haired woman looked at the wind and rushed to the door in a high voice.

Feng Yixiu waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "you eat first I'm going to find jiu'er now. Don't wait for me. "

After leaving the No. 10 castle, Feng Yixiu first strolled through the whole evil city, ignoring the image and shouting the name of Hu jiu'er.

Cheng Xiaotian, who is patrolling, happens to meet Feng Yixiu. After learning that Hu jiuer is missing, he also launches a law enforcement team to look for the figure of Hu jiuer.

The huge team of hundreds of people almost turned over the whole crime capital, but they did not find the voice of Hu jiuer. They also looked through the list of people out of the city. There was no Hu jiu'er at all. She disappeared completely like the evaporation of the world.

At one o'clock in the morning, Feng Yixiu is still wandering in the city of crime. The ninth law enforcement team has been disbanded, and only Cheng Xiaotian is still accompanying Feng Yixiu to look around.

But at two o'clock in the morning, Cheng Xiaotian couldn't carry it. He was almost asleep when he walked

The wind also patted into Xiao Tian's shoulder and said with a smile: "hard brother, you go back to have a rest first."

Cheng Xiaotian was startled and sleepy. He comforted him and said, "maybe Hu jiu'er is making fun of you. Maybe he will come back tomorrow? You're a law enforcer, and I don't think anyone in the city of sin dares to do anything to your people. "

"I hope so..." The wind also deepens the voice.

After Cheng Xiaotian left, Feng Yixiu found it at 4:00 a.m. until all the shops in the city of sin were closed, Feng Yixiu returned to the castle No. 10 in despair.

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