"Have you ever drunk Immortal Dragon blood? Isn't it true that dragons have disappeared? How could you have that? " Han Xiao a face startled way.

"Well..." Feng Yixiu didn't know how to explain it. He just perfunctorily said, "maybe it's luck. In a word, the conditions for the evolution of the great summer dragon sparrow are all ready."

Han Xiao and the eastern late Xia Dynasty and others also took all their evolutionary materials out of the storage materials and put them aside carefully.

"Sister yu'er's evolutionary medicine is the most difficult. It's better to make the evolution potion of yanhuangque first..." It was suggested by the end of the eastern summer.

"There's no need to be so troublesome. It's better to refine three evolutionary agents together." The wind is light.

"Three refining together, this is the whole evolutionary potion, but the difficulty is more than ten times more difficult than the evolutionary potion of mature body. Can it really be done?" At the end of summer in the East, there were some worries.

Wind also Xiu smile, light way: "five I have been successful, three is nothing, you can rest assured."

When the queen of black thorn was evolved, it was necessary to refine five evolutionary potions with different properties. This time, there were only three, which of course was not a problem.

I saw Feng Yixiu bite his index finger, and a drop of blood with light purple and gold flowed out. He quickly caught it with a reagent bottle.

When everything is ready, the golden ray of thunder blooms in Feng Yixiu's eyes. The thunder mode is turned on instantaneously, and only a series of shadows can be seen.

Feng Yixiu is like a piano player, his fingers are constantly beating on the buttons of the evolutionary instrument, and three sets of soul searching schemes more complicated than piano scores have formed a complete set of best schemes in his mind.

It was not until the evolutionary instruments began to work that the magic of Rune technology was discovered. Originally simple and unadorned, even some Ancient Runes emit colorful brilliance. The colors of runes representing the power of different elements are also different.

The power of runes makes the smelting elements provided by evolutionary instruments more pure, which greatly improves the success probability of evolutionary agents.

Shen Ruyu and the eastern late Xia Dynasty were all holding their breath and did not dare to disturb fengyixiu in this critical period. They quietly watched Feng Yixiu's busy back.

Half an hour later, Feng Yixiu's shadowy figure suddenly stopped, and the rune light on the evolutionary instrument gradually faded.

The wind also wiped the sweat on his face and said with a smile, "it's finished at last."

As soon as the voice dropped, three completely different evolutionary potions were made, and each bottle looked as gorgeous as a work of art.

They were shocked by Feng Yixiu's almost dance like operation skills for a long time. They didn't come back until Feng Yixiu came in with three bottles of evolutionary medicine.

"Jade son, this is your evolutionary medicine." Feng Yixiu handed Shen Ruyu a bottle of red evolutionary medicine.

Shen Ruyu is stunned to catch the evolution potion that Feng Yixiu handed over, and carefully looks at some hot evolution potions in his hand.

This bottle of evolutionary potion is reddish red in color, and there are flowing lines like lava in it. It looks very beautiful.

"It's yours at the end of the summer." Feng Yixiu handed a bottle of black evolution medicine to the eastern late summer.

"Han Xiao, this is your evolutionary medicine. It's a little heavy. Don't fall it..." The wind also repairs specially reminds a way.

At the end of Xia Xiao Mo's evolution, the dark purple potions of her own have taken over.

The other bottle is a large evolutionary potion bottle, which weighs a lot. Han Xiao catches it with both hands.

"Let's finish the evolution as soon as possible. When the evolution potion is first made, it has the best effect. After a long time, it will be greatly reduced." Wind also Xiu smiles to remind way.

The three immediately summoned the magic scripture at the same time. The magic Scripture had no wind. The light of summoning array filled the whole building.

As soon as the flaming finch was called out, she was excited and kept flying around Shen Ruyu. It seemed that she felt the power of the evolutionary medicine in Shen Ruyu's hands.

Tiangang giant turtle is also excited to rub Han Xiao's head, it naturally knows that Han Xiao's evolutionary medicine is prepared for it.

Only the evil eye tiger is relatively stable, although you can see that it can not bear the eyes, but not too outward to show.

Almost at the same time, the three men lifted the lid of the evolution potion in their hands, and then poured them all into the mouths of their fighting spirits.

For a moment, the whole 99 storey building was covered by various elements, and the violent elements formed three whirlpools, which devoured the power of heaven and earth.

The flaming fire enveloped the flaming Finch, which gradually formed a substantial ball of fire. The hot temperature forced Feng Yixiu and others to step back more than ten steps.

The evil eye ghost tiger is covered by a dark smell as black as ink, just like a burning black flame. However, what people feel is not warmth, but the cold and overcast atmosphere like falling into nine secluded places.However, the turtle shell behind Tiangang giant turtle is constantly falling off, and its body shape is also constantly soaring. When the turtle shell behind him completely falls off, the dark blue water element completely envelops it, just like a real super large turtle egg.

There are strange patterns on the turtle's egg. The energy beams of earth and water are converging around it. Fengyixiu can even hear Xiao BA's more and more powerful heartbeat.

The evolution of the three warlords has formed a regular triangle, and there is a delicate balance among the three, which means that they complement each other.

Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and others couldn't bear the destruction of these three distinct breath, and they all backed back nearly 100 meters in safety.

Fortunately, they entered the special evolution room ahead of time. They didn't find a place to evolve at will. Otherwise, they might collapse the building.

The evolution room of the 99 storey building is prepared according to the standard of the evolution of the extreme body and spirit. It is also made of high-quality alloy materials. However, there is no damage to the building.

At the moment, the people standing outside the gate have not seen the scene of evolution, but they have felt three strong energy vortices sweeping through.

At the end of the narrow corridor, the colorful light is particularly dazzling, which reflects the originally dark corridor like a time tunnel.

At the moment, more and more people gathered outside the gate on the 99th floor. These are warspirit masters who came after feeling the abnormal power.

But for a moment, the entire public area outside the 99th floor was full of people, all with doubts and curiosity written on their faces.

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