Feng Yixiu takes a peek at it, and finds that minmie Jielong is resting on a huge stone. He snores like thunder from time to time.

On the top of minmie Jietou, there is a dark cloud, in which there is a dark and black thunder, which is constantly flashing. It is possible to bring down violent robbery thunder at any time.

Han Xiao also peeked at it and whispered, "is it my illusion? How do I feel that this dragon seems to be getting bigger... "

Feng Yixiu slowly took his head back and said in a deep voice, "you have this illusion. I think this dragon is bigger than before. We all have this feeling. It seems that it is not an illusion."

"I heard from my father that this black dragon is about to become a diamond level demon, otherwise my father would not be his opponent..." Ghost dragon whispered.

"No wonder..." The wind murmured to himself.

Generally, the same kind of magic card is also strong and weak. The closer you are to the evolution of the magic spirit, the stronger the strength will be. Therefore, the effect of the magic Spirit card will also increase.

"Now it is resting, but the best time for us to attack is to take it away in our sleep." Shen Ruyu said softly.

"It's just that the dark clouds above it seem to protect it. It's not so easy for us to get close to it..." The wind also repairs the frown road.

"It's not easy. Give it to me!" The ghost princess volunteered.

Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, and then said, "at present, ghosts are indeed the best choice for pioneers. She can approach without being found by virtue of the ghost's sneaking ability. As long as you control its time for a few seconds, we will have a chance to launch a violent attack."

The ghost princess nodded seriously and said faintly, "I'm just a purple and golden devil. I don't think I can control it for a long time. You must seize the time."

The wind also Xiushen said: "everyone is ready, must burst out the strongest attack in an instant."

All of a sudden, all the magic cards will be armed and enchanted, ready to burst out in an instant the strongest offensive.

The queen of black thorn has added a forest aura to all war spirits, and is full of black thorn species near minmie Jielong.

The nine nether tiger opens the understanding of death and the armed forces of the netherworld. The flowers and death words on the other side are slowly turning.

The big summer dragon Sparrow's eyes emit the blazing heat, and the whole body's fire plume also becomes more red and sharp.

While Tiangang chased the water turtle gradually dived under the ground, and at the same time, he did not forget to attach Tiangang Holy Shield to all the fighting spirits.

After seeing that all the fighting spirits are ready, the translucent body gradually becomes completely transparent, and she can only feel a chill passing by.

The dark cloud on the top of minmiejie dragon head seems to be a detector, which can detect all the tangible things near, but can not detect the invisible ghost.

After quietly approaching minmie Jielong, Princess Youming began to circle around minmie Jielong, while dancing gracefully.

After the princess of the nether world jumped a circle completely, a round dark array was formed, which surrounded minmie Jielong.

One of the magic skills of the ghost princess, the waltz of the night starts!

The huge dark array sends out the chilling air of the yellow spring. The whole dark array becomes pitch black. Several dark purple chains twinkle around its body in an instant, and the body of minmie Jielong is gradually sinking under the dark array.


The dark cloud covering the top of the head of the minmie Jielong immediately responded, and the force of the violent thunder began to stir up and make a deafening explosion.

Then there was a torrential rain like thunder began to fall madly, which was the density that could not be avoided.

Wind also repair nature is ready, colorful jade Lin Python to take advantage of the thunder brewing, then rushed to the ghost's sky, contained in the mouth of the tyrannical gold thunder burst out in an instant.

The thunder and roar form a thunder umbrella, which perfectly protects the ghost princess. However, fengyixiu underestimates the strength of the minmie Jielong.

The power of the black rob thunder is amazing. The overlord golden thunder is completely defeated before long. However, it can only be turned into a star shaking state to resist the terrible thunder robbery with strong defense.

The stars are divided into four. They are arranged in a very orderly way right above the ghost princess. They send out the force of thunder, as if they are two lightning guiding devices, attracting all the thunder.

In this way, she managed to protect the ghost princess for a moment. However, the four stars started to disintegrate at the speed visible to the naked eye. It is estimated that it will not last too long.

The great Xia dragon sparrow and the nine netherworld tiger are naturally not idle. As the most powerful attacking spirit and attacking spirit in the team, they naturally take the lead.

Only to see two dazzling lights of death roared to the head of the minmiejie robbery. To everyone's surprise, the Long Yan dead light, which has always been invincible, was blocked for a moment by the thick dragon scales.

The terrible temperature bombarded the hard black dragon scales with the sound of "Yi Yi", which aroused the dazzling sparks all over the sky.Hard black dragon scales in the beginning of the roast red, hardness is gradually declining, and finally completely penetrated in the past.

The nine netherworld tiger also launched an attack almost at the moment when the Dragon sparrow launched an attack. It suddenly appeared in the rear of minmie Jielong, and only five dark purple streamers flashed past.

The attack power of huangquan Liuguang chopper is extremely strong. It almost instantly breaks the thick scales of minmie Jielong, leaving a ferocious wound half a meter deep.

All this happened in about three seconds. A hole was opened in the head of minmie Jielong, and a terrible wound of skin valgus appeared on the back.


The fierce pain makes minmie rob the dragon to send out a sad roar, and the furious thunder starts to explode.

The dark thunder cloud in the sky quickly began to expand, from tens of meters to hundreds of meters.

The black thunder started to rapidly towards the vanishing dragon, and condensed into a dark thunder group, which was completely wrapped in it, and was gradually compressed.

From a distance, it's like a thunder bomb that may detonate at any time!

The wind also sees this heart big anxious, shouts: "quick! Nine ghost tigers and ghosts come back

The nine nether tiger immediately jumped into the shadow attack whirlpool, but did not escape. Instead, it rushed to the side of the ghost princess, rolled it up directly with its powerful tail, and suddenly jumped into the shadow attack vortex.


Just as they did not fall into the whirlpool, a terrible bomb exploded suddenly, sending out a loud explosion.

The mine robbing bomb with a diameter of less than tens of meters almost instantly spread to hundreds of meters, forming a huge black elemental ball covering one kilometer, and it is still expanding rapidly.

It can be said that there is no living grass in the place where the explosion of mine robbery can be said to have disappeared almost instantaneously, as if it had never appeared before.

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