"The wind also repairs, you boy good big tone, heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you just break in!" Eric looked at Feng Yixiu with a fierce face and gnashed his teeth.

Eric can be said to hate the existence of fengyixiu the most among the three. If it was not for fengyixiu, his left hand would not become a cold mechanical arm.

In any case, he did not expect that Feng Yixiu had just come to the door. In his opinion, it was an act of seeking death.

Feng Yixiu sneered: "I just came back from the gate of hell, now please go to hell for a walk!"

"Ha ha ha You don't really think I'm afraid of you, do you! You just cheated Lao Tzu's left arm. Do you think you can break Lao Tzu's windstorm armor just because of the cultivation of the warspirit king? " Eric didn't laugh at all.

Because in his eyes, Feng Yixiu can't destroy his storm armor at all. As long as the other party can't break the defense, he will be invincible!

What's more, it's the base of the seven sins. He doesn't think Feng Yixiu can walk out of here alive

"Hum You'll pay for your arrogance. " Wind also repair sneer way.

"I want to see who will pay the price! Storm War Bear, give me a hard hit to fly this boy

Eric summoned his magic book for the first time. A golden light flashed by, and a mountain like storm bear stood beside him.

As the complete spirit of the defense system, storm bear is not very aggressive, but its strength and defense are top-level.

It looks like a large tank, with an unparalleled sense of pressure, step by step towards the wind and repair approach.

Wind is also repair, but standing in the same place did not move, in front of the storm bear how huge, can be compared to the mountains they once carried?


Storm bear suddenly accelerated, as if it was a high-speed heavy tank general, with unstoppable momentum.

Eric saw Feng Yixiu standing still, and said scornfully, "I'm afraid this boy is not frightened by Laozi's storm bear! I can't even hide... "

At this time, the members of the whole seven crimes have surrounded this place, and they are talking about this scene one after another.

"The boy is really ignorant of his ability How dare you come to find the fault of our seven sins alone? I think it's just looking for death

"Our leader is the warrior spirit of the defense system, and has the king level storm bear. Although the spirit power is suppressed, it is not a battle spirit king can challenge."

"You see, the boy is so scared that he doesn't know how to move. He's really laughing..."

At one time, all the seven sins were pointing at the wind. It seemed that they had already thought of the end of the wind repair. It must have been crushed by the storm bear.


The bear knot of the storm battle solidly bumps into fengyixiu, and makes a heavy noise.

However, what happened next let everyone take a breath of cold air. Seeing that the wind also improved, one hand stopped the storm bear's momentum.

Fengyixiu was only pushed out to a distance of more than ten meters and then stopped. No matter how hard the storm bear was, it couldn't shake the wind!

"You Are you also a Warcraft

Eric is a fool. He is very familiar with this scene. Once ah Chou blocked the full force of storm bear with one hand.

But ah Chou's real body is a high-level Warcraft, which makes it possible for him to realize that, after all, physical strength is the talent of Warcraft.

The wind also can't repair a human race, how can one hand block the king level storm War Bear!?

The wind also repairs eyebrow tiny frown, cold voice way: "do not know so-called."

After saying that, one hand held a bear's paw of the storm bear, and the whole person turned like a fan at high speed, and finally threw it out.

The heavy storm bear broke through a big gap in the encirclement of the seven crimes. Many members of the seven crimes were crushed into flesh foam without even screaming.

All of a sudden, the members of the seven crimes, who had just been arrogant, couldn't help but step back. Many of the members with less courage ran away in fear.

With a sneer and a wave, a flower of thorns broke through the ground and appeared beside Feng Yixiu.

As soon as the bramble enchantress came out, a thick thorn vine with sharp spines grew out of the periphery of the camp of seven crimes.

If you look from the sky, you will see that the thorns and vines form a huge circular cage, which covers the whole base camp of the seven sins, just like a super huge birdcage.

Feng Yixiu didn't intend to let everyone off at the moment when he entered the base camp of the seven sins. He had already let the thorn witch spread all kinds of thorns under the base camp of the seven sins. It was just for this moment that he would wipe out all the seven sins!

Then there are a sharp vine with sharp spines growing out of the ground, quietly began to kill crazily.As one of the few attack skills of the thorn enchantress, thorn has a strong concealment. It can often kill an enemy unprepared and has a very large range.

As long as you give the witch enough time to spread the seeds of thorns, he will be able to make a few miles of attack range, but only if the spiritual power is enough.

For those blood spirit masters in the defense system, thorns can only stab them, but can't kill them with one strike. For this kind of enemy, fengyixiu let the colorful jade Lin Python to deal with it. Lightning is the best weapon to deal with this kind of knight with heavy armor!

For a time, all the members of the seven sins began to fall rapidly, and the whole bird cage became a purgatory on earth, full of screams and cries.

Eric watched all this and was in a state of anxiety, but he couldn't get rid of the wind that was staring at him all the time!

"The wind also cultivates. Do you really want to kill them all?" Eric gritted his teeth.

"All of you said today, you will not die." The wind also repairs a face ruthlessly.

Judging from the performance of the three people who led him over, the whole seven crime organization can be said to be an evil organization with no bottom line.

For such an evil organization, Feng Yixiu always has only one principle, that is, to eliminate the evil to the utmost!

"It's really a big tone. If you use such a wide range of blood spirit skills, you probably don't have much spiritual power..." Eric sneered.

Wind also Xiu mouth slightly up, light way: "deal with you, I'm afraid you do not need to use spiritual power."

"You Eric looked down upon Feng Yixiu and his face was livid. He roared, "who do you look down on?"

After that, Eric strode towards the wind and Xiu, and the storm Tomahawk in his hand was dancing like a tiger and a tiger.

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