"Miss Jialan, have you seen Xiao Xiong just now? What do I think he's afraid of you? " Wind also repair some doubts.

"Xiao Xiong! I've seen it in the central China League before. It's just a loser. It's not worth mentioning... " Jialan waved her hand and didn't say much.

"Central China League? What kind of competition is that? Is it important? " Shen Ruyu also inquired.

"The central China League is the most important competition in the central China base, which is the largest competition in the middle Zhanling College of the whole central China base. All the key battle spirit colleges will gather together to discuss the competition. However, the competition is still too far away from you. You'd better think about the class qualifying competition first." Jialan Ziyu explained.

Wind also nodded, and did not continue to ask, but in the heart is a silent note of the game.

This kind of scale competition, will certainly carry on the television broadcast, if oneself can participate, perhaps own parents have the opportunity to see!

The chatting time passed quickly, and the helicopter finally returned to Qingyun college and stopped directly in a more remote place.

After all, it's a military helicopter. I'm afraid it won't be very good if it's parked directly at the gate of the college.

"You've been working hard these days. Have a good rest tonight and gather at the gate of evolution building at 8:00 tomorrow morning." Jialan teacher explained a word and left.

After Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao quietly send Shen Ruyu back to the dormitory, they return to the student apartment.

All along the way, they are hiding their faces for fear of being found out. After all, their current state is simply unbearable.

They have been washing for almost a month. They dare not take a bath by the lake for fear of meeting some fierce Warcraft.


They cautiously returned to the student apartment and slammed the door shut.

"Hoo Life is so happy now They both uttered an exclamation.

I thought the modern life was just too boring. I was looking forward to it when I just went to the wilderness. I didn't know that my life is the happiest until I lived there for a month.

Now we don't have to worry about the invasion of Warcraft any more. We don't have to endure nausea to eat half raw meat with blood and tasteless compressed biscuits. We don't have to worry about being driven by Warcraft even after sleeping.

They went back to their own room without saying a word. They took a comfortable bath. They were lying on the bed before dark. They were tired and didn't want to meditate on the practice.

Almost as soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell asleep.


The next morning, the three arrived at the gate of the evolution building.

The evolution building, as the name suggests, is a place dedicated to the evolution of war spirits. All the students and teachers of Qingyun University have completed their evolution here.

The area of this building is very large, which has a sense of modern technology. It has been specially made into a spiral like building.

"Good morning. What are you all doing? Come in with me Jialan led the team into the evolution building.

This year's students must have the teacher's guidance to enter the evolution building. After a brush of face recognition, the three students were brought in.

"Wow! This evolution building feels so advanced! " Feng Yixiu looks around like a curious baby.

The interior decoration of the evolution building has a sense of science and technology. In the center of the hall, there are a few three-dimensional holograms, all of which are made by some outstanding warspirit.

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