The wind also Xiu looked behind him, frowned and said, "no, we will be caught up with sooner or later if it goes on like this."

Han Xiao immediately threw out all the magic cards and said in a loud voice: "Xiao Ba, depend on you! It must be blocked

Tiangang zhushuiyuan nodded very seriously. He knew that he was the only one who did not fear the existence of the desert sandstorm.

When other creatures get close to the sandstorm, they will be turned into ashes, and it has no need to worry about it.

Tiangang chased the water turtle and erected a wall of the holy land of tens of meters in reverse, but this area was far from enough to block large-scale sandstorms.

Just when everyone thought Xiaoba could not resist it, countless quicksand began to gather towards the Holy Land wall under its control, forming a huge Holy Land wall covering hundreds of meters!

"Boom, boom..."

Countless Zerg demons have hit the wall of the holy land one after another. At first, they did not move!

After the start of the spirit skill, the weight of Tiangang chasing water turtle was just like a real mountain, which dragged for nearly ten seconds.

Feng Yixiu and others quickly opened a safe distance with the precious time of ten seconds, and gradually felt no threat behind them.

Han Xiaoxiao, too, is excited


Tiangang chases the water turtle to death to block behind hundreds of Zerg, issued a roar.

After the Holy Land wall gradually began to accumulate more and more, dense demons crazy to promote the Holy Land wall forward.


As more and more demons gathered behind him, quantitative changes caused qualitative changes. Tiangang zhushuiyuan could no longer bear it and was pushed out like a shell.

However, it was not injured. Its body fell into the water and quickly disappeared into the desert. After a while, it caught up with the big team.

The huge walls of the holy land were smashed into powder in an instant, but they had to speed up again. They obviously couldn't keep up with the wind and repair their pace.

Feng Yixiu looked back and frowned: "the devil Zerg are really terrible, and their revenge is too strong..."

Shen Ruyu echoed: "it's not so much revenge as unity. No wonder most of this place is desert, probably because of these desert Zerg

"Hoo..." At the end of the summer, Oriental took a deep breath and immediately relaxed. He said with a smile, "thanks to Xiao Ba this time, or I really don't know how to get rid of these disgusting things."

"Don't take it lightly. We haven't got rid of them yet..." The wind is also a reminder.

Half an hour later, Han Xiao finally saw a piece of green land in the vast desert, and immediately the whole person became excited.

"Look, there's green space ahead!" Han Xiao immediately raised his voice.

Feng Yixiu observed carefully for a moment, then frowned: "there are deserts all around here, only here is green land, which shows that there are super demons that people fear."

"Can you make so many demon Zerg feel scared? What kind of devil would that be? " Shen Ruyu has some doubts.

"If there is no wrong guess, at least with the level of black gold demons, probably the rate is the real dragon spirit." Wind also repair guess road.

"Well Shall we go in? " Han Xiao inquires carefully.

"Go in, of course! Do we have any other way out? " Feng Yixiu responded without hesitation.

"Well, let's all listen to the captain, isn't it the real dragon spirit! It's over Han Xiao's eyes lit up a belligerent flame.

They burst into the green space like a primitive forest together, almost instantly looking for a place to hide their body shape.

Sure enough, the demon Zerg, who had never let go of them, actually stopped outside the green space. They seemed to howl a few words and then dispersed.

Feng Yixiu and others hide in the shadow of a huge stone, carefully examine everything around them, and are relieved to see the demons and Zerg disperse.

"They are really afraid of this place, which means that it is more dangerous here. We must be careful..." The wind also mended, and whispered.

Han Xiao and others also know the seriousness of the matter, nodded in succession, and began to hold their breath and dare not make loud noise.


All of a sudden, a dull roar of the Dragon sounded. A dragon with a length of more than 100 meters slowly soared into the sky. The scales on his body were dazzling under the sunlight.

Feng Yixiu and others immediately saw a real dragon with antler snake body. The huge body and heavy dragon power made people feel great pressure.

The reddish Golden Dragon seemed to be ready to go hunting, but did not find Feng Yixiu and others, slowly flying towards the deep desert.

"My God This is really the habitat of the real dragon and demon spirit. No wonder those guys dare not get close to it. " Han Xiao didn't dare to make a noise until the real dragon was far away.

"Although it's not the first time to see the real dragon spirit, every time I see it, I feel shocked. It's worthy of being called the strongest race. It's really reasonable." At the end of summer in the East, it also echoed the Tao."Ah It's a pity that this powerful existence has disappeared, and I don't know why. " The wind sighed.

Suddenly, it seemed that there was a cold wind blowing through, which made Feng Yixiu and others shiver.

Feng Yixiu immediately glanced at the nearby area, and found no sign of any demon approaching. Just as he was preparing to lay down his guard, a purple gold magic Spirit card flew out of the magic book of the end of summer in the East.

Looking at the gradually solidified transparent figure at the end of summer in the East, he said with a smile: "ghost, how did you run out by yourself?"

This purple gold magic Spirit card is the ghost princess. As a very special spirit, it has the magic ability to shuttle the magic Spirit card.

"Ghost a change in the past, smilingly appearance, deep voice way:" I seem to feel the abnormal breath close, you be careful. "

Feng Yixiu immediately became nervous, and his heart and eyes spread out in an instant. He found something unusual.

Even if she locked a place, the queen of black thorn immediately locked the position according to the order of fengyixiu.

One by one dark gold vine broke through the ground and immediately formed a huge cage of dark gold!

However, what let Feng Yixiu didn't expect was that the dark gold cage seemed to be unable to restrain the magical existence, and there was no movement at all.

Han Xiao and the eastern end of Xia and others are looking at the face of doubt, do not know that wind also repair, this is to fight with the air wisdom and courage.

The ghost said in a deep voice, "it can't be trapped like this. Look at me!"

As soon as the words fell, Princess ghost slowly floated up, her right hand toward the void, and suddenly appeared a huge bone claw with cold and dark air.

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