"Xuan'er, run!" Ye Tao wants to rush out, but he is held on his neck by longchen with a sword, unable to move at all.

Under Ye Tao's cry, the child slowly stands up, but instead of running, he rushes towards the direction of Longyun.

Long Yun sneered, then locked the head of the child with one hand, and the force between the five fingers gradually became stronger and stronger

"Villain You let me go Ye xuan'er's voice became weaker and weaker, and his soft skull was deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Stop it The old chief breathed weakly.

"Old man Ben Shao really thought you had a heart of stone Long Yun's hand is a little loose a little, a face sneer way.

"You just want to enter the Dragon tomb? I'll just let you in. " The old chief kept struggling.

Smell speech, long cloud slowly will old chief and ye Xuan er at the same time to loosen, two people are big mouth panting heavily.

"Old man, if you said you cooperated earlier, why should you suffer from this?" Long Yun said coldly.

The old chief was silent, shivering all over his body. He approached the sacred wood totem and gently touched it with his Scepter in his hand. He began to say something in his mouth.

Sure enough, the sky began to appear a black whirlpool, a dark red dragon shaped thunder suddenly split on the divine wood.

Suddenly, there is a huge space crack in the sky of Shenmu totem. It is the gate to enter the Dragon tomb!

Longyun and longchen smile when they feel the breath of the real dragon from a close distance, and their mood becomes excited.

However, before leaving, Longyun explained to his bodyguard: "keep a close watch on this place. You are not allowed to let a fly go. Do you understand?"


The black guard nodded and put the sword on the neck of the old chief without expression.

Long Chen didn't say much. The green Ming sword in his hand was suddenly scabbard and stabbed out four swords, which cut off Ye Tao's tendons and tendons.


Ye Tao collapsed on the ground, the severe pain let him curl up the whole person, the body can not stop shaking.

"Brother Ye Qingqing quickly broke free from the shackles and knelt in front of Ye Tao, gnashing his teeth and looking at longchen and Longyun.

"The whole Shenmu tribe has some skills in this man. Now he has cut off his tendons and tendons, so there must be no room for resistance." Long Chen said coldly.

"Yes It seems that I remember what I said to you before Long Yun nodded with great satisfaction, and then said faintly, "let's go in It's time to find the wind and repair the boy. "

Dragon Chen smile, immediately follow the pace of dragon cloud, two people have not entered the crack.

However, they encountered great resistance when they entered the crack, as if there was a strong repulsion to prevent their entry.

Both of them are direct descendants of the dragon family. Naturally, they have the blood of the Holy Spirit, but their blood has become a little thin, and it is naturally difficult to enter them.

It took more than a minute to get into it, and the whirlpool in the sky gradually subsided and returned to the original clear sky.

The old chief watched them enter the Dragon tomb successfully. On the strange ground with weak legs, he said in a trill: "Feng Xiaoyou, I'm sorry for you..."

However, different from the past quiet and peaceful, the whole Shenmu tribe is full of bloody smell, and almost everyone is in a state of fear.


Deep in the Dragon tomb.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu have been in the Dragon tomb for a long time, and have been walking slowly towards the depth of the Dragon tomb.

The Dragon tomb is filled with the atmosphere of antiquity. The light fog covers everything, and the visibility becomes abnormally low.

All kinds of ancient trees can only be seen in the barren period are growing disorderly, because the remains of the dragon clan have become extremely tall forever.

Along the way, we saw many real dragon bones. Although it has been more than 100 years, the real dragon that was killed in the war has become a corpse, but the pressure on people is still very terrible.

Especially when thousands of real dragon remains are piled up together, the strong dragon power and resentment are produced, which makes people feel cold in the back.

At this time, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are carefully walking along the backbone of a real dragon skeleton. The whole skeleton is covered with a lot of weeds, but a lush path is formed.

At the end of the journey, Feng Yixiu saw a simple stone lying in the center of the real dragon's skull. After gently knocking open the outer surface similar to the stone, Feng Yixiu saw a crystal core emitting dazzling light.

Feng Yixiu picked up the real dragon crystal core excitedly and sighed: "I finally found a real dragon crystal core of natural disaster level, but it's a pity that it's the real dragon crystal core of fire system."

Shen Ruyu comforted him: "don't worry. Rao is the real dragon of Lei system in the barren ancient times. It's also very rare. Let's look for it in the deep."After Feng Yixiu collected the real dragon crystal nucleus, he said in a deep voice: "the more you play, the higher the level of the real dragon will be. I really wonder what it looks like in the deepest place."

Two people more and more deep into the Dragon tomb, the fog becomes more and more thick, visibility is only less than 10 meters.

Suddenly, a gust of shady wind came, the wind also felt cool on the back, and slightly dispersed the fog.

"Jade son, be careful!" Shen Ruyu is about to be protected by the wind. A huge Bone Claw flies the wind.

The powerful force makes the wind repair, like a broken kite. It rolls on the ground for more than ten times before it stops.

He jerked his head and looked up to see a giant bone dragon over 100 meters long rushing towards him.

His huge body was like a mountain, which gave people a terrible pressure. Feng Yixiu also observed that there was a real dragon crystal nucleus in his skull, which was still shining with thunder power.

"I don't know what kind of devil you are, but I like the Thunder Dragon Crystal core on your head!" Feng Yixiu quickly helped Shen Ruyu to stand up. His eyes were full of excitement and fighting spirit.

"Yu'er, keep a safe distance. I'll meet the bone dragon." Feng Yixiu instantly condenses a chaotic magic sword, and then calls out two fighting spirits at the same time.

When the Queen's black spine came out, she was interested in the black wind.

Almost at the moment of landing, a large area of black thorn seeds formed. The bodies of colorful Yulin Python and fengyixiu were gradually covered by light black light spots, which was the role of Senluo halo.

Feng Yixiu and colorful jade Lin Python's momentum greatly increased. They cooperated very well and rushed to the bone dragon one left and one right.

The bone dragon seemed to be more interested in the colorful jade Lin python, and turned its direction to attack the colorful jade Lin python. There was no fancy element attack. It was just an ordinary claw strike that pushed the colorful jade Lin Python under its feet.

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