Ah Chou looked painfully at the comatose Feng Yixiu, and his mouth was full of paste and said: "the wind also cultivates. If you dare to negate me, I will let you fall into pieces..."

Afraid of the laxity of his spiritual power, ah Chou could only bend down to Feng Yixiu and put the wooden beads into his mouth.

With the help of ah Chou, Feng Yixiu finally swallows mu Lingzhu a little bit, and suddenly a surge of vitality runs in his body.

In the face of this violent force of nature, the fierce toxin is very fragile and almost dissipated in an instant.

Almost at the moment when Feng Yixiu swallowed a small part of the wooden beads, his fingers began to vibrate slightly, and his eyelashes flickered.

Ah Chou kept his eyes closed all the time and did not dare to look directly at Feng Yixiu's face. Obviously, he did not know that Feng Yixiu was about to wake up.

Although she usually behaves unruly, even some light pick, but she is still very pure in the bone, so she would be shy to close her eyes.

However, she is influenced by the Nine Tailed tribe. Enchantment is something they are born with. Most of the time, men come to provoke them on their own initiative, and they do not need them to take the initiative to attract them.

In those days, she took the initiative to enchant the wind, which was the result of all her efforts. On weekdays, she was very cold when facing men.

Wind is also gradually restored to consciousness, eyes opened suddenly, an ugly face appeared in front of his eyes.

The most important thing is that the ugly woman is kissing herself, and the wind is subconsciously trying to break free.

But now his own just recovered, at most can only control eyelids, even fingers can not move.

"Uh huh..."

Feng Yixiu tried hard to make a sound, but it turned into a helpless howl.

Ah Chou felt the change of Feng Yixiu and slowly opened his eyes, which was just opposite to Feng Yixiu's four eyes.

In a flash, both Feng Yixiu and ah Chou were stunned. They both felt a familiar look.

Feng Yixiu looks at the clear eyes in front of him, which is a pair of beautiful pure eyes, forming a huge contrast with his ugly face.

For a while, Feng Xiu didn't feel a bit stunned. She seemed to have seen this look in her eyes, so she subconsciously said, "Fox nine son?"

Ah Chou was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were full of confusion. The whole person got up from Feng Yixiu's body in a hurry, and turned around and did not dare to look at Feng Yixiu's eyes directly.

How could she have never thought that Feng Yixiu could see through herself at a glance. Is it true that her disguise was fake?

However, there are still some inexplicable little joy in her heart, which shows that the other party has been thinking about themselves, and suddenly the corners of her mouth can not help but start to rise.

Feng Yixiu's body finally got some consciousness, and slowly got up. He also knew that the antidote to save himself was in his mouth. He chewed and swallowed it.

Looking at ah Chou's back, his hair is as dry as straw, his skin is dark and cracked, and his figure is as thin as firewood. However, it is very difficult for him to connect this ah Chou with that magnificent fox jiu'er.

Maybe it's just a little similar in the eyes

"Ugly girl, did you save me?" Feng Yixiu gets up slowly and comes to ah Chou.

"I'm just looking at your pity. Don't think too much about it." Ah Chou's eyes were still a little dodgy, and then he turned his body aside.

Feng Yixiu went directly to ah Chou's body, pressed her shoulder and whispered, "thank you for your help. I don't know why you want to save me, but I still want to thank you!"

She was forced by the wind to hold her shoulder. If she had been an ordinary person, she would have been furious, but when she faced the wind, she had completely changed her appearance.

"Ugly girl, why don't you always look up at me? Am I so ugly?" Feng also saw that ah Chou had been looking left and right, but he did not dare to look directly into his eyes.

Ah Chou finally raised his head and looked at Feng Yixiu: "you are not ugly, but I am too ugly. Ordinary people are afraid to avoid me. Aren't you afraid?"

Feng Yixiu, with a gentle smile, said: "the appearance is given by my parents, only the inner is my own. Since you have saved me, it shows that your heart is extremely kind. How can I be afraid? It's too late for me to appreciate... "

"You Do you really think so? " Ah Chou said softly.

"Of course I think so. Since you have saved my life, I owe you a life. If you need it, I can go through fire and water for you at any time." Wind also repair a face sincere way.

Ah Chou was silent for a moment, and said faintly, "what if I let you marry me?"

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu was stunned for a moment, and then said, "ah ugly girl, I already have a beloved. Can I change my request?"

"Hum Just said that any conditions can be! Do you think I'm too ugly? " Ah Chou's face changed, and he broke free from the bondage of Feng Yixiu."Don't get me wrong. I'm not because of your looks, girl. Except for this condition, I will promise whatever it is! " The wind also lowers the head to be silent for a while, the heart is also very struggling.

"In that case..." Ah Chou made a circle around the wind, then stood in front of him and said, "give me your heart."

"My heart for you?" Feng Yixiu is also at a loss. He doesn't know which heart ah Chou is talking about.

Ah Chou pointed to his heart, which was also repaired by wind, and said in a cold voice, "it's your heart."

"My heart?" Feng Yixiu was scared and screamed.

"What? Scared? " Ah Chou chuckled and his voice became more and more dignified.

Feng Yixiu only thought for a moment, but did not answer. Then he immediately gathered himself to form a chaotic magic sword and stabbed his heart at a very fast speed.

If there was no ah Chou, I'm afraid I'm dead. I really owe him a life

Ah Chou saw that Feng Yixiu did not say a word. He was so scared that he grabbed the blade of Feng Yixiu's sword and said in a cold voice, "are you crazy? Give it to you if you want to? "

Feng Yixiu said with a smile: "I don't like what I owe others. If you need it, I'll give it to you."

Ah Chou looked at Feng Yixiu's serious eyes and saw that he was serious, not hypocritical.

If it wasn't for her own strength, she would have been unable to grasp the sword of Feng Yixiu!

"You remember, I will own your life from now on! No one can take it without my permission, remember? " Ah Chou changed his cowardly eyes and looked at Feng Yixiu with a very strong look. He said every word.

Feng Yixiu was also subdued by the powerful aura and nodded subconsciously: "remember Yes

"Just remember, I will cover you later, and I will take you safely to the one hundred storey Shura tower." Ah Chou said with a smile.

"Do you want to capture the heart of Shura, too?" Feng Yixiu inquired seriously.

"No more In fact, I'm not interested in the position of the king of sin. I'm just curious about the secrets of the one hundred floors of the Shura tower. I'm not rare about that broken thing... " Ah Chou felt guilty.

She also knows that Feng Yixiu's determination to win the heart of Shura is very strong. She can't guarantee whether fengyixiu is willing to go with her after she says that she wants to capture the heart of Shura.

Therefore, her goal is to cheat Feng Yixiu's trust to win the heart of Shura. Naturally, she can't tell her true purpose to each other.

The wind also nodded stupidly: "in this case Then we can form a team. I believe that with our strength, no one can stop us

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