"You must be elite and successful in evolution, give the teacher a breath!" Nie Deyuan gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry, teacher! That kid is just a low-level war spirit, and he is also the most useless thunder snake spirit. No one can succeed in elite evolution, let alone perfect evolution. After the evolution is completed, see how I humiliate him! " Pei Wencheng clenched his fist and said confidently.

"Oh? Is that kid's warspirit a waste warspirit? No one has ever succeeded in the evolution of Lei snake spirit. The boy boasted that he wanted perfect evolution. What a fearless ignorant man Nie Deyuan shook his head with a smile and continued: "you should seize the time to evolve the storehouse!"

"We must live up to our teachers' expectations."

Xiong Xin and Pei Wencheng and others entered their own evolutionary storehouse.

This evolution chamber is a small room used alone, with advanced machines for refining evolution spirit liquid.

Feng Yixiu and others have also entered their own evolution silos. There is a liquid crystal display screen outside each chamber, which will display the basic information of warspirit master and the five dimensional map after successful evolution.

The so-called five dimensional maps are agility, physical strength, defense, physical attack and magic attack, which represent the basic abilities of war spirit.

At the moment, all the fighting spirits are just juveniles. There is no data on the five-dimensional map. However, once the evolution is successful, the five-dimensional attribute map will be displayed on it.

Finally, according to the attributes on the five-dimensional map, we will determine the quality of evolution. The quality of war spirit in the growing period is also divided into three types: ordinary, elite and perfect.

"Is this the interior of the evolution chamber? It's really advanced! " Feng Yixiu looks at the facilities in the evolution warehouse and is surprised.

All the facilities in the evolution warehouse reveal a sense of high technology. The biggest instrument in front of him is the machine specially refining the spirit liquid of evolution.

Feng Yixiu carefully took out a small piece of paper, which was a detailed record of the evolutionary method he specially prepared. It recorded the first evolutionary method in the system.

If there is no evolutionary method, only relying on the evolutionary material table can not successfully evolve, both of which are indispensable.

Such a small note, he also wrote a copy to Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao, and brought them into their respective evolutionary silos.

"First put the Warcraft crystal core into the No. 5 refining box, and 42 minutes later, put the white orchid into the No. 17 refining box, and then put the lightning bolt..."

Feng Yixiu meticulously starts to extract evolution spirit liquid according to the evolution method prepared before. The whole process is very precise and complicated.

There are 31 different refining boxes in front of him. Each refining box has different functions. For example, No. 5 refining box uses electric current to melt crystal nucleus, No. 3 refining box is flame quenching crystal core, and No. 17 refining box is grinding

If you put the wrong refining box or the wrong time for even a minute, the final result may be failure!

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Finally, all the materials finally converged, forming a tube of evolution spirit liquid emitting thunder light.

Feng Yixiu carefully took out the purple evolution spirit liquid and looked at it carefully for a while.

"This evolvable spirit has a good smell. It's a perfect level of evolution spirit." The wind also repair smile ha ha way.

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