"That ugly woman is just a person. Can she have such a big threat?" Asked the woman in black.

Praying butterfly chuckled and said, "you don't understand I have experienced her horror, and I can never be her opponent. "

"Don't we have no chance at all?" The woman in black frowned.

As long as we don't try to solve all the secrets of the tower of Warcraft, as long as we don't want to get rid of it, as long as we don't want to get rid of it, as long as we don't want to get rid of it, as long as we don't want to get rid of it, as long as we don't want to get rid of it, as long as we don't want to get rid of it, as long as we don't want to be in the 100 th floor of the tower of Warcraft, we'll never get rid of all the Praying butterfly said earnestly.

"So our biggest competitor at present is fengyixiu?" The woman in Black said in a deep voice.

Praying butterfly nodded and said, "yes As long as we wipe out this man, we will not be afraid of those fools at the gate of the underworld. "

"Little Lord, you will succeed in achieving the heart of Shura. But the young master has great expectations for you." Women in black.

"Mother, I will not let you down..." Praying butterfly's eyes gradually became deep, and then said in a deep voice, "how is the connection at the gate of the underworld?"

"It's already in touch. Amanda has come to us and should be here soon."

"That's good. This time I'll let Feng Yixiu come back and never come back!" Praying butterfly's eyes gradually became chilly, and the surrounding air became dignified.

"But how did you know that Fengyi society came to our evil flower first? What if she goes to the gate of Hades first? " Some women in black don't understand.

"Because he is a wise man, if it was me, I would never go back to the gate of the underworld, so he certainly would not go!" Praying butterfly said earnestly.

The gate of the underworld is the largest team in the Shura tower. Although Amanda, the leader of the team, is not as strong as the wind, the team of thousands of people is not vegetarian.

Otherwise, the seven sins will not watch the gate of the underworld and take the first place in the blood spot list, which shows that the seven sins also fear the great power of the underworld gate.

After all, the spiritual power in the Shura tower is the most precious resource. No matter how strong a person is, without the support of spiritual power, he can't rival the sea fighting skill of man.

Fengyixiu's sword pulling move, as a huge sword Qi slashing attack, can only kill thousands of enemies at most, and then its spiritual power will be exhausted. In the face of thousands of people's siege, it can only drink hatred.

The first time was that the gate of the underworld didn't know much about fengxiu, so they didn't dare to launch a large-scale group attack after being killed nearly a thousand people.

But now Amanda has already had a fight with Feng Yixiu, so he knows the bottom line of fengyixiu, and will naturally let his subordinates launch a sea of people tactics without hesitation.

Feng Yixiu must know that they will join hands, but he doesn't know which side will compromise. Now he has two choices. One is to choose to go to the gate of the underworld. The worst result is that praying butterfly has already gone to the gate of the underworld. Fengyixiu will be besieged by two blood spirit Masters and thousands of members of the underworld gate, let alone two blood spirit masters, even if it is a single face number The gate of the thousand underworld elites are also hard.

The best result is that both qidie and Amanda are not at the gate of the underworld. Fengyixiu faces thousands of members of the gate of the underworld. He will not be sure to kill thousands of members of the gate of the underworld before qidie and Amanda arrive.

The best result of going to the flower of evil is that Amanda doesn't come. Feng Yixiu faces praying butterflies and hundreds of evil flower members alone, so the pressure will be much less.

The worst is that Amanda and praying butterfly are both in the base camp of the flower of evil, which is much better than going to the gate of Hades to face thousands of enemies.

Therefore, praying for butterflies can conclude that the wind is bound to bring evil flowers. This is a naked conspiracy!


Sure enough, fengyixiu is on his way to the base camp of the flower of evil.

However, different from praying butterfly's expectation, Feng Yixiu went to the gate of the underworld before going to the gate of the underworld. After confirming that the other party's troops did not act, he went to the camp of the flower of evil.

He thought he wanted to find the camp of the flower of evil, but he didn't think it was so simple.

Feng Yixiu looks at the scattered cherry blossoms on the ground, as if guiding him a way to the evil flower camp.

"Hum Praying for butterflies, can't you wait Feng Yixiu looked at these obvious signs and frowned slightly: "you are acting like a little bit, I'm afraid I can't see it?"

Now he can be sure that the flower of evil is well prepared, but he has to go!

Now his appearance is estimated to be unable to hide, if he does not take the initiative to attack, sooner or later the other party will come to the door.

Compared with encounter warfare, Feng Yixiu is better at ambush warfare. After all, he can have enough time to arrange the war with the briar enchantress.

As soon as he was close to the evil flower camp, fengyixiu summoned the briar enchantress to use the flower of thorns to advance in the depths of the earth.

In order to make the other party unable to detect, fengyixiu specially let the briar enchantress sneak about 100 meters under the ground, and then use the thunder and lightning heart to explore the situation on the ground.After a while, Feng Yixiu came to the base camp of the flower of evil and found the central camp in the base camp, which was the tent where praying butterflies were.

As expected, Amanda came to the camp of the flower of evil. Because of the distance, Feng Yixiu couldn't hear their conversation.

"Little demon, take this tent as the boundary, make a thorn cage, the more solid the better." The wind also uses telepathy to communicate with the bramble enchantress.

The bramble enchantress began to use the tent as the boundary to sprinkle a full five circles of thorn seeds, that is, a full five layers of thorn cages.

Then there are many thorns around the cage. If you dare to get close to it, you will be bound to become a hedgehog.

The reason why Feng Yixiu didn't let the little demon walk inside the thorn cage was that he knew that this level of attack could not help the two masters of fighting spirit Zun and simply saved some spiritual power.

Just when Feng Yixiu was ready to attack, he heard the howl of a fierce ghost coming from all around.

This sound is very weak. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all. The sound can be said to be very sad. It is a mixture of the sound of knocking on the board and the sound of eating flesh and blood, which makes people feel creepy.

Feng Yixiu listened quietly for a while, and judged that the sound came from the underground. Then he let the thunder and lightning heart explore from up to down.

About 200 meters below the ground, fengyixiu finally found the source of this strange sound. A startling picture made Feng Yixiu frown.

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