Feng Yixiu touched his nose and laughed: "it's never happened. I think it's difficult for others to imitate..."

"In fact, I was dead long ago, but my ability enables me to live as a dead person, so what stands in front of you is just a mummy." Anubis explained.

"Mummy? But I don't think you are different from living creatures... " Ah Chou said with some doubts.

"That's because I have absorbed the breath of the living, which keeps my body from rotting." Anubis road.

"Are you using the realm of death to absorb the life of others?" The wind also repairs the frown road.

The head point is right: "anus This is my natural ability and the reason why I am called the God of death. However, you must not think that I will be mythologized with a word of God in my title. It is just the ignorance of ordinary people. In fact, I am far less powerful than you think

He found that the more powerful the power, the more modest he was. Perhaps the world they saw at that level was far from what he could imagine.

"Master, don't be modest. If you are so modest, how can we descendants live..." The wind also deepens the voice.

Anubis shook his head with a smile and said, "in addition to my ability to get the curse of immortality, it is still much worse to fight against the strong at the same level, such as the two of you in China."

"How can you curse such a good thing as immortality? What's more, we have such a strong presence in China? " The wind also mends, is in a fog.

"You don't understand In fact, I yearn for death very much. If I didn't have an unfinished mission, how could I live in this world? " As anubis walked slowly forward, he said, "and don't be mistaken. You Chinese have always been the strongest existence in the ancient times. If it wasn't for your Chinese Savior, I'm afraid the world will be even worse now..."

On hearing this, Feng Yixiu was also lost in meditation. Perhaps death was the unique belief of dansha Empire, which he did not understand and did not want to understand.

They may think that death is the real way to get rid of it, so they are so indifferent to death that they yearn for it

However, those beliefs existed in the ancient times. Now the gate of Hades is no longer what it used to be, so this belief is almost lost.

As for anubis, Huaxia has always been the strongest existence, and fengyixiu is also silently recorded in my heart. It seems that the original king of the Holy Spirit not only swept the snow in front of his door, but also saved the suffering in many parts of the world.

It's a pity that it is not as strong as that of the ancient times. Nowadays, there is not even a king of the Holy Spirit in the whole of China, which is quite different from the ancient times.

"Here we are This is the passage to the 100th floor. When you are ready, go in. "

Anubis pointed to a black border in front of him. The black boundary was like a bottomless pit, and the suffocating black magic gas was constantly overflowing.

Feng Yixiu, looking at the black black black border, could not help becoming a little nervous. He felt the terrible evil spirit that he had never felt before, and his palms were involuntarily sweating.

"Master Won't you come in with me The wind also builds some tense roads.

"I'm just a guide. I can only guide you here, and then you're the only one to go. Good luck to you!"

After that, anubis was wrapped in a mass of gray dead air. When the dead air dissipated, it was completely gone.

In the face of such a powerful evil spirit, ah Chou also gave birth to a trace of fear value. His body involuntarily leaned against the wind.

"Don't be afraid Stand behind me and I'll protect you. " Wind also repair, even in fear, in the woman's side is also can only be brave.

Finally, he took the first step, as if stepping into a pool of mud. The smell of dark evil gas was like clay, which made fengyixiu feel very uncomfortable.

There is not a glimmer of light in the passage leading to the 100th floor Shura tower. The wind can only smear the progress. I don't know whether ah Chou is afraid or out of intentional psychology. His body and wind are also very tight. He feels the softness around him. Feng Xiu can't help but blush.

Fortunately, it's completely dark here. Otherwise, it would be a mockery to be seen by ah Chou.

I don't know how long it took, Feng Yixiu finally saw a light, "ah ugly girl, we are here at last!"

Ah Chou was also a little excited, and he ran over with the wind.

"Slow down..."

It's not even a terrible force to drag the ugly.

As soon as I stepped out of the darkness, I felt some pain in my eyes, and then the world around me gradually became clear.

At this time, a pyramid made of gold will come into view. The mini pyramid made of gold emits dazzling golden light and emits a holy and soft power.However, Feng Yixiu felt that there were other evil forces in the mini pyramid and were constantly fighting against the holy and dazzling golden light.

Ah Chou was attracted by the ancient murals around him. They were very old and mysterious murals.

These murals are carved on the surrounding walls with very rough techniques, but they are very vivid. Feng Yixiu only takes a glance and is attracted to the past.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's like you're in the middle of it. It's like a war scene in the ancient times.

The whole scene was very chaotic, but the ten strange looking Warcraft were the most attractive to Feng Yixiu. Each of them had a terrifying force.

"The top ten hells..." Ah Chou suddenly read into a series of words.

Feng Yixiu immediately passed by. It was strange that these characters were not the seal cutting of the dansha Empire, but the Chinese characters.

"The king of yecha, the king of five senses, the king of city, the king of equality, the king of Mount Tai..." The wind also Xiu looks at these words, can't help but read aloud.

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