Han Xiao immediately called out his own spirit soldiers, Tiandou Nu Tao strength increase under just barely lift up the golden gourd, after a drink, almost didn't choke to death.

"Cough, cough..." Han Xiao coughed a few times and frowned: "this wine is too strong!"

"This young man doesn't know how to drink..."

Xuanji teacher said: "Xiaobao, you go back to have a rest first..."

With a wave of the big hand, the magic book and the panda wine fairy disappeared in front of everyone at the same time.

As soon as the golden bamboo panda disappeared, a group of people came towards them.

"Windmaster, what have you done since you just came back? The threshold of Yuanmen headquarters was almost broken, you know? " There was a rather resentful voice.

Slowly turning his head, Lin and Leng fan came to their side. The person who had just spoken was not others, but Lin's.

Almost all the cadres of Yuanmen came, including Kong qiluo and Kong Qiyun, the two sisters of the spirit department, and tie li of the force department.

"It's hard for you when I'm not here..." The wind also repairs a smile way.

Looking at these people did not leave the source gate, Feng Yixiu also felt warm in his heart, they did not betray when the source gate was down and down.

"Hard work is not hard, but the Longmen people are really too much. Teacher Xuanji was OK when he was there. Don't be arrogant after he left. You don't know what we've been through these months! " Lin boiled wine and shook his head with a smile.

"Hum Now that I'm back, you don't have to look forward and look back. How could I give you back ten times before Longmen? " The wind also builds a high voice.

"OK!" Lin boiled wine very excited.

"Headmaster, now our Yuanmen headquarters are almost packed. How should we deal with it?" Leng fan has a deep voice.

"Anyone who has left the source gate will refuse to enter. The rest depends on their strength, and those with better strength will be absorbed in..." Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment and replied.

"Yes Lengfan is specially responsible for this aspect, and immediately echoed the way.

Xuanji looked at the powerful Feng Yixiu and said with a smile: "the wind is also fixed. I haven't seen it for more than half a year. How can I feel that you are different?"

Feng also touched his nose with a smile and whispered, "what's different I'm not your cutest student yet. "

"Ha ha ha Your mouth has not changed at all With a smile, Mr. Xuanji patted Feng Yixiu's back and said in a loud voice, "go! I'll invite you out and have a good meal

"Haha It's not easy for the teacher to be so generous. I have to kill Mr. Xuanji well! " Han Xiao rubbed her hands with a smile and said with a smile.

"Am I usually mean?" Teacher Xuanji pretends to be a student.

"Mr. Xuanji You know I didn't mean that... " Han Xiao counseled on the spot.

"OK, ok It's serious to joke with you Xuanji teacher clapped Han Xiao on the shoulder with a smile, then looked at Lin boiled wine and others, and said in a loud voice, "everyone is our own people. Don't be outsider. Come here together."

"Teacher Xuanji is so grand!" The voice of the forest is high.

They came to the most expensive restaurant in Nu scale college, pick star restaurant.

Feng Yixiu was filled with a lot of wine under the enthusiasm of the people, but he didn't mean to be drunk at all.

Since he absorbed the Immortal Dragon blood, his physical quality has become different from ordinary people. He has drunk more than a dozen people by himself, and his face is only slightly drunk.

After eating and drinking, only Feng Yixiu is left on the table. Shen Ruyu and the two teachers are not drunk.

Most of Shen Ruyu's wine is blocked by wind, while Jialan Ziyu can't drink, so there is no possibility of getting drunk at all.

Feng Yixiu raised his glass and looked around. He frowned and said, "no one can drink..."

Then he turned his eyes to the only conscious Lin boiled wine and showed a different smile.

"When has your drinking capacity become so good that you can compete with Xiaobao!" Xuanji's face was full of rejection, and then he waved his hand and said, "don't look at me with this kind of eyes. I really can't drink any more. Can you carry these people back alone?"

Feng Yixiu glanced around, then put down his glass and sighed: "since I absorbed the Immortal Dragon blood, my body has been very different from ordinary human beings, and I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing..."

"Immortal Dragon blood? Did you sneak into the dragon's house With a puzzled look on his face, Mr. Xuanji first looked around and made sure that no one was eavesdropping. Then he said in a very low voice, "no At most, the dragon family has a real dragon crystal core, and there should be no dragon blood! "

"You may not believe it. My father gave it to me." The wind also uses a very slight voice.

"Your father? You saw your father. How could he have the blood of the dragon clan? " It's good not to explain. After an explanation, Xuanji was even more confused."This is a long story My father is not a human being. It seems that he was the founder of the evil spirits in the ancient times Feng Yixiu responded very seriously.

"The founder of the evil people?" Xuanji was startled by the words of Feng Yixiu, and most of the wine was awakened. He exclaimed in a voice: "is it the emperor of Mo long?"

"How do you know, teacher?" The wind is also full of astonishment.

"My God I have only heard the legend of the ancient times. The emperor of the dark dragon in the ancient times can be said to be the pronoun of invincibility. But isn't the legend that the emperor of the dark dragon is dead? I didn't expect not only that he didn't die, but he also succeeded in resurrection. " It's incredible.

This kind of explosive news, however, can affect the whole world pattern. If it is spread out, it will inevitably cause a great disturbance.

"What I see is only the state of the remnant soul, but I don't know the specific situation. Now I can't contact him..." The eyes of Feng Yixiu are full of loneliness.

"No wonder you have unknown Saint level blood, so it doesn't seem strange." Jialan Purple Jade deep voice.

Feng Yixiu shook his head and said in a deep voice, "teacher, you have misunderstood him. In fact, he is not my own father..."

Jialan Ziyu asked, "isn't it your father? You didn't say... "

"He's just my adoptive father. As for my biological father, I don't know who he is now. Maybe I'm really an orphan..." The wind also builds a low voice.

"Brother Feng, how can you be an orphan? Don't I always be by your side? My parents are also your parents... " Shen Ruyu sees the wind and is in a low mood. He comforts her in a soft voice.

Feng Yixiu rubbed Shen Ruyu's hair with a smile and said in a soft voice: "silly girl, I'm not so fragile. You don't have to comfort me..."

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