Eric looked at the sword mark on his chest armor, sneered and said, "I thought you were so good! It turns out that's just the case... "

In fact, I was a little guilty when I just took the wind to cultivate this sword, but the power of this sword is obviously not as powerful as the one I have seen before.

At the moment, everyone is trapped in a room of nearly 100 square meters. The distance is so close that there is no chance to accumulate energy.

Although Feng Yixiu's sword drawing style is also very powerful, there is no problem in dealing with people of the same level.

However, the most important thing is that these three men are strong in the battle spirit level. Each of them has his own magic armor, and it is difficult to break through defense when he can't accumulate strength at close range.

Pray butterfly and Amanda see that Eric is so relaxed to take the wind to repair the sword, and their hearts are also relaxed just now.

So he stood on both sides of Eric with a face of indifference, and gathered their own magic soldiers.

Qidie's magic weapon is double swords. She is also an expert at using double swords. The double swords are like living ones in her hands. They are very smart.

Amanda's magic weapon a dagger, in the dark room emitting a dark green strange light, a look is a dagger with a virulent.

"Jie Jie Jie You killed so many brothers in the gate of the underworld. I'll take your life. " Amanda sneered and walked slowly towards the wind.

Qidie did not move lightly. Her eyes looked at ah Chou, who was silent to one side from time to time, in case she would suddenly attack.

Compared with Feng Yixiu, she is more afraid of this ugly woman. After all, after Erik's trial, they have known the strength of Feng Yixiu, but they have no understanding of this ugliness.

The unknown fear made her a little tied up and did not dare to attack Feng Yixiu together.

"Black Mamba, I started this boy first. Do you want to rob me?" Eric glanced at Amanda, a little unhappy.

"This kid killed all the people from the gate of the underworld. What are you doing with the seven sins?" Amanda refused to give in at all.

"So you want to rob me?" Eric smashed his axe into the ground and made a dull noise.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Feng Yixiu's more than 800 blood spots are all brothers in the gate of the underworld. They should belong to me anyway." Amanda's fingertips kept fiddling with the dagger, her eyes like a snake ready to go.

Both of them refused to give in, as if they had made a lamb to be slaughtered.

The wind also repairs the complexion to gradually become gloomy and cold, thinking that this group of people really treat themselves as soft persimmons that they can hold at will!

"Thunderbolt mode!" Fengyixiu immediately started the rapid thunder mode, and the whole person turned into a flash of lightning.

Chaos sword crossed a perfect arc, not to attack Eric, but to Amanda.

After the fight just now, he saw that the defense power of arida's magic armor was really amazing. After all, it was the gold magic armor, and the defense power was naturally very terrible.

But Amanda, as a speed type blood spirit Master of the poison system, is definitely not as good as Eric.

Sure enough, Amanda's reaction confirmed Feng Yixiu's idea. Instead of fighting against fengyixiu's attack, Amanda chose to use his poisonous dagger to resist it.


The highly poisonous dagger blocks the attack of fengyixiu, but the power of fengyixiu is obviously superior.

Amanda and fengyixiu are the same three-level source martial artists. Their body strength should not be divided into upper and lower levels. However, fengyixiu is the top one among them. With the addition of thunderstorm mode, Amanda's strength directly crushed the opponent.

Eric on the side could have taken the opportunity to repair the wind, but he didn't have the first time to do it at the moment. Instead, he stood on the sideline and looked on coldly.

Now he would like Feng Yixiu to fight Amanda to death, and then he would like to reap the profits!

Under the pressure of fengyixiu's strength, the chaotic magic sword pushes forward with the extremely poisonous dagger, and it is almost to touch the neck of the opponent.


Suddenly, a black lightning came out of Amanda's sleeve. Feng Yixiu only saw a black bloody mouth rushing towards him.

Feng Yixiu subconsciously stepped back a few steps, avoiding the bite of the black snake, but his left arm was contaminated by the venom from the snake.

However, after a while, the clothes of fengyixiu were quickly corroded, and the skin began to fester, and began to spread at a very exaggerated speed.

Feng Yixiu decided to take advantage of the venom did not completely invade, and completely cut off the small piece of skin and the flesh and blood of his left arm.

"Haha My old black mamba venom is not bad. " Amanda looks at Feng Yixiu's bleeding left arm with a smile on her face.The wind also mended and pulled off his clothes to bandage the wound, and then said calmly: "but so, if it's not the magic Spirit card that can't be used, I really despise your poison."

Although the venom of this black mamba snake is domineering, it is quite different from that of the ten thousand poisonous Senluo python.

It's a pity that you can't use the magic Spirit card now. Naturally, you can't combine with the spirit to become a ten thousand poison Senluo Python

"Hum! I'd like to see how hard you can be Amanda sneered and then said, "AGU, give this boy some color to see!"

Wind also repair light way: "don't think only you have blood spirit, small white building, that poisonous long insect gave you."

Out of a huge black summoning array comes a huge colorful jade Lin snake, which is much larger than the black ancient Mamba.

Although the black ancient Mamba snake is the soul of the whole war, it is only a snake. Compared with the python, its body size is not of the same order of magnitude.

Just a blow to the tail whip, the black ancient Mamba to fly out. However, at the moment of being pulled out, two black fangs were ejected from its mouth, as fast as two bullets!

The two fangs directly penetrated the hard scales of Xiaobailou, and the venom hidden in the fangs was released instantly.

Under the influence of this poison, Xiaobailou began to feel paralyzed and twisted on the ground. It seemed that there was no combat effectiveness.

"Jie Jie Jie What a fool! You'll lose a blood spirit if you've been bitten by ah Gu's black fangs. " Amanda grinned, leaking a row of shiny teeth.

Wind also repair eyebrow tiny frown, light way: "please don't smile, I don't know, thought it was a row of teeth into fine flying, strange frightening..."

"I hate it when people make fun of it. Let me die!" Amanda looks crazy and rushes towards the wind. It is the black ancient Mamba snake that rushes over together.

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