Qinglong ancient wood is the core of Yuanmen lingfu. Its existence makes Yuanmen lingfu a special existence, and the speed of cultivation is amazing.

In a short period of three months, fengyixiu broke through two small realms and was promoted to the sixth level and fourth level warspirit king. This speed is undoubtedly very terrible

The reason why he practiced so fast was not only because of the ancient wood of Qinglong, but also because of the nine color flowers left by Hu jiuer.

When Feng Yixiu meditates and meditates, a gorgeous nine colored flower will bloom around him, just like a sacred lotus platform, which can purify the spiritual power.

This not only greatly improves the efficiency of Fengyi's cultivation, but also improves the quality of aura, which makes the aura in his body more and more pure.

Shen Ruyu also promoted to a small level and became the king of war spirit at level 6 and level 4. But the eastern Xia Dynasty and Han Xiao both broke through to level 6 and level 3.

In the last three months, Longmen has no longer taken the initiative to find trouble with the source gate, and has become particularly honest.

However, Feng Yixiu and others have not seen longchen for a long time, as if they have disappeared from the Nu scale Academy.

People also thought that he had gone out to experience and complete the task, but they didn't pay much attention to it


The wind also slowly opened his eyes, spit out a breath of turbid gas, the surrounding nine color halo gradually dispersed.

At the end of summer, the Oriental gradually woke up from meditation and felt the increasing spiritual pressure of fengyixiu. He said with a smile: "Captain, in only three months, you have broken through two levels in a row. How can we live?"

The conversation between the two made almost everyone wake up from meditation. Shen Ruyu opened her eyes and said, "no wonder brother Feng won't tear down the nine color flowers. It turns out that this magical effect can still be achieved..."

The wind also touched his nose and immediately changed the topic. He said faintly: "jade son, has the address of Shenmu tribe been verified?"

Shen Ruyu frowned and said, "sister Qingci went there in person, but the address is not a problem, but Shenmu tribe is very wary and drove them away before they can explain the reason."

The wind also said in a deep voice: "the address is right. It seems that only the two of us went there in person..."

Han Xiao immediately said: "when? Let's go with us too

Feng Yixiu shook his head and said lightly, "the number of people in this operation should not be too many. Besides, Yuanmen still needs you. I don't want to come back and the lingfu of Yuanmen will be demolished."

"Well then..." Han Xiao thought carefully for a while. He thought that Feng Yixiu's words were very reasonable, so he didn't speak any more.

"Don't worry! We've got a real guarantee from Longmen The end of summer in the east also echoed Tao.

Xuanji teacher suddenly said: "do you need any help? I can ask for leave from the college if I need to

Shen Ruyu shook his head and said with a smile, "don't bother the teacher. You have not been back for a long time. It is estimated that many courses have been left behind. The college will not approve it! Besides, we are all grown up, we will be careful... "

As one of the outstanding teachers in Nu scale college, Mr. Xuanji is very busy on weekdays. He not only teaches many theoretical courses, but also carefully teaches fengyixiu and others.

Moreover, he is an excellent warrior spirit Zun, and his cultivation can not be neglected. A person's energy is always limited, and Feng Yixiu can't bear to divide up his precious time.

If Jialan Ziyu is not a teacher, it is estimated that her strength will be much higher than now, which is inseparable from her devotion to education.

Xuanji was silent for a moment and said in a soft voice, "well You must be careful. I heard that the central China isolation zone is not very peaceful recently. "

Feng Yixiu nodded seriously, then stood up and said in a deep voice, "yu'er, it's not too late. Let's start now."

Shen Ruyu stood up slowly and immediately called out the big Xia Dragon Bird. He stood very light behind the Dragon Bird. Fengyixiu did not summon his own fighting spirit. Instead, he sat directly behind the Dragon sparrow.

Compared with the colorful jade Lin python, the safety factor of Da Xia dragon finch is much higher than that of the colorful jade Lin python. At least the ordinary Warcraft dare not attack easily.

Jialan Ziyu looked at the fading back and said in a soft voice, "the children are really grown up. I hope everything goes well for them..."


The great summer dragon sparrow moves very fast, leaving behind a gorgeous tail flame after flying.

Shenmu tribe is deep in the isolation area of central China, so fengyixiu has to pass through the base in Central China. When he passes the sky above the major cities in Central China, he often attracts many people's attention.

Most people's eyes are full of admiration, while the lower level warspirit masters are all showing admiration.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu, standing on the Dragon sparrow in the summer, are just like banished immortals from the heaven in the eyes of these people, and they seem to be in the air of immortalityFeng Yixiu looked at the familiar city below and said with a smile: "seeing some familiar buildings again, I feel that everything has changed, but it seems that nothing has changed..."

Shen Ruyu smiles and says, "maybe our mood has changed..."

In order not to affect the normal order of the ground, the great summer dragon finch had to start to raise its height, until it reached the height above the clouds.

I don't know how long after, the wind also repair, they finally saw a towering copper wall, it is the steel wall of the central China base.

When seeing Feng Yixiu, the guards respectfully saluted Feng Yixiu, which made Feng Yixiu a little unaccustomed.

He vaguely remembers that he had a lot of trouble when he went to the isolation zone in Central China, but now it is totally different.

Feng Yixiu didn't even say a word. A special channel was opened for them.

Summer dragon sparrow feet are not landing, so from this wide special passage through the past, all the way to light stone fire.

Just entered the first quarantine area, all Warcraft were scared by the strong breath to flee everywhere, the road is unimpeded.

"Brother Feng, are we going to take Shenmu tribe directly or go to Qingci elder sister first and ask them about the situation?" Shen Ruyu inquired.

"We haven't seen sister Qingci for a long time. Let's meet them first and find out the specific situation of Shenmu tribe." Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment and replied.

Two people very relaxed came to the fourth isolation area, according to the address given by sister Qingci in the past.

Finally, they saw a very modern hunting group, not so much a hunting group as a large steel castle.

The city wall is made of alloy, various modern weapons are erected on the periphery, and the gate is well equipped with guards.

At the top of the iron castle, there is a bright flag, on which is the unique symbol of the crazy iron hunting group, which is flying in the wind.

As soon as the summer dragon finch approached, all the modern weapons were pointing towards this side.

Feng Yixiu immediately said, "don't shoot! My own people

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