"Don't get me wrong. We are here to invite this girl into the honor hall."

As soon as Feng Yixiu's voice fell, elder Zhao stepped in with a friendly smile on his face and stood side by side with elder Tang.

"Hall of honor? What is that place? " Han Xiao is also a little confused.

"The so-called honor hall is the highest honor Hall of Nu scale college. All the powerful fighting spirits in the history of Nu scale college will be added to the honor hall, which is a supreme honor." Elder Zhao explained with a smile.

"I don't really care if the honor is not honor. I just want to ask, what's the benefit of entering the honor hall?" The wind also repairs the frown road.

"Ha ha ha "

elder Zhao and elder Tang looked at each other, and then gave out hearty laughter.

"Little friend, you are so outspoken..." Elder Zhao shook his head with a smile, and then said with a smile: "the honor hall, as the highest honor Hall of Nu scale college, naturally has great benefits. However, anyone who enters the honor hall will become an honorary elder. He will not only have the supreme status, but also get the unlimited tilt of resources. All places of nuscali college can enter and leave freely."

"Do you mean you don't have to pay for resources?" Feng Yixiu finally got some interest.

Tang Chang's mouth twitched a few times and said with a bitter smile: "it is true, but you should care more about honor?"

Feng Yixiu lightly pinned the medal of hero on Shen Ruyu's collar, and said lightly, "how is the honor of your Nu scale college compared with this one?"

"This Nature can't compare with... " Elder Tang wiped the cold sweat on his face, and his face was full of embarrassment.

"This little friend should be the wind also repair?" Elder Zhao looked respectfully at Feng Yixiu and asked.

"Oh? Do you know me? " Feng Yixiu has some doubts. He seems to have never met them.

"I haven't seen it, but I've often been allowed to mention it by the president. Now I see Xiaoyou with extraordinary bearing. I think it's Feng Xiaoyou." Elder Zhao said with a smile.

"There is no free lunch in this world. What do you need to pay to enter the honor hall?" Feng Yixiu goes straight to the subject.

"Feng Xiaoyou is as straightforward as expected. Then I will be honest. After becoming an honorary elder, I will not be transferred to another hospital for life, and will be on behalf of Nu scale college." Elder Zhao said solemnly.

"Go to war? what do you mean? It is not mandatory to go to the battlefield... " The wind also repairs the frown road.

"Feng Xiaoyou misunderstood, not on the battlefield, but on behalf of Nu scale college to participate in the all China Senior League." Elder Tang explained earnestly.

Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, then looked at Shen Ruyu and said in a soft voice, "jade, can you accept this condition?"

Shen Ruyu just thought for a moment, then nodded and said faintly, "I don't have any problem. Anyway, we have no plan to transfer to another hospital."

When Feng Yixiu got a positive answer, he slowly turned his head and said, "OK Then you agree to enter the honor hall. "

"It's so good. It's an honor medal of angry scales. If you have it, you'll be the honorary elder of the honor hall. In the future, except for the president, you don't need to salute anyone. The magic spirit cards and resources in the treasure house and the Green Dragon Tower can be obtained free of charge, but only for individuals." Zhao Changlao handed Shen Ruyu a medal with blue light.

Shen Ruyu gave up the anger scale Medal of honor, and the whole person seemed to have a heroic temperament.

At the end of the eastern summer, Shen Ruyu's two dazzling medals pinned on her chest were full of envy.

The wind also repairs a smile way: "the end of summer elder sister, how to also make one for you?"

Before the East could reply at the end of the summer, elder Tang frowned and said, "Feng Xiaoyou, don't talk nonsense. This is the highest medal of honor of Nu scale Academy. Only those who possess extreme fighting spirit are eligible to obtain it. Although this girl's nine nether tigers are very strong, they are not extreme war spirits after all."

Feng also gave a noncommittal smile and said faintly, "I just want to ask, if I get this angry scale medal, can I transfer it to others?"

"This..." It was the first time for him to hear such a strange question.

Generally, if you get the Nu scale Medal of honor, you will treat it as a treasure, but how can you transfer it to others. Therefore, there is no special regulation on this issue.

"If you really want to transfer such a valuable Medal of honor, we really have no right to interfere with it. However, it was confirmed after the award and registration that it could not be modified." Elder Zhao responded very seriously.

"That's what I'm waiting for! Come out Black thorn queen Feng Yixiu smiles, and a small summoning array appears beside Feng Yixiu.

The queen of black thorn slowly appeared in front of the two recording elders. She had a sense of unruly on her haughty face. She was sitting on the black thorn throne with her legs up. The magic flower array behind her was dazzling and mysterious.

Five different colors of five elements of gouyu around the center of the magic flower is constantly rotating, beautiful people can not move their eyes."This Is this the queen of thorns Tang elder's eyes stare like two copper bells, a face of consternation.

"No, the queen of thorns is not like this. Is it a variant of Queen bramble..." Zhao elder a face dignified guess way.

"You have some insight. This is indeed the evolution of the queen of thorns. Her name is queen black thorn." The wind also repairs the soft voice.

"I'm afraid it's another extreme war spirit..." Zhao Changlao's eyes became very sharp and said in a deep voice.

"Two elders, what you said just now still counts?" The wind also repairs a smile way.

"Calculate Count it... " Elder Zhao gave a bitter smile, but it was worse than crying.

They didn't expect that there was a spirit of extreme war that didn't test the spirit. These people are so terrible

"Xiaoyao, it's just that I haven't conducted a formal spirit test with you. Go and test it first..." Feng Yixiu smiles at the queen of black thorn.

Although Feng Yixiu has already known that Xiaoyao is the ultimate warlord, he found it by scanning Xiaoyao's data panel, but he has not seriously tested it.

He also wanted to know if there was any difference between the data scanned by the system and the data from the spirit measuring instrument, and if there was no accident, there would be no difference

The queen of black thorn did not get up, but the vines under the black thorn throne were constantly pushing forward, and quickly entered the No. 1 spirit measuring instrument.

After a long waiting time, elder Zhao and elder Tang seem to be more nervous than Feng Yixiu.

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