Although the huge palace in the years and war under the devastation of the extraordinary dilapidated, but vaguely you can see how brilliant and domineering this large-scale Palace used to be.

In order to show respect, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu both jumped down from the Dragon sparrow and walked close to the ancient palace.

However, before it was completely close, Feng Yixiu felt a strong breath. Although it was very weak, it was real.

Even he could hear the faint heartbeat beating, and there were living things in it!

Now fengyixiu doesn't know what to do. If there is a black dragon in it, will he be sneezed for seconds?

If that's true, it would be really unjust!

However, as the old saying goes, wealth in danger, now can only be a bet.

But just as Feng Yixiu was ready to move on, Shen Ruyu caught the trend.

"Brother Feng, there seems to be some living things in it. Let's withdraw..." Shen Ruyu also felt it in a low voice.

"Don't It's hard to see living things. Maybe it's still in the old days. " Wind is also repair, but a little unwilling.

"What? Then I can't let you go. In case it exists like the black dragon, you are not in danger. " Shen Ruyu was worried.

"Let me analyze it for you! The one that just wound up this warship is the demon dragon clan. You should be able to feel that? " Feng Yixiu doesn't force in, but persuades Shen Ruyu patiently.

"Do you mean that the existence in this must be the opponent of the demon dragon clan, the saint dragon clan?" Shen Ruyu's reaction was also quick.

"Yes! Think about it Since it is the Shenglong clan, it will not kill us! " Feng Yixiu said firmly.

"It's quite possible to hear that, but..." Shen Ruyu is eager to speak but stops. He looks at Feng Yixiu with a critical eye.

"Just what?" Feng also looked at himself and found nothing wrong.

"The breath you send out now has the component of blood spirit Master. Although you can feel the difference at a short distance, it is not necessarily at a long distance. If you go in without explaining it, you will be killed by the extraordinary existence inside. Isn't it unjust?" Shen Ruyu said with a smile.

"Oh I look at my brain, how can I forget such an important thing! "

Feng Yixiu responded. He changed his body and changed to the state of war spirit Master. Then he carried the Dragon gun with golden light on his back.

At this time, he did not see any evil spirit at all, and he was the embodiment of justice.

"Well So there should be no problem. " Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are approaching the hall in front of him.

Feng Yixiu stopped when he came to the door. First he looked up and saw some ancient handwriting. He could not help but read out: "Dragon King Hall!"

"Dragon King Hall, what an aggressive name..." Shen Ruyu was also shocked.

"It seems that the identity of this one is not simple."

The wind also played up the spirit of twelve points, took a deep breath and pushed open the dust laden door.

With the strong wind and rain, people want to kneel down.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most difficult door that Feng Yixiu has pushed open in his life. He almost knelt at the door before entering the door

"Who disturbed my peace?"

All of a sudden, a thick and desolate voice came, this sound seems to have passed through the ages, hitting people's heart.

Feng Yixiu was protected in front of Shen Ruyu under great pressure. His two feet slowly stepped into the threshold and said in a loud voice: "angry scale student, wind also cultivates!"

As soon as his voice fell, the powerful Long Wei finally converged a little. I don't know whether the words of Feng Yixiu played a role.

Feng Yixiu put down his palm in front of his eyes. The scene that caught his eyes was unforgettable. A Cang dragon with a length of more than 1000 meters was coiled on a huge dragon pillar.

as like as two peas, he saw the Dragon at the first time, which was exactly the same as the Qinglong statue at the gate of the angry scale college.

But after all, the statue is just a statue, which has no comparability with the real green dragon. Its powerful momentum makes people dare not breathe.

However, after being shocked, Feng Yixiu noticed that the green dragon's limbs were bound with dark black chains, which bound it firmly to the dragon pillar.

Green Dragon saw the wind also repair the moment, the old face unexpectedly appeared a trace of astonishment, but a moment later recovered to its original state.

"Young people Come closer and let me see. " Qinglong talks, like a white haired grandfather.

"Brother Feng, be careful..." Shen Ruyu reminded me."Don't worry I feel that he didn't mean anything The wind also nodded and walked slowly to the green dragon.

Originally, the green dragon lowered his head slowly. He even sniffed the smell of wind and self-cultivation at a close distance. His long whiskers trembled a few times.

Now the wind also said that it is impossible not to be nervous. After all, this is the existence in the legend. I saw it so close!

But he just looked at it. He didn't want to touch the green dragon's whiskers, but he still felt it from his heart

"Fate Fate... " Qinglong said a few words to himself, and then slowly took back his huge head.

Feng Yixiu was confused when he heard this. He asked, "can I ask you a question? Master... "

"Master? If according to seniority, you should call me uncle The green dragon speaks.

Feng Yixiu has been completely confused. It's not appropriate to call him elder, but is it better to call him grandfather?

Where does uncle come from? It doesn't seem to be a sudden rise to see the other party's serious appearance

"Uncle Are you the green dragon, one of the four holy spirits

Although Feng is also full of doubts, but the other side has said so, he can only call the other party's uncle. Anyway, he has lived hundreds of years, and he will certainly not suffer losses.

"Since you are a student of Nu scale, haven't you seen my statue? Or I'm getting too old... " Qinglong shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"Of course I have, but I can't imagine it. It's said that all four holy spirits have been sacrificed..." Wind also repair some doubts.

"In fact, that's right. What's the difference between me and being dead? Just in order to complete the unfinished mission, I have lived so far... " Qinglong's voice is very thick, but also reveals endless vicissitudes.

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