"I've heard that the number of Warcraft crystal cores at the top level of natural disaster can be counted by one hand in the treasure house of dansha empire. If it wasn't for my request, I'm afraid I wouldn't have to part with it." The wind also repairs a smile way.

In the dansha Empire, the status of Carolus was similar to that of the real dragon in China. It had disappeared in the wilderness for many years, belonging to the existence of one with one less.

"The dansha empire is really a big deal. You can give away such valuable things as you can..." Shen Ruyu was shocked and felt a little unreal, like a sleepwalker.

Feng also sees that Shen Ruyu and the end of the eastern Xia Dynasty are both nervous, and they have no intention of taking over the Warcraft crystal core.

"How can you be polite to me Feng Yixiu directly throws two Warcraft crystal nuclei to two people.

Shen Ruyu and Dongfang in the end of summer are frightened by the action of Feng Yixiu, and they quickly and carefully catch their respective Warcraft crystal cores.

"Hoo It scared me to death. I almost fell on the ground. " In the end of summer, the Oriental captured Warcraft crystal core, and carefully stored it in the Najie, wiping a cold sweat on his face.

"Who asked you to grin and haw, don't be polite to me in the future. Isn't mine yours?" The wind also cultivates the vital airway.

"Then you can't throw it around What if it's broken? " Shen Ruyu said angrily.

"The scourge level Warcraft crystal core, if so broken, can only explain a problem." Wind also repair a face serious way.

"What's the problem?" The two men answered in one voice.

"It means that the treasure house of dansha empire is full of A-goods!" The wind also makes a promise.

Shen Ruyu and the eastern late summer two people were teased to giggle, three people can be said to be talking and laughing. Only Han Xiao was squatting on the ground, holding a dead tree branch in the palm of his hand to draw a circle, with a piece of dark cloud on top of his head, which seemed incomparably lonely.

At the end of the summer, Dongfang saw the lost Han Xiao, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a soft voice, "brother Hanxiao, what's the matter with you? Why don't you look so happy? "

Han Xiao looked back and said, "don't pay attention to me Happiness is all yours. I only have poor loneliness... "

Shen Ruyu pulled the dress which was also repaired by Lafeng and said in a soft voice, "don't make trouble. I know you can't forget brother Han."

Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile and said in a loud voice: "brother, other people's evolution only use one Warcraft crystal core, but you are two, and they are big and heavy. I can't take it easily! Do you mind if you bring it out at last? "

Hearing this, Han Xiao's ears moved, and then the whole person jumped up from the ground. He hugged Feng Yixiu with excitement on his face. His huge body hung on Feng Yixiu's body and said excitedly, "brother, I knew you didn't abandon me!"

The wind also Xiu struggled to push away Han Xiao, frowned and said: "you let me go, how much do you think you don't have points in your heart?"

Han Xiao said with a smile: "it's OK, less than 100kg, I've paid great attention to my weight..."

Han Xiao, who is 1.9 meters tall, is full of strong muscles and almost no fat. He looks very healthy.

Feng Yixiu's hand turned over again, and two huge Warcraft crystal cores appeared in his two hands. His powerful arm was obviously stunned. It can be seen that the weight is very exaggerated.

A dark black, but also the heaviest one, the shape is like a huge dinosaur egg, emitting light.

And the other size is not much difference, the appearance is sky blue, it has wavy lines on the natural flow, it is quite smart.

"Although the dual attribute combat power is powerful, the evolutionary materials consumed are also multiplied. These two are the top-level Warcraft crystal cores at the natural disaster level. You can see that they are two giant beasts from their urine and urine!" The wind also Xiu very laborious hand two Warcraft crystal nucleus to Han Xiao.

Han Xiao didn't care at first, but after Feng Yixiu completely let go, the whole person was bent down by two extremely heavy crystal cores of Warcraft, and his face became blue and blue.

"This is the best crystal core of xuanming dragon turtle and Xuanyin Teng snake? I'm not so much fun The wind also builds a smile.

Han Xiao put two heavy Warcraft crystal nuclei into the storage and acceptance ring. He was so excited that he almost came up to pro Feng Yixiu. He said in a trill, "I'm really moved..."

The wind also repairs but one face is disgusted, with the foot to block him, frown a way: "you have this heart good, the actual action I see to avoid it!"

"Captain, how high are you now?" The East suddenly asked at the end of summer.

"I've been fighting for half a year, and I haven't spent much time meditating on spiritual cultivation. I've only got level 6 and level 2, but I should be able to break through to level 6 and level 3 soon." The wind also says so.

In these days, Feng Yixiu has basically never meditated. However, relying on the unique talent of the blood spirit Master and the characteristics of the chaotic magic sword turning blood into spiritual power, his realm is not backward.

Long Chen is afraid of Han Xiao and other people's realm to catch up with him, so he will do anything to rob the source gate lingfu in the past.At the end of summer in the East, he chucked his mouth and said, "you are almost six levels two! I thought we had the meditation bonus of Qinglong and ancient wood in Yuanmen lingfu, which should have thrown you away... "

Yuanmen lingfu was occupied by Longmen only after half a year's appointment. Therefore, the unique resources of Yuanmen lingfu were not wasted in the previous half year, and the realm was also improved by leaps and bounds.

"What are you now? You've given me an idea. " The wind is also a little curious.

"Han Xiao and I have just been promoted to level 6 and level 2, and yu'er's level is one level higher than ours, reaching level 6 and level 3." At the end of summer in the East.

"Yu'er Your realm is higher than mine Feng Yixiu was surprised.

"It's just one level. Aren't you going to break through soon?" Shen Ruyu still smiles like a flower. Then she seems to think of something and frowns: "long Chen, they have occupied Yuanmen lingfu for a period of time. It is estimated that this period of time is also making rapid progress. It is not very good to go on like this..."

"Those bullies are so angry that they can't! I'm going to take back Yuanmen lingfu now Wind also repair face iron blue, gnashing teeth road.

"Wait a minute, long Chen is no better than other people in Longmen. Although he is arrogant and insolent, his strength can not be underestimated, and the sword slave's strength is also very strong. If they join hands to deal with you, I'm afraid..." Shen Ruyu was eager to speak, but his eyes were full of worry.

Feng Yixiu immediately calmed down and said in a soft voice, "what should we do now? Can't we let them go? "

Shen Ruyu said with a heavy face: "let go of course, we can't let it go. Not only can we not let it go, but we should also evolve the war spirit into a complete group as soon as possible, and then we will double repay the humiliation they have suffered in the past six months!"

Feng also nodded and said with a smile, "good! It's up to you! "

Shen Ruyu smiles at the wind, and then looks down at the Fei jade sachet that he hangs on his waist, and looks at the Feiyu embroidery on it, showing a happy smile.

All of a sudden, a breeze blew, and the jade sachet hanging around his waist turned over slowly. A beautiful nine color flower appeared in his pupil.

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