As soon as the wind came out, he smelled a strong smell of blood and decay. He looked around and found that the ground around him was covered with blood, which had already turned black brown.

This is a subversive change from the Shenmu tribe that he saw before entering the Dragon tomb, just like a fairyland. It's just a purgatory among people!

Feng Yixiu clenched his fist slowly, and his unspeakable anger was burning in his heart

When the old chief saw clearly the man on the back of the dragon, he said excitedly, "fengxiaoyou, you are not dead. Thank God!"

Tianqing Yulin dragon slowly landed on the sacred wood altar. Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu jumped down and found that the old chief in front of him had become much older. He was like a candle that could be extinguished at any time, and even he was reluctant to stand up.

"Old chief, what's the matter with you?" Shen Ruyu quickly helped the old chief's arm and frowned.

"It's great that you can come out safely. I'm fine. Don't worry about the two little friends..." The old chief waved his hand, and the whole man was extremely weak.

"Don't be reluctant, chief. Originally, you only have one chance to open the sacred wood totem once a year. After that, you will lose one year's life if you open it once more! You've been forced to open Shenmu totem more than ten times these days

Around the Shenmu totem, an older old man came forward.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are silent. No wonder the old chief looks so old that his teeth are all lost.

A total of more than a dozen Shenmu totems have been opened, which is more than ten years of life, which for an old man can be said to be forcing him to die step by step.

"Are these things that Longyun and longchen forced you to do?" Feng Yixiu tries to hold back his extreme anger.

"This..." The old chief faltered, as if he had some worries.

"Old chief! When is it? Don't you really think that they will release your daughter and grandson after they empty all the Dragon Tombs? "

The old man who spoke seemed to be an elder of Shenmu tribe, also wearing a feather hat slightly lower than the chief.

Feng Yixiu takes a look around. He doesn't find Ye Qingqing and ye Xuaner. He doesn't even see ye Tao.

No wonder the old chief seems to have something to worry about. It turns out that Long Yun took Ye Qingqing and ye Xuaner, who was still a child, as hostages, in order to force the old chief to burn his life and start the sacred wood totem.

Don't even think about it. As long as all the real dragon crystal cores in the Dragon tomb are transported, the old chief will lose its use value, and I'm afraid no one in Shenmu tribe will be spared

"Damn it! They all die Shen Ruyu was also angry, and her cheeks flushed. Then she looked at the wind and said softly, "brother Feng, we must rescue Qingqing and xuan'er."

Feng Yixiu nodded solemnly and said in a deep voice: "I will not only rescue Qingqing sister and xuan'er, but also let the Dragon hunting group pay blood debts and blood!"

The old chief glanced at the elder on one side and said angrily, "you old fool, shut up! Our Shenmu tribe is doomed. Why drag on two innocent young people

Suddenly, the old man who wanted to talk again bowed his head and retreated, no longer speaking.

The old chief held Feng Yixiu's hand in some dry hands, and said weakly, "you two escaped from the Dragon tomb, which means that the sages protected you. Don't give up your life for us. The dragon cloud is a level 8 battle spirit Zun. You are not your opponent..."

"You are both good children, obedient! Take advantage of Long Yun and they are no longer here, you can leave here quietly... "

Feeling the shaking hand of the old chief, Feng Yixiu's heart also trembled. Most of his Shenmu tribe was slaughtered, and his grandson and daughter were still unknown.

However, he did not make unreasonable demands on Feng Yixiu. Instead, he hoped that they could quickly flee the place. What a selfless old man he was.

Feng Yixiu held the old chief's dry hand with both hands tightly, and said word by word: "old chief, don't say anything. I will bring Qingqing and xuan'er back. Believe us, I will certainly!"

"My son Ye Tao is a strong man of level 7 battle spirit respect. Rao is so unable to walk through the dragon cloud. You don't have to die. It's meaningless..." The old chief shook his head weakly.

"By the way, old chief, where is your son Ye Tao? Did he get caught too? " Shen Ruyu inquired.

"Ah My son was picked out by long Chen, and he has become a disabled man. If I hadn't forced him to die, he would not have survived. " The old chief was powerless.

"Where is he? Maybe I can save him... " Zhang Tao's figure is not seen around.

However, after a while, the people will be all over the limp Ye Tao to lift up, only to see his eyes lax, breathing is also if not.

Not only are the limbs bloody, there is almost no good meat all over the body, the face is beaten, even the strength to speak is not enough, can only send out a painful murmur.Wind also fixed eyes on the man in front of him for a long time, Leng is unable to connect the man in front of him and the heroic man he has seen before.

"Tao'er is stubborn, so he has not been spared by the black hands of the dragon family elite who are responsible for guarding this place. This is why he is beaten like this. Whenever we want to cure him, they will fight harder..." The old chief said feebly.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu slowly put ye Taoping on the ground, and then summoned the queen of black thorn.

The queen of black thorn frowned when she saw the bloody man in front of her. She began to treat Ye Tao without the command of Feng Yixiu.

The rest of the injuries were quickly recovered, but because ye Tao's tendons and tendons had been injured for a long time, and there was also a tendency of inflammation, the efficiency of treatment was very slow.

Small white building see this slowly close to come over, the thunder chain above the dragon's horn gently contacts Ye Tao's body, suddenly dazzling green thunder all over the body.

All the onlookers were stunned when they saw this scene. If they didn't have enough trust in fengyixiu, he would have thought that Xiaobailou was going to kill Ye Tao.

However, to everyone's surprise, ye Tao's broken tendons and tendons are actually recovering rapidly. His fingers also move gently, indicating that the broken muscles and bones have been connected.

"This Is this the legendary green dragon holy thunder The old chief exclaimed.

"Old chief, have you heard of it?" Wind also repair doubts.

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