"So you have to compete?" Praying butterfly's face sank immediately, and the one holding the double swords became tight.

The two blood shadow crazy butterflies, which were paralyzed before, recovered their vitality again, and Shuangshuang flew to pray butterfly's side.

Eric and Amanda are also very tacit understanding standing beside praying butterfly. Although Eric has only one hand and a storm axe, it is still full of fighting spirit.

In the face of such a strong enemy, the three people rarely become tacit understanding. With Eric's roar, the three almost rush towards ah Chou at the same time.

Ah Chou turns her hand into a claw. She can hold the sword spirit of praying butterfly and the heavy blow of storm Tomahawk.

Her skin is like the best armor. Her defense is not weaker than Eric's magic armor. The sword can only make the sound of gold and stone collide on her body.

Although the nine life spirit beads look small, each one has a weight of several tons. When you look at the light floating attack, its power is no less than that of a heavy hammer.

The nine nine nine life beads form a tight defense network, and it is difficult for the three people headed by praying butterfly to get close at all.

But then they adopted the strategy of guerrilla warfare. Instead of confronting ah Chou, they chose to consume her spiritual power.

Although ah Chou's physical strength is almost invincible, the fairest thing in the city of sin is the limitation of spiritual power. As long as the spiritual power is consumed, there is only one dead word!

Ah Chou didn't know what kind of calculation the other side was playing. He sneered and said, "do you want to fight a war of attrition with me? It's naive of you to think about it... "

After saying that, ah Chou pinched a light blue bead beside him in his hand, and then he crushed it directly.

At the moment when the light blue pearl was pinched and exploded, a aura of wind representing the rapid speed was attached to ah Chou's back.

"Let's show you what real speed is!" Ah Chou sneered, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

"Where are the people?" Eric said in horror.

"Behind you

All of a sudden, ah Chou suddenly appears behind Ai Rui. His hand easily breaks Eric's magic armor defense. When he is about to succeed, a sharp sword comes.

"Strangle and chop!"

The double swords in the hands of praying butterfly form a sharp strangulation like scissors.

In the face of Huatian crazy bone's attack, ah Chou can only avoid his edge, give up the attack and withdraw his hand in time.

Ah Chou's figure disappeared again. When he reappeared, he had already appeared ten meters away and said in a cold voice, "pray for butterflies, right You have some skills, but I have nine beads like this. How can you fight me

Smell speech, the three people are pale, just pinch one of the nine life beads is so terrible.

If all the "nine life beads" are crushed and exploded, they can't believe it is a kind of power to destroy the heaven and the earth!

Praying butterfly immediately bowed her head and said, "Sir, we didn't mean to offend you. I hope you can let us live. I promise I will never dare to fight against our predecessors again in the future."

Ah Chou said in a cold voice, "you're smart. How about you two?"

Eric and Amanda quickly nodded, almost with the same voice: "we are also, in the future, we will never appear in the place below the cabinet!"

Ah Chou nodded and said in a low voice, "I will spare you a dog's life. If you dare to do something to me in the future, you won't be so polite as this time."

After that, ah Chou opened the door of the room and went out straight to the door.

As soon as a Chou just disappears in the room, qidie and Eric are relieved. The whole person is relaxed.

Just now ah Chou's momentum is too strong, so strong that they feel desperate.

They were very afraid that ah Chou would start if he disagreed, but fortunately she did not.

"Hoo Who is the ugliness? The strength is so terrible. " Eric sat down on the ground, a little frightened.

Praying butterfly said solemnly, "although I don't know where he is, I can be sure She must not be human! "

"What? Not a Terran? What do you mean Amanda exclaimed.

"Isn't the meaning obvious enough? Have you ever seen someone with the power to fight the storm bear? This ah Chou should be a man-shaped Warcraft, and his realm will never be low, but I don't know how a character of this level can come to such a place. " Butterfly prayed for some doubts.

People of that level generally cherish their lives very much. If they don't have to, they won't take risks in places like shurata.

Moreover, people of that level are almost the king of sin, and their status is almost the same. According to reason, they don't look up to the position of the king of sin. Why do they compete with a group of younger generation for the heart of Shura?

"Can you see what kind of beast this is?" Eric asked.Praying butterfly shook her head and said faintly: "the reason why she dressed up as this ugly appearance is to make people can't see her essence. How can I see it?"

"So it seems that we have no chance to capture the heart of Shura?" Amanda said in despair.

"I can't say that. After all, the test of the 100th floor Shura tower is not all hard power. As long as we get into the top 100, we still have a chance, but now we really can't fight our own way." Pray for the butterfly.

Amanda immediately agreed: "praying butterfly is right. The three of us are very reluctant to face this ugliness. If we separate, would she kill us like killing a pig or a dog?"

Eric nodded his head, but frowned: "it seems that we must cooperate now. Don't forget that there is another wind who is eyeing in the dark! But since it's a temporary League, there has to be a captain? "

"It's the same for the three of us to be captain. I don't mind anyway." Pray for butterfly cold voice.

Amanda said with a quick smile, "it's worth saying! In terms of strength, pray butterfly, you are the strongest among us. If you are not right, can you let that disabled person be

"Don't forget who made Laozi's arm!" Eric lifted Amanda's lapel and growled.

"That's the result of Feng Yixiu's boy. Is it because I did it on purpose?" Amanda refused to give in at all.

"Don't quarrel. This is not the time for internal strife. At present, we can have hope only when we work together. Don't forget our common enemy."

Although the voice of praying for butterflies was not loud, it had a very strong deterrent force. The two people who had just quarreled with each other immediately put an end to the matter.

There is no doubt that praying for butterflies is the strongest among the three, and both the way of behavior and the way of thinking are more mature than the two of them

"Since neither of you is satisfied with either of you, I can only be the team leader. Until Feng Yixiu is killed, I hope you will not have any internal strife." Pray for the butterfly.

"Just now you saved my life, I will obey you! It's up to you! " Eric nodded.

"I don't have a problem! As long as you don't let him be the captain, you can... " Amanda echoed.

"Now our top priority is to gather our respective teams to find the trace of fengyixiu. As long as he lives, we will be in danger for another day." Praying butterfly said solemnly.

"Good! Don't let me find this boy, or I will have to tear this boy to pieces, in order to relieve the hatred in my heart Eric growled fiercely.


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