
There was a huge noise on the surface of the lake.

At the foot of the huge mountain, there is a tiny figure lying on the ground, gasping heavily

"It's already the ninety ninth mountain. It should be about the same." Feng Yixiu looked at the huge mountain in front of him and said to himself.

The mountain he has just moved is only a little smaller than that moved by Feng qianjue. If he had put it three years ago, he could not imagine that he could move such a big Mac!

It has been three years since Feng Yixiu moved the first mountain. In the past three years, Feng Yixiu has done almost nothing. His daily task is to constantly carry the mountains and compete with himself.

This kind of long-time lonely training, sometimes more than the experience between life and death can let people grow faster.

Compared with Feng Yixiu three years ago, he is much more stable than before. Instead of being impatient and confused, he has a man's calmness.

Three years of uninterrupted strength training has brought great changes to him. His absorption of dragon power has been more complete, and his control of muscles has also risen to a higher level.

He has now been able to control the Dragon lines on his body freely, and his muscle explosiveness has also made full progress. He is now fully confident that he can split the black meteorite in two.

Feng Yixiu had a little rest for a moment, and then he kept on driving towards the crater. There was no confusion in his eyes, but only firmness.

At this time, the black Yaoxing meteorite has been devastated. There are more than 90 sword marks on it, which are arranged regularly on the top.

"Cut steel, break the pole!"

There are not too many preparatory actions, simple and unadorned sword, no gorgeous sword spirit, and no magnificent scene of the world losing color. Some of them just contain the huge strength as heavy as mountains.

If you take a closer look, you can see that the muscle dimension of the arm almost doubled when you see the wind also wielding the sword. The muscles as hard as rock represent the incomparable power of hegemony.

A sword light flashed by, and the wind appeared like a flash. After the black Yaoxing meteorite, it slowly turned the chaos magic sword back to the blade.


Only heard a loud noise, the whole black Yaoxing meteorite burst, scattered to do a ground dust.

Listening to the sound of the black Yaoxing falling apart behind him, Feng Yixiu thought he would be very happy, but his heart was so calm.

I just feel that after three years of hard training, I finally have a result

"Congratulations, you've finally mastered the steel chopping style. Now you can go out."

Suddenly, a tall figure suddenly appeared behind Feng Yixiu and gently patted Feng Yixiu on his shoulder.

Feng Yixiu slowly turned back and said in a soft voice, "father, I finally did it. It's a pity that it took too long. Am I stupid?"

Feng qianjue nodded, and then said in a soft voice, "it's amazing that I have learned to cut steel in three years. I used twice as much time as you in those years. There is no shortcut to go. It can be said that it is the simplest and most difficult sword skill. I'm glad you didn't give up."

For a genius, most of them are impatient. Because the genius's understanding is too high, the speed of learning things will be very fast, over time will develop a kind of pride.

But for this kind of move, which does not need to be understood and only relies on perseverance, maybe the fool can learn it better, which is undoubtedly a great challenge for the people with high understanding.

"Thanks for my father's teaching these days. If it were not for you, I might not have been able to hold on to it." Wind also repair bow head, thank way.

"I didn't help you, so I don't have to say much nonsense. Don't forget what your main purpose is now. You've wasted too much time. The situation is not good for you." Wind thousand Jue some worry way.

Feng Yixiu sneered and said confidently, "no matter how many blood spots they take, they're just making wedding clothes. There's nothing to be afraid of!"

"Ha ha ha It's my son, all right! I'm waiting for your good news... " Wind thousand Jue figure suddenly disappeared in place, only the echo is still echoing.

The wind also rubbed his eyes and wondered, "how can it appear and disappear every time?"

The door of hell is opened again, and the wind returns to the Shura tower again.

At this time, the wind was also built in a very hidden cave, almost isolated from the world. The first reaction was to check the ranking of blood spots.

There is a huge number at the top of the blood point list, which represents the number of layers where the Shura tower is located. The current number is 64, that is, it is already at the 64 level.

The time velocity of the magic weapon space is one tenth of that of the real world. The wind has stayed in it for three years, but it has only been more than three months in the outside world.

At present, Amanda, who is at the top of the blood list, is Amanda at the gate of the underworld, Eric, who is the seventh sin, and ah Chou, the mysterious woman, ranks third. As for the butterfly praying for the flower of evil, she is out of 100.Feng Yixiu is not too surprised at such a ranking. Although Amanda's strength is not the strongest, the number of people in the gate of the underworld is the largest. Sometimes it is more important to find people than their own strength.

What's more, Amanda's strength is also very strong. Otherwise, it is impossible to force Eric to break his hand to protect himself. Naturally, there is no big problem in winning the first prize.

Eric as a radical style team, although the number is not large, also obtained the second good result. Ah Chou, after all, is fighting alone. The probability of encountering people is still much smaller. Being able to rank in the third place can explain the problem.

As for Qi die, Feng Yixiu is most surprised when she is away from Baiming. But when I think of her black coffin tactics, I can understand.

Feng Yixiu looks at the list of blood spots hanging in the sky for a long time, and finally focuses his eyes on Eric.

At present, it is the most rational choice to find Eric, who is ranked second, because there are too many people in the gate of the underworld where Amanda, the number one, is too many. It will be very troublesome to fight.

And qidie, who is in the top 100, doesn't need to challenge him for such points. It's not cost-effective.

Although the black coffin tactics are also Xiu feel very shameful, but have to say it is really very effective, at least to reduce the strong attack on them.

The so-called black coffin tactic is to cut off the hands and feet of the arrested people, put them into a huge black coffin, and then bury them in a secret place, and wait until the time is needed to kill them.

Although the scene changes at each level of the Shura tower, the undead are transported to the next level, and the location of the burial does not change.

Feng Yixiu, a good target, glanced around the Shura battlefield a little. Apart from loneliness or loneliness

There was hardly a living person in the whole road construction battlefield, but there were many stumps and broken arms on the ground, which gave off a disgusting smell of blood.

Feng Yixiu squatted down and examined the broken limbs and arms carefully. He found that the incision was not so smooth. It should have been cut by a huge weapon. I'm afraid that no one would have done this except for the Knights of the seven sins.

So he followed the direction of the blood and the corpse, but the blood disappeared in the middle of the way. Feng Yixiu looked around the desolate area, and there was no direction for a moment.

However, just as he was about to give up his search, he finally saw a glimmer of hope. A team with a familiar badge came towards him. The badge was the symbol of the seven crime organizations.

This is a small team of about three people. It seems that they are patrolling around. They are wearing the traditional badge of the seven crimes on their sleeves, which should be the searchers of the seven crimes.

Before Feng Yixiu came near, the three men seemed to have seen the prey, and ran frantically towards themselves.

The three evil blood spirits surrounded fengyixiu in the center and roared menacingly at fengyixiu. As soon as the owner ordered, they were ready to tear fengyixiu to pieces.

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