
Ren Tianze angrily points to Long Xiao and thinks that this guy's hand is too fast. He answers the phone before he responds.

Long Xiao hung up the phone and said with a smile, "ah My housekeeper is a fussy man. He is preparing to report to the Holy Spirit headquarters. You can see that this is unnecessary... "

Smell speech, Ren Tianze and Luo Xingyun are helpless to shake their heads, now this situation is really can not help Long Xiao.

If a character of this level wants to be overthrown, he must have sufficient evidence. Now, it is really groundless to convict him only by pursuing Feng Yixiu.

If we let the Holy Spirit headquarters know, then all the war spirit emperors will know, and there will surely be unnecessary riots.

What's more, the eastern family and the Han family have always been on the side of the dragon family. The attitudes of the white tooth and Xuantian holy courts are also ambiguous, which may lead to a large-scale civil war.

At present, the actions of heaven and evil people are very rampant. If they are caught by the other party and destroyed wantonly, they will bring irreparable losses.

Luo Xingyun, who had always been calm, couldn't help cursing: "the Dragon roars, the walls are not as thick as you. However, the death penalty can be exempted, but the living crime is hard to escape. You have no reason to attack president Ren. According to the regulations of the Holy Spirit headquarters, you must be locked up for three months! "

"No problem. Three months is three months. I'll be punished." Long Xiao nodded, then looked at Ren Tianze and said in a cold voice, "but according to the regulations, Ren president should also be locked up?"

"President Ren was also banned for a full month, which will be implemented immediately today." Luo Xingyun light way.

"Immediate implementation today? Isn't it usually started tomorrow? " Long Xiao frowned tightly and questioned.

Luo Xingyun slowly fell from the sky, and the star sword suspended in the sky gradually dissipated and turned into a silver streamer that automatically returned to its sheath.

The Si fan military division behind him also fell down, standing behind Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu.

"What? Is there something else you can't handle, or are you guilty... " Luo Xingyun walked to the side of Longxiao and stood shoulder to shoulder with cold eyes.

"Ha ha ha I'm a good dragon. I'm not guilty. Today is today. Anyway, I'll be punished one day earlier and come out one day earlier. " Long Xiao laughed a few times, in a high voice.

"That's good. I've already informed the East China headquarters before I come. Later, East China Marshal Ye Ming will also come. It happens that he will lead you to be punished." Luo Xingyun light way.

After a long time, Ye Ming suddenly came with a large group of people. The directors of the East China Department and the Ministry of fire all came to the scene, and all the captains gathered together with great momentum.

Seeing such a big battle, Long Xiao laughed and said, "isn't it confined? You see, you just like to make a fuss about it. What you don't know is that you are the backbone of the encirclement and suppression of heavenly evils! "

Ye Ming was confused. When he received the notice from Luo Xingyun, he said that he was going to arrest Long Xiao. That's why he was so enthusiastic that he brought almost all his fighting power.

But now the situation does not seem to be like this, Long Xiao still looks like a relaxed freehand brushwork, there is no sense of urgency.

In fact, they have long suspected of Longxiao, but they have been struggling to grasp each other's handle. Longxiao is really well hidden, without any flaws.

I thought that this time I would show a fox's tail, but I didn't expect that long Xiao was ready for everything. She didn't show a trace of evil spirit, and even more, she didn't face the wind.

"What is the situation? Didn't you say that you must capture Longxiao this time? How can I shut up... " Ye Ming pulls Luo Xingyun aside and whispers.

"It's hard to say..." Luo Xingyun shook his head helplessly and said in a soft voice: "this dragon Xiao is meticulous in mind and extremely good at hiding. We can't really let Feng Yixiu have any accidents, so..."

Ren Tianze also came up and said the matter just now to the point.

"This old fox is really hard to deal with Ye Ming was also itching with hate. He immediately turned his mind and said with a smile: "if it can be proved that the real dragon crystal core of the Dragon hunting group was transported to him, it is iron evidence."

"But if you want to search the family of the four saints, you must have a special search warrant, and you must obtain the consent of the majority of the Holy Spirit assembly..." Ren Tianze frowned.

Hearing the speech, the three people were silent at the same time. The process of the Holy Spirit assembly is extremely complicated, and the cycle is also very long. Even if it is really held, it may not be able to obtain more than half of the votes.

If it's going well, I'm afraid Long Xiao will have come out by then, or the dragon family will be alert and transfer those real dragon crystal cores.

Just when the three were helpless, Feng Yixiu suddenly took out a note and said with a smile: "haha Since regular canals don't work, can we ask for debts with ious

"There you are! In this way, we have a reason to enter the dragon's house. " Ye Ming takes a look at the IOU and pats Feng Yixiu's shoulder with a smile."But if the dragon family really returns it, we have no reason to search their treasure house..." Luo Xingyun has some doubts.

"Ah You are still too decent. I'll take care of it! Please escort Marshal Luo for me Ye Ming said with a smile.

Luo Xingyun did not refuse, silently nodded, and then went with Ren Tianze to the team waiting for a long time behind him.

Long Xiao has already been escorted to the helicopter, looking at them several people gathered together, talking and laughing, inexplicably in the heart of a burst of uneasiness.

However, it was just a moment of uneasiness. Even if I started to keep my eyes closed, I didn't mean to worry at all

"Shua Shua..."

The team began to disappear in the horizon, Ren Tianze and long Xiao were transported to the headquarters in East China to be confined.

Only Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are left at the scene, and Ye Ming is still in place.

"Haha Little king Shura, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. " Ye Ming smiles and says hello to the wind.

"Marshal Ye, you'd better call me fengyixiu or Xiaofeng." Wind also repair some embarrassed way.

"Well It's a little more intimate. " Ye Ming looked at the sky green jade Lin dragon after Feng Yi's self-cultivation and sighed: "what a beautiful real dragon fighting spirit. It seems that you also have some adventures. Now you don't need the real dragon crystal core..."

Feng Yixiu was also stunned for a moment and then said with a smile, "I promised Marshal Ye that this IOU was intended to be given to you. You must not be polite."

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