One hundred storeys of Shura tower.

Feng Yixiu and anubis are still guardians of the evolving fox jiuer.

However, careful Feng Yixiu found that anubis' body was gradually powdered, and the bandage around him began to fall off.

"Master, are you going to die, too?" The wind also repairs the frown road.

Anubis waved his hand and said faintly, "I am a dead man, so death is a kind of relief for me. I can finally go to see the Lord Hades..."

Feng Yixiu looked at anubis, who was slowly disappearing. He felt a burst of pain in his heart. He bowed to the other party 90 degrees and said, "master, I thank you for jiuer!"

"You are the new king of Shura appointed by the king of the underworld. According to the law, I will call you king. You can't bow your head to me, get up quickly..." Anubis raised the wind and said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha The new king of Shura? It depends on whether the king answers or not! "

Suddenly, an inexplicable voice suddenly appeared, constantly echoing in the Shura tower.

Shua Shua Shua

For a while, the blood bats began to gather quickly. A man in a bloody Cape appeared in the air, looking down at Feng Yixiu.

"The king of sin? This is not the place you should come. Go back Anubis snapped.

According to the rules of sin city, the current king of sin is not qualified to intervene in the affairs of the Shura tower, let alone the right to enter the Shura Tower!

Now the king of sin has violated the rules of hundreds of years by directly entering the Shura tower, regardless of the rules of the city of sin

"The whole evil is mine. Is there any place I can't go?" The king of sin sneered.

"Now the city of sin is not yours. Fengyixiu has obtained the inheritance of Hades and the heart of King Shura. A new king has been created. You are not waiting for the coronation ceremony, but come here. Do you want to rebel?" Anubis is worthy of the great power of the ancient times. Although he is a dying man, he still has a strong oppressive force.

"Ha ha ha Rebellion? Anyway, it's not the first time I've done it! What's the harm of doing it again? " The king of sin looked up and said with a long smile.

On hearing this, anubis's face was low, and his gray eyes were staring at the evil king in front of him. His eyes became more and more cold.

"As the guardian of the Shura tower, I will judge you!"

After that, anubis released a strong breath of the dead, which made everything around him decay quickly.

However, the king of sin did not evade at all. Instead, he released the Shura realm. The blood red Shura realm released endless killing intention and resentment. Since he suppressed the death breath.

The image of the Shura behind him also reached an astonishing eight meters high. However, different from the mirage of the king of Shura in fengyixiu, his vision of Shura was blood red, emitting pure killing waves.

Among them, innumerable spirits are madly attacking the dead area of anubis. The number of them makes Feng Yixiu feel embarrassed, but in a moment, he completely suppresses it!

"Hum Your heart of the dead has been sent out. Why are you fighting with me now The king of sin laughed wildly, and the tyrannical Shura began to nibble at each other step by step.


The wind is also in a great hurry. At the first moment, he is ready to gather the kingdom of Shura to help anubis, but he is stopped by the other side.

"You protect jiuer girl for me! I'm already a dying man. What's the point of saving me? She needs your protection now... " Anubis resisted the erosion of thousands of grievances, and his body began to accelerate the dissipation.

"Old man Don't you have a millennium Scepter? Now that we're dying, why not? Do you want to bring it into the coffin? "

The king of sin first took a look at anubis' empty hands, and then turned his eyes to Feng Yixiu.

"You gave it to the boy, didn't you? It would be better... " The king of sin's mouth rose slightly, as if he had taken the scepter of the millennium as a handy thing.

"What about it?" Anubis murmured.

"Damn it, I was living and dying when I followed you. But what did you and the old ghost of Hades do to me? How dare you give these sacred things to a little boy you don't know and refuse to give them to me? Since you don't give it to me, I'll take it with my own hands! "

With a roar from the king of sin, the illusory image of Shura clasped his hands, and a huge door of Shura appeared behind him. Tens of thousands of complaining spirits were like crucian carp crossing the river, and they were crazy to kill anubis!

In the face of such a terrible attack, anubis, who had been a candle in the wind, was naturally unable to resist, and his body began to accelerate powdering.

However, anubis didn't care that the resentment was eating his body. Instead, he looked at the king of sin in amazement and said in a deep voice, "you are One of the Shura people, Luo Li? ""Ha ha ha I didn't expect that you are an old man. You can see it

The king of sin's face began to change dramatically, no longer young, but a wrinkled old man's face.

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