"Long Chen You make me sick... " Shen Ruyu looks at longchen's proud face and gnaws his teeth.

"Those who have achieved great things do not stick to small details. Sometimes necessary sacrifice is necessary..." Longchen looked at Feng Yixiu and said with a smile, "you are the king of the king of Shura. I think you understand this truth better than me?"

"Hum Don't make excuses for your shamelessness, I'm not the same as you The wind also rebukes the way.

"The king is not bound by emotion, because of this you will hesitate, right?" Longchen's eyes are full of indifference.

Finally, the vitality of the red chain is approaching its limit, and it falls to the ground feebly. The blood on the arm is still flowing, and the face becomes like a piece of white paper.

At the end of the summer, the East frowned and whispered to the wind. After getting the approval of the other party, he took back the nine nether tiger.

"Oh? What do you mean Long Chen knows why to ask.

"Isn't that what you want? It's a draw! " At the end of summer in the East.

Although the red chain is hateful, it is still not a crime to die. Besides, killing people in the Nu scale college is a very serious matter. If it is not necessary, it is better not to cause death.

Although the red chain and his party are arrogant and despotic, at least they don't want to take the lives of Shen Ruyu and others. They just follow orders

"Draw?" Long Chen shook his head with a smile and said, "there's no tie. Unless you wake her up now and let everyone hear her say admit defeat, or you'll kill her. I'll even if you win..."

"I thought I was shameless enough, but I didn't think you were more shameless than me!" Han Xiao looks at long Chen with indignation on his face and roars.

"Good! Even if we lose this game, are you satisfied? " The wind also repairs the cold voice.

"Ha ha ha I didn't expect you would be so stupid... " Long Chen laughs a way.

"Although I don't want to kill people, I still have no psychological burden for killing dogs. Since you have to die, don't blame me!" Feng Yixiu's eyes gradually became cold, and he looked terrible in his rage.

The illusion of King Shura, which is more than eight meters high, slowly condenses, and the dense thunder wheel also appears. On the cloudless sky, dark clouds begin to appear, and there is a faint flash of violent thunder.

At this time, the vision of heaven and earth is like the mood of wind and cultivation. He really moved his heart!

After seeing the change of fengyixiu, longchen subconsciously takes a few steps backward. He is obviously frightened by the murderous Feng Yixiu.

He thought that Feng Yixiu might be strong, but he never thought that Feng Yixiu would be so strong that he was afraid!

He was subdued by a king of war spirit. The heart of shame gradually replaced the heart of fear, and his face gradually turned black.

I saw that long Chen walked forward a few steps, and a huge blue array appeared in the sky, which even caused the change of heaven and earth.

In the roar of thunder, there is a cry of thunder.


At the moment of being called out, Qingming dragon sent out a roaring sound from heaven and earth, constantly shuttling through the dark clouds above the sky.

For a moment, two huge dark clouds formed in the whole sky. One was purple and gold thunder was flashing, and the other was blue thunder.

A blue and a purple two powerful energy shield in the constant collision, as if to split the whole sky into two!

All the onlookers could not help but take a breath of cold when they saw such a grand occasion, and their hearts were filled with fear.

The momentum of these two people is too terrible, and the visual impact is even more outrageous. If someone told them that this was the fighting scene of the two extreme fighting spirits, I'm afraid no one would doubt it!

When Han Xiao and Dongfang felt the fierce collision at such a close distance, they were forced to step back to stand firm.

Only Shen Ruyu has been standing beside Feng Yixiu without moving.

"The wind also cultivates. I'd like to see how far you've grown up!" In the eyes of longchen, the fighting spirit is more and more intense.

In the sky, Qingming dragon slowly leans out half of the body from the dark clouds, and the blue hell thunder in his mouth starts to condense rapidly and makes a deafening sound of thunder.

It is worthy of being a real dragon fighting spirit. Its power is not comparable to that of ordinary fighting spirits. It seems like a real punishment from heaven. A thunderbolt with the thickness of a water tank goes straight to fengyixiu.

Qingming dragon first battle spirit skill, Qingming dragon roars!

The wind also does not dare to be careless. The thunder wheel behind gives out a dazzling light. The purple and golden thunder completely encapsulates the illusion of King Shura.

The queen of black thorn also added a forest aura to fengyixiu, and the lavender aura provided a substantial increase and spiritual power supply for fengyixiu.

For a time, the illusory image of King Shura was solemn, and the light was even greater than before. A huge mirror of sky thunder and eight trigrams appeared in front of it, in which the violent thunder gathered rapidly."Thunder, fury of Shura!" The wind also roared, and the purple and gold sky thunder was scattered from the sky thunder eight diagrams mirror, just like the ball lightning in nature.

The power of ball lightning is much stronger than that of ordinary lightning. Countless tree like thunderbolts are intertwined around the ball lightning, and they directly meet the Qingming dragon, forming a thunder beam!


The two burst out a dazzling pure white light at the moment of contact, as if it was the thunderclap of heaven's anger, which made people have to cover their ears.

The terrifying energy shock forms a short vacuum layer. After a few seconds of silence, the shock waves like waves spread layer by layer.

Han Xiao's reaction is still timely, almost with the fastest speed Shen Ruyu and the eastern end of Xia and other people put on the Tiangang shengdun, which was not hurt by the aftermath of the battle.

At the same time, Tiangang chased the water turtle to build a wall of holy land to protect the ancient green dragon wood, which was not destroyed by the war

The onlookers thought that they had been careful enough and that the safety distance of several hundred meters was enough. However, they did not expect that they were still lifted out mercilessly, and their eardrums were almost not broken.

Rao is so that no one is willing to leave, and no one is willing to miss the battle at this level.

Long Chen is the designated successor of the head of the four sages' family, known as the rare genius of the dragon family. He is the most likely successor to the dragon family leader in the future.

Although Feng Yixiu has no deep background, he has made a breakthrough by virtue of his own strength, becoming the chilling king of Shura, and has also won the Chinese Hero Medal, which can be said to be a living legend!

It took five seconds for the explosion to subside gradually. Feng Yixiu stood still and did not move a step. Long Chen retreated half a step back and turned pale.

"You are worthy of the king of Shura. You really have some skills. You are qualified to fight with me..." Longchen tried to hold back the blood that he wanted to gush out. He laughed a few times, then turned to a cold voice and said, "but if I'm not wrong, it seems that this is the power that the blood spirit Master can use? Is it possible that you have already acquiesced in your heart that you are a blood spirit Maste

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