"Steel hedgehog - sword armor!" The wind also says so.

"Miso, miso..."

All of a sudden, four tenths of the body of the "Titan ape" in the air suddenly pricked out countless sharp blades, and each sword was covered with red blood.

Suddenly, the whole body of "Titan and great ape" has become rigid. The eyes that originally emit faint green light suddenly become inanimate, and have already cut off the vitality!

The heavy body fell rapidly in mid air, and the sharp sword armour was directly inserted on the ground, which soon stopped the huge body of "Titan Python".

Originally, Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao, who had been running madly, were stunned, and their faces were bewildered.

"My God! This is how the patron saint of Dongxin Lake died Han Xiao swallowed his saliva and trilled.

Shen Ruyu slowly came back to her mind and went to Feng Yixiu. She was so shocked that she said, "brother Feng, you scared me to death just now!"

"Don't worry about it. It's all in my hands." The wind also repairs the soft voice.

In fact, he intended to let the Titan Python devour the little white building. After all, the scales of the Titan Python are still very hard. If the strength is not enough, it can not break the defense.

This is the only way to defeat Titan Python directly from the inside, but the most important thing is to know where its weakness lies.

The weakness of the general snake Warcraft is in seven inches, which is three tenths of the whole body, but the key point of Titan Python is in six inches!

"Did you just intentionally let Xiaobai Lou be swallowed?" Han Xiao face difficult to set channel.

"Yes, that's the only way we can beat Titan python." Wind also repair light road.

"But how do you know the weakness of the Titan Python?" Shen Ruyu has some doubts.

"This Maybe it's luck! " The wind also touched his nose, smiling.

However, while they were chatting, a faint yellow light suddenly appeared on the huge wreckage of Titan python.

"This Is this a magic card? " Han Xiao is aware of this for the first time, surprised way.

Sure enough, the light yellow light slowly converged into a solid bronze level demon card.

Feng also corrects when he is going to take this bronze level demon card down, suddenly there is a sound of feet behind him.

The group consisted of four people, headed by an older man, wearing a pair of gold rimmed glasses and a uniform similar to that of a college teacher.

Feng Yixiu and others immediately became alert and took back the magic card floating in the air at the first time.

"Who are you?" The wind also repairs the frown road.

Just when they were facing the Titan python, they didn't help. Now they burst out the magic Spirit card. They are not friends!

"Don't be nervous. We are teachers of Anyang City Shenfeng college. I don't know which college you are." Xiao pushed his glasses and carried his hands behind him in a soft voice.

"How can we tell you what you want to do?" Han Xiao a face vigilant way.

"What do you want? Hand in the cards of Titan and python, and maybe we can let you live in a good mood Standing behind teacher Xiao, a tall boy stood out in a high voice.

"You are also teachers and students of the college! How can you do such a shameless thing Shen Ruyu's face sank and said angrily.

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