"Although I'm a blood spirit Master, I'm not one of the most fierce people. Don't get close to me." Wind also repair sneer way.

"It's not a man of many evils? Then I have no burden to kill you! " The king of Mount Tai suddenly said to ah Chou, "since there is a man who is not a fierce crowd in heaven, I don't have to eat you. As long as you help me kill this boy, I promise you will make a strong voice in the crowd in the future."

Ah Chou said with a smile, "good..."

The king of Mount Tai was also suddenly and simply frightened by ah Chou. However, he was just a human being after careful consideration, so he must have not paid attention to it.

According to the logic of Warcraft, a mere human life is not worth mentioning, even if it is a person with many evil spirits, it does not have much to do with it.

After all, the status of human beings in the heaven and evil people is far less than that of Warcraft, so we will not take it into consideration at all.

Feng Yixiu looks at ah Chou in horror and walks towards the king of Mount Tai. It seems that he can't believe his eyes.

However, she is already laughing secretly. She knows ah Chou too well

Ah Chou went straight to the side of the king of Mount Tai, and said faintly, "look at this stupid man, he ran to save me without looking at his own weight..."

Feng Yixiu's eyes were dim, and he stood in silence. He just looked at ah Chou's girl, and her hands behind her began to slowly condense the chaotic magic sword.

"Stupid human, you will die obediently!" The king of Mount Tai suddenly opened his mouth, and his red tongue was like a sharp sword, stabbing at the wind.

Feng Yixiu stood still and did not move. The chaotic magic sword behind his back suddenly stabbed the tongue in front of his eyes and nailed it to the ground.

The chaos sword emits a dazzling purple light, and the devil's eye is also turning wildly, staring at the eyes of the king of Mount Tai.

"Eyes of chaos?" The king of Mount Tai looked at the magic sword, and the whole man was lost.

Isn't this the power of chaos?

Isn't the man in front of me saying that he's not a man of many evil spirits? Why do you have the supreme power of heaven and evil people?!

Then the king felt that his brain was in chaos, and the whole person lost his transient consciousness.

At this time, ah Chou, beside the king of Mount Tai, suddenly cracked a nine life spirit bead, and a light spirit sword with snow white light appeared in her hand.

This is a lightsaber turned into a lightsaber. It has the attack of light attribute and has a strong penetrability.

"Die! Stinking toad

A dazzling white sword light flashed, and the snow-white lightsaber actually pierced the thick armor skin of Mount Tai.

The lightsaber formed by light beads has a hot light attribute attack. It can pierce the armor of the king of Mount Tai. It is not sharp, but it is melted by extreme high temperature!

"You The king of Mount Tai is somewhat ambiguous.

Because of the intense pain, Taishan King separated from the chaotic state, but felt the intense pain in the heart position.

She really didn't expect ah Chou would attack herself for a human class!

In his opinion, a human being is no different from a mole ant on the ground. He really didn't expect ah Chou to help a mole ant instead of helping himself!

"Five elements seal array!"

Ah Chou still did not dare to be careless. Without waiting for the king of Mount Tai to react, he suddenly slapped his hands toward the ground, and suddenly five elements of different colors suddenly rose to the sky.

These lights form five circular columns of light, covering the king of Mount Tai. Then the five pillars form a circular seal array.

The whole Mount Tai will be covered with the light.

Then came the roar of the king of Mount Tai's anger!

The whole pyramid was shaken by this terrible sound wave. Feng Yixiu and ah Chou could only cover their ears with death.


The five element seal array formed a huge column of light, and suddenly a crack appeared. The king of Mount Tai stepped out with one huge foot, and the powerful body directly knocked ah Chou out again.

Ah Chou was hit and flew in the same direction as fengyixiu. Fengyixiu quickly caught up with each other, but he was hit by a huge force and flew out tens of meters away.

"Die! I have to die! "

The green pit of Tai mountain began to roar.

Feng Yixiu was stunned to see that the king of Mount Tai was not dead for a while. He was worthy of being the master level Warcraft. Even after hundreds of years of suppression, although the strength was far less than before, it was still so terrible!

"Tiandu broke out!"

One by one huge venom bomb, like a volcano eruption in general, kept shooting in all directions crazy.

For a while, the top of the pyramid became a pool of venom. The wind was watching the highly toxic cannonballs shooting at him like rain. There was no way.Regardless of her serious injury, ah Chou immediately stood up and smashed the last pearl of nine lives.

All of a sudden, ah Chou's skin was suddenly broken, revealing her nine tails. Her whole body turned into a Nine Tailed Fox!

This is the real body of her nine tails. She hoisted fengyixiu up and placed it firmly behind her. Then she formed a round umbrella with nine tails to protect herself and fengyixiu.

There are eight different colors of light shining outside Jiuwei, but there is no detoxification of the wood attribute of brilliance!

Feng Yixiu is also shocked by the sudden change in front of him for a while. It turns out that what anubis said is true. Ah Chou is not only a Warcraft, but also such a terrifying Nine Tailed Fox

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