"See the Lord of the underworld Law enforcement officer No. 2 immediately fell to his knees and did not dare to look at the underworld.

The Lord of the underworld slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the person in front of him, and then closed his eyes: "bellock, do you know you're back? I thought you were so happy in sin city that you forgot your identity? "

While speaking, the three groups of underworld fire behind the Lord of the underworld were shining brightly, just like daylight.

The terrifying and sombre pressure suddenly spread, and suddenly a chilling force of oppression hit. The law enforcement officers No. 2 and others were scared to sweat and shiver.

Since they joined the city of sin, they seldom come back to the gate of Hades. After all, they are used to the life on the ground, and then let them endure the dark days underground. In other words, no one can bear it any more.

"Calm down, your majesty. I have never forgotten my mission, but the king of sin is too resourceful. I have never found his weakness or won his trust. Therefore, I have no face to come back to see his majesty." Baylok kowtow constantly, the importance of strength can be heard outside the hall.

Beilock is the name of the second law enforcement officer. He was also one of the underworld envoys at the gate of Hades. He was sent to the city of sin to find an opportunity to seize the city.

But the king of sin is not the easy one. He has never been given this opportunity, so he has never come back

Smell speech, the dark fire behind the Lord of the underworld dimmed a little, the pressure also reduced some, saw him slowly opened his eyes, turned out to be a pair of dark green pupil.

"So you have found a way to capture the city of sin?" The underworld master was very interested.

In fact, Gandan's ambition is not to occupy the whole empire, but to stay in the underground!

The city of sin is the first step to achieve his goal. As long as he occupies the city of sin, the situation of the gate of Hades will be greatly improved.

This is also the reason why he will send the powerful generals to the city of evil at the risk of success, in order to occupy the evil city successfully one day!

Behlok felt the pressure decrease, and then he replied, "yes, the evil city has been replaced by a new king, and I have gained the trust of this new king."

"That is to say, the old devil of sin is dead at last?" The God of the underworld, with a excited expression on his face, said in a deep voice, "so who is the new king of the evil city now?"

Although the power of the king of sin is not as strong as he is, he is better than he is able to endure. He has not grasped the flaws of the other side for so many years.

"The king of sin is indeed dead, and the new king is only a warrior king under 20 years old, but he has got the scepter of a thousand years." So said belock.

"What! A warspirit king who is less than 20 years old has become the new king of the city of sin? " The Lord of the underworld sprang up from the throne, and his mouth showed an excited smile: "it seems that the evil city is really exhausted It's ridiculous that a little boy can become a new king! It seems that God is helping me! "

"But now the biggest threat is not the new king, but a woman of Warcraft around him, which is the Nine Tailed Tianhu." Belloc was a little worried.

In fact, he is not very worried about fengyixiu. What makes him feel most scared is that Nine Tailed Tianhu around fengyixiu, which is a veritable master level Warcraft!

"Jiuwei Tianhu? That's the legendary master level Warcraft. It usually haunts China. How can it come to the evil capital! Are you kidding me The Dark Lord looks low and frowns.

He didn't know much about the Warcraft of China, but he knew a little about the top ones.

Among them, the four fierce beasts and the ten demons will not be said much. Most of them are dead and sealed. The Jiuwei fox clan is now one of the strongest races in Chinese Warcraft!

"My Lord is absolutely right. I have seen her evolve from the Nine Tailed Fox to the Nine Tailed sky fox, and she is going to become the queen of the evil city." Said belock very seriously.

Hearing this, the underworld Lord suddenly toward the void with a claw, as if there were a pair of invisible big hands to lift Belloc from the air.

"Belock, are you rebellious? Do you want me to fight with a Nine Tailed sky fox in sin city? Is your brain bad or mine The nether Lord's face was fierce.

Beilock was hanging in the air, his body was squeezed by the force of terror. He did not expect that the Lord of the underworld was so afraid of the Nine Tailed sky fox.

In his impression, the God of the underworld was always fearless of heaven and earth. Even if the emperor of dansha Empire came, he would have to fight against him. He even confessed in front of Jiuwei Tianhu

"Your Majesty Your majesty will put me down first. I have a treasure for you! Let's make you fall back... " Belock kept struggling, his expression was very painful.

The Lord of the underworld suddenly closed his hand, put his hands behind him, and said in a cold voice, "what treasure? If you don't give me a satisfactory answer today, you will never get out of this hall! ""Yes! I will give you a satisfactory answer

After that, berroth's hand turned, and a bloody Scepter with blood red light appeared in his hand. It was the bloody scepter of the king of sin.

At the moment of seeing the bloody scepter, the Hades' eyes brightened and he said excitedly, "the bloody Scepter? How can you have the scepter of the king of sin

"This is what I have worked so hard for. It is estimated that the new Wang Feng has also cultivated the scepter for thousands of years, so he will not look up to the bloody scepter, so he abandoned it, and I will get it back." Belloc hands on the bloody scepter.

The underworld Lord took the bloody Scepter in belock's hand and laughed: "it is said that this bloody scepter is the exclusive treasure of the king of sin. It can not be suppressed by the rules of sin city. In this way, we don't have to tie our hands and feet when we enter the evil city..."

"That's right. As long as tomorrow I have to confer the scepter in person by the Presbyterian Council, deceive the Millennium scepter from Feng Yixiu's hand and seal it with a seal array. Your bloody scepter will protect you from the influence of the rules of the city of sin!" Beilock said firmly.

"This plan is no problem, but even if it is not suppressed by spiritual power, if you want to surpass Jiuwei Tianhu, I'm afraid..." The Lord of Hades said this, but stopped.

The implication is obvious, even if he is not suppressed by spiritual power, he still has some difficulties in defeating Jiuwei Tianhu.

Perhaps it is aware of some humiliation, Hades said half of the time did not say, pale face also has a trace of red.

After hearing this, belock fell into deep thought again, and then said, "now fengyixiu, that boy has 100% trust in me. We must drink the king's wine at the coronation ceremony. We can do something about it!"

"You mean poison?" The nether Lord frowned.


"But the general poison for the master level of Warcraft can not have any effect, especially nine tail sky fox but has the ability to detoxify." The Lord of the underworld was worried.

"Ordinary poisons may not be useful, but our river Styx is not a common poison. It can make the poisoned people lose their spiritual power in a short time, and it is colorless and tasteless. It is the best way to deal with them!" Belock said in a deep voice.

The nether Lord nodded with satisfaction and said in a deep voice, "do as you say! I'm sure I'll get the city of sin

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